J-10C Vigorous Dragon, Chinese competion at the top.

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caid’s suggestion #136

I would like to suggest a Modern Chinese Fighter, the Chengdu J-10C Vigorous Dragon

The Chengdu J-10 is a Chinese multi-role fighter of the 4th generation. Developed at first to be a 3rd generation, his original goes back to 1981 when China ordered the development of a new plane following a new way to get the plane, instead of giving the requirement of the plane they wanted one builder and get what the builder make, they made a competition between 3 major builders and chose the more interesting of them. it was Chengdu who got the contract to develop the new plane from their proposition. the J-9 was their initial proposition it was never built, it was a plane that was likely inspired by the JA-37 Grippen. the plane however was too advanced for the Chinese capacity. incorporating 60% of new technology, the J-10 was the most modern plane that China could build. this slowed the development and all the technology needed to be tested, the compartments were adapted to each other, and in the end, the industry wasn’t capable of producing it since it was too advanced for their capacity. The plane was finally built in 1997 and flow in 1998. it was already 17 years since the plane was been developed back then. and it was just entering the trial. but the trial appear to have gone well as the plane was put into production in 2002. the first planes were in service in 2006 and only revealed in 2007. the result was quite impressive, the plane was remarkably modern and looked oddly like the IAI Lavi which led to believe that Israel had been involved in the development of the J-10 deliberately or unconsciously. but the fact is China had built this plane, integrating a lot of technology that was from other countries and adapting with each other. nonetheless, this plane would be a great addition to the game. the J-10C is the last version known to reach services, featuring a locally built engine, it also receives a variety of avionic improvements and the ability to use the last generation of air-to-air missiles. the plane was officially introduced in 2018. As for 2021, a total of 200 J-10C is believed to be in service in China.

The armament of the J-10C is pretty decent. the first was a 23mm GSh-23 placed under the fuselage a bit at the left side to offer basic old-fashioned firepower for the dogfight. but the armament is not only auto-cannon. like any modern plane, his firepower depends on his suspended armament. in this case,11 hardpoints capable of carrying a total of 5600 kg allow you to have a great selection of weapons. Among the known suspended armament, there is the following list

Air-to-air missiles

Air-to-surface missiles

Guided bomb

Unguided bomb

  • 250 kg
  • 500 kg

Rockets pod

  • 90mm rockets pod

i prepared the fallowing Graphic to indicate where the armament is know to be mounted. this is only conclusion from the picture and it may not be totally accurate


  • short/medium range air-to-air missiles
  • Rockets pod


  • 1 air-to-air missiles
  • 2x short/medium range air-to-air missiles
  • Air-to-surface missiles
  • 1x bomb up to 500 kg
  • 2x bombs up to 250 kg
  • Rockets pod


  • Fuel Tank
  • 1x air-to-air missiles
  • 2x short/medium range air-to-air missiles
  • Air-to-surface missiles
  • 1x bomb up to 500 kg
  • 2x bombs up to 250 kg
  • 1x bomb up to 1000 kg
  • Rockets pod


  1. Avionic pod
  2. 1x bomb up to 250 kg
  3. 1x air-to-air missiles


  • 1x bomb up to 250 kg
  • 1x air-to-air missiles


  • Fuel tank
  • 1x bomb up to 500 kg
  • 2x bombs up to 250 kg


the plane has high flight characteristics. due to its canard configuration, it has high maneuverability at low and high speeds. the forward wings are completely inevitable which makes it ideal for taking a hard turn. The engine been a completely new domestic engine that was long awaited, the WS-10B afterburning turbofan engines, who provide a thrust of 89.17 kN (20,050 lbf) dry, 142 kN (32,000 lbf) with afterburner. the plane being lightweight will have relatively good power with this engine. the plane will show high performance and a better thrust/weight ratio than the successive J-10 due to its lighter weight. it would be capable of matching modern planes around the world. at least those that are from the 4th generation.

The J-10C would not have the right to claim to be a 4th generation fighter without some of the most advanced avionics. in this matter, the J-10C is not lagging and has all it needs to compete with the advance aircraft.

Additional picture


Add it with Mig-35, Mitsubishi F-2, F-16 Block 70/72(F-16V) and eurofighter typhoon
+1 x 200000


+1 best dragon

1 Like

About cockpit MFD update:





A→B: MFD update
B→C: HUD update

Can make one more for J-10CE with foreign armament

According to Chinese Air Power: Current Organisation and Aircraft of all Chinese Air Forces, by Yefim Gordin and Dmitriy Komissarov, the J-10C uses the KLJ-7A Aesa Radat develop by No.14 institution, which reportedly is able to track 15 targets.

that is possible. show the sources and I will add the information in the suggestion

I will send in DS