Jagdtiger and Tortoise at 6.7?

Jagtiger has much better mobility. It has much better armor with the only weakspot being the mg port maybe which is really very hard to hit, while the tortoise has worse armor profile with glaring weakspots everywhere even a 6.0 pather can hit, and let’s not talk about the humongous cupola that if anything with aphe looks at wrong then you are done for. jagdtiger has better penetration values and it has APHE!! mobility armor firepower jagdtiger has tortoise beat in every one of these by a huge margin. And they they are both at 6.6?? Make it make sense anyone!!! Pleasee!!!


I literally just got a nuke in the Tortoise in a full downtier, I think its fine at 6.7


My point still stands then jagdtiger should be moved to 7.0+ . I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t.


This is not a post whining about tortoise. It a post filled with envy jealousy contempt hatred disappointment and betrayal.


The Jagdtiger has no business being that high. It is sluggish, has a long reload and can easily be penetrated by almost anything. The only good thing it has going for it is the strong cannon.




Which vehicle within its BR range can not easily penetrate the Jagdtiger?

Of course, if you only engage its strongest armoured parts, you will fail, but that is all on you. And there are more than enough vehicles at its BR that have chemical rounds or even ATGMs that even get through the front effortlessly.

The Jagdtiger is one of the easiest vehicles to flank in the entire game. It is fine at 6.7. The King Tiger is the same BR but better.


but think of the poor german mains who cant get kills if the wunderwaffe goes to a right BR

The Tortoise is objectively worse than the Jagdtiger, which is why it should reasonably be 6.3, but the Jagdtiger going to 7.0 wouldn’t be fair either. The Jagdtiger is potent, but has weaknesses and isn’t invulnerable.

I also believe the T95 should be the same BR as the Jagdtiger since it’s easier to kill lol

I never understood why the T95 was 7.0. That’s just weird when the Jagdtiger gets to be 6.7


I played all three and I firmly believe that T95 is the best one.

I agree with OP that Tortoise is way less comfortable at 6.7. Although I have problem mainly with its mobility, not armor, it is easily the worst out of three.

I think that Tortoise was relatively recently raised in BR, wasn’t it?

Thats easy, the Jagdtiger can easely be killed from the sides and back while on the T95 you will struggle because of all the sloped armor and space from the double tracks


I have also played all three. The T95 is not significantly stronger than the Jagdtiger but has more prolific and well-known weak points. Everyone knows to shoot for the Cupola.

An inexperienced player may shoot for the side and struggle, but that’s not a weak point. Everyone who’s somewhat competent in that BR bracket aims for the Cupola, which is a much more consistent and prolific weak point than a Machine Gun Port on the Jagdtiger. While true that the Jagdtiger’s sides aren’t as durable, it’s also significantly faster and packs a larger punch. You can also mitigate the issue of armor by angling the Jagdtiger unlike the T95.

There is a reason I regularly drop nukes in the Jagdtiger and not the T95.

This is very True but the overall Armor layout is much bedder on the T95 then on the jagdtiger.
also the lower plate of the jagtiger is a large weakspot for me and the turretcheeks can be penned aswell with apcr/apds/heat.
in this sense the T95 can take more punishment from the front and to a degree from the sides.
and i think the T95 can rotate faster with neutral steering or just turning wich i find struggles the Tiger sometimes when driving slow.
plus the 0.50cal for all the rat tanks.

But in the end the players skill (and luck of course) decides how well these Tanks will do.

I’ve never been killed through my lower plate in a Jagdtiger.

Any HEAT that cuts through a Jagdtiger will cut through a T95. APCR is way too risky and few will fire it at a Jagdtiger, even fewer can pen it, and most people don’t even bring it. APDS shatters extremely easily and you need more than 270mm of flat penetration to cut through the superstructure’s cheek armor. That kind of penetration is nearly non-existent at 6.7 for kinetic rounds.

Remember that this comes with a major downside. The T95 is the least mobile vehicle in the game. The Jagdtiger is still relatively quick for its weight while the T95 is quite literally the slowest vehicle in-game.

Yes, the T95 is faster to turn, but if you’re in a situation where turning quickly is important, both vehicles are dead.

50 cal is useful, but cannot look backward. That has killed me several times.

Correct, but the T95 does not do anything better without a major drawback to balance it. There’s no reason the T95 shouldn’t be 6.7 alongside the other heavy casemates.

It’s a difficult shot, but the LFP on the Jagdtiger is volumetric (for some stupid reason) and thins out significantly towards the bottom of the tank. So much so that short 90mm APHE can penetrate and go under the transmission to oneshot your crew.

Vast majority, I would estimate >90%, of vehicles near the tier cannot pen Jagdtiger except for the MG port and flat areas on the turret (upper part of tank). It is incredibly hard to hit those small weak spots, especially when at range.

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Tends to be easy to get nukes it full downtiers… I mean…

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I can’t mirror what you’re talking about. This is the only spot I can find.

These two vehicles are hardly different in durability frontally. The only upside the T95 has is stronger side armor, but that’s balanced out by the extreme drop in mobility when compared to the Jagdtiger.

There should be no difference in BR based on these attributes.


This thread is about the British Tortoise at 6.7 (not the American T-95 at 7.0) compared to the German Jadgtiger at 6.7
Unless I’m missing something