J6K1 at 6.7 is stupid

Why is this aircraft so high in BR? It was well balanced at 6.0 or 6.3, now it faces full teams of jets 90% of the time where it cant really do anything, even with a skilled pilot. For example F89’s (which are criminally undertiered btw) are just one BR step higher, have AN AFTERBURNER, 6x20mm or the rockets, 350+ kmh effective top speed advantage…
Just what is the reasoning here? Can someone from Gaijin explain?
Meanwhile, F2G AND P51H are lower BR while having EVERY performance metric in their favor, save for turn, which really doesnt matter much when you cant catch up. Even the Griffon Spits and F8F can outrun the J6K1.
If the F2G can have 6.0, why not the J6K1?
Is this another case of way overtiering a plane because of ‘overwhelming armament’ ? Like a few years back when you folk at Gaijin thought it would be balanced to have Me 262 A1a face F 86’s ?
Dont you ever learn that deciding BR solely on average player statistics is an absolute logical phallacy?! Especially for these premium planes that anyone, regardless of experience level, can pick up right after installing the game for the first time!

Pic related, your average match. This is not what balanced looks like.


Hmmm, I wonder why, oh I know 6 20mm cannons, 2 13.2mm heavy machine guns. So please by all means tell us why it shouldn’t.


Ah then by that logic the P-51A with its 4x 20mm guns should be at 5.0 alongside the 190 A8. Two shitbricks, finally united in their poor flight performance.

Faces aircraft much faster and more modern than it - F-89B is just one BR jump above yet it has comparable armament. It is so slow when compared to early jets that getting even a few kills will be extremely difficult.

Also, it was already perfectly fine at 6.0 as a competitive late prop. Having this many guns doesn’t actually help it much, just 4x 20mm is already more than enough to shoot down anything.


The 20mm P-51A performs well but is slow.
The J6K1 has 6 20mm type-99 II cannons, 2 13.2 Heavy machine guns, and has both speed up to 686 KPH and maneuverability comparable to a Ki-84 and a little bit more. As well as access to performing Light-Medium Cas role relatively well. While the “P-51” aka 20mm P-51 has none of this.

To put it simply your logic makes little actual sense cause you’re trying to compare a brick and a Dorito and last I recalled one of them isn’t edible.

Well, gaijin always believed the firepower could be the most important part for the BR, even I can use some of the 5.7-6.0 planes to defeat it, and don’t forget that TA152C and Ta152h are still in 6.3/6.0

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Because its not that good???

Its a brick

It compresses hard.

Yet P51H can stay at its br.


Its 6.7 simply cause dumb US players headoning it and then dying.


US players, Germ players every player. Japanese Mains often or not have a higher skill ceiling compared to other nations this isn’t to discredit those who are incredibly good with other nations but the majority of those who are mains of said nation just aren’t good.

The 20mm P-51 isn’t bad however if you were to use it at higher BRs you have a lot more factors to consider.

J6K1 is slow though. And those 6 cannons are HEAVY.

I dont own it but it definitely doesnt have Mk22 Spitfire levels of performance and simply having 6 cannons arent going to kill any faster than the 4x Mk5 Hispanos on those high tier Spits or even the 4x M3 cannons that late war American fighters like the Bearcat get.

If “more dakka” was that important in BR placement then there are plenty of other planes that should be a good 1.0 higher than they currently sit by that logic.

Lots of guns on a bad platform doesnt make an aircraft effective.


So what? like i pointed out the F89 B has 6x20mm aswell, with better RoF and better ballistics, oh and its got afterburning freaking turbojets ! all while being just one tiny BR step higher, meaning youll verse them almost every game. Also when one single .50 cal in your fuel tank can kill you easily to me the whole ‘but muh dakka’ argument becomes irrelevant.
I gave plenty of reasons why it doesnt belong at its BR in the OP post, if you choose to ignore them thats on you. Its outperformed by superprops that are lower BR than it.


This is a highly disingenuous statement.

It only reaches 686 km/h at 10 km high. Even still, this is almost 100 km/h slower than the P-51H’s top speed which is achieved 3 km lower.

At sea level, the J6K1 doesn’t surpass 600 km/h, doing about 593 km/h, when you have planes like the F8F, F2G and P-51H which do 670.

If one is to say that the J6K1 is fast simply because of its maximum speed at extremely high altitude, it could also be said that the Fw 190 C is fast because it has a speed up to 685 km/h, even though at sea level it is quite literally just as fast as an A6M5 (Edit: it’s actually slower by 10 km/h).


Perhaps it’s a case of it being better in Grnd RB where it may be able to destroy more ground targets with heavy armanent. When (if?) they bring different BRs between AirRB and other realistic to lower BRs it may change in AirRB.

For example, Ki-84’s have a big difference in BRs that look only due to armament.

Ki-84 ko , BR 5.3, 2x 12.7, 2x 20mm
Ki-84 otsu, BR 5.7, 4x 20mm
Ki-84 hei, BR 6.3, 2x 20mm, 2x 30mm

From 5.3 to 6.3 and yet has the same airframe/engine… same flight performance, just different guns.

adding to that the j6k1 rips its wings at 750-760 ias

Japan has some insane BRs.

Ki-84 prop sits at 7.7 in AB as well, ridiculous.


How is that even physically possible? o_O
Does it have like no engine power at sea level?

Extremely high drag due to turbocharger pouch on a “fairly low power” engine that is fitted with literally the best turbocharger in the game that keeps it from losing almost no horsepower from sea level all the way to 13 km high without ram effect.


Compared to the example that was given it isn’t. When you drop that plane into Sim or ground RB it excels incredibly well when it is tasked to fight other crafts.

Even in Air RB, performs incredibly well. Sure it’s not as fast as other crafts at the BR but no one is stupid enough to turn it or head on the thing and if you cannot head on it nor turn fight that only leaves one option. One that most don’t do.

And the Hei version isn’t even really worth playing for the armament anymore since they killed off the Ho-155 cannons…


RIP our 920m/s shell velocity.

At least it did get better belts for GRB though.

Hei never deserved to be 6.3 anyway IMO, the guns even at their peak werent that good enough to justify it on an airframe that is literally identical to the first one. It should be 6.0