
I hadn’t seen that chart before, this is great.

2657kg and 2660kg are pretty close, but where are you seeing that number? I read an “own weight” parameter, but that’s at 2776kg.
I have an excerpt from a flight magazine that had a pretty good article on the N1Ks, and it reported a roughly ~250kg weight saving from the N1K1-J, and the weight for that one is well known as it was tested by the US.

I should make a bug report for this…

Alright, thanks. Good to see the automatic translation wasn’t wrong, as I wrote in the reply above I should have enough information for a bug report.

The cannon used to be extremely good and this have 4x of those so br 6.0 it goes which is justified, but then they nerf the ballistic to 770 m/s and with real shatter it is very inconsistent.
It is a high alt fighter that can’t climb basically, a 4.3 performance plane at 6.0 and the flight model is also wrong.

Some way to fix it are to bring it back down to 5.3 or 5.7 and give airspawn since it was designed to intercept B-29 irl.

Same thing happened to the 4.0 Ki-43, they nerf the engine performance so it is now on par with the 1.3 ver but didn’t lower it br. They simply don’t care.


N1K1-J weight varies a lot from source to source. Either they are different subvariants or the load conditions aren’t the same. Some books lists at least three different ones side by side.

I think N1K2-J’s 3859kg in games comes from the higher overload weight 4860kg. They must have thought that it was with 4x250g bombs, so without bombs you get 1000kg less.


IJN Service Aircraft Table

page 32
第1技術廠 所在地 横須賀市浦郷


Specifications and Performance of Service AirPlanes of the I.J.N page 1


Prototype Shiden-Kai Provisional Operating Instructions Manual page 14

The last one is indeed prototype manual, but it’s uncertain what armament it had as one page shows 4x20mm + 2x13.2mm + 2x7.7mm setup. Apart from that I don’t know what else could be different.

I have seen those pages you send as well, but I have no idea what that 4200kg load includes. The 3rd page is composed in very similar manner to the prototype page and 1st page mentions the 3800kg load. It would be very strange to include wing loading and power loading with drop tanks or bombs.


Ah, I see that 2657kg figure you mentioned earlier. The last one goes even lower, but I assume it might have been missing equipment or something.

This is all very useful!

I also have no idea what the 4200kg part includes, but luckily they provide us with other numbers to use and fill in the gaps. It’s easy to verify that it is from an N1K2-J at least.

Apparently that manual you posted was for a pre-production N1K2-J and he says 4200kg was indeed with droptanks. Too bad the links are dead. They had very much the same empty weight to the production models at least.

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Dead links have been a real pain while I’ve been searching. Every time I got close to something - poof, dead link. As it turns out, both WT forums end up being the best sources lol.

I’ll definitely use what you have provided in a bug report.

This doesn’t quite make sense. It must be missing 2x250kg bombs.

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So just carrying a single removable tank for 860kg? That should be all it could carry, no chance it could also take the bombs on top of that.

It’s clearly a mistake. You just need to connect the official weights with what the book says.


Gross weight: 4000
full internal fuel

Overload 1: 4360kg
4000kg + 400 litre drop tank (292kg) + drop tank mount (26kg) + ?radio navigation system? (25kg)

Overload 2: 4860kg
4360kg + 2x250kg bombs

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Ah, I see what you mean now.

Do you have a more complete version of this?


I said, and I did


Support appreciated!


Im somewhat interested. Did your bug report on the F8F-1/1B and F7F 1/3 ever go anywhere?

*Used to have good armament. Japanese 30mm were nerfed to oblivion but the planes that were overtiered just because of them kept their br. Now with useless guns.


This thread is old but calling anything but the late spitfires, late mustangs, bearcats, etc superprops is off to me.

It usually just relates to the prop planes that are directly followed/adjacent to the jet tiers, not necessarily the performance. It also usually refers to just really late war period props in the game as a whole it feels like

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BnZ in the J7W? Are you joking? That thing can barely climb to alt let alone fight the gazillion f2gs that are already diving for it by the time it gets there.


It’s like the new Fokker. After they changed the flight model, the only thing this thing has for it’s BR is the firepower.

You can shoot down bombers and maybe someone in a head-on but you’ll lose every other fight.