Italy has a problem

Squadron vehicles should exist solely to provide funny flavour vehicles that do not fit anywhere in the game and exist solely for collectors and joyriding in test flight, maybe messing around occasionally.

If you think there’s any weird italian designs like that, go ahead. F117 is the perfect squadron vehicle - it has zero use, zero relevance.

“But isn’t that for event vehicles?” Event vehicles shouldn’t exist as currently implemented - FOMO is terrible consumer treatment.

But if you want to put an actually usable plane into squadron vehicles, then please don’t. You can grind out a 500k RP TT vehicle in ~100 games. You can sit down one weekend and no-life it if you so please.

You need 3-4 months for a squadron vehicle no matter what you do. They’re premiums without premium benefit.

Actually usable squadron vehicles punish players joining squadrons with friends (small squadron size), too. I joined my squadron because I had fun with the leader one match and we got along. My squadron has good vibes. It also gets 7k research/cycle.


from main menu. it is a couple clicks to join a random grinding squadron

Narrowing down the message here for you, it’s also not as simple as you say. You say this like you have a squadron lined up ready to go. I’m not going to continue this further.

just go to squadron menu, click on “Hide without auto-accept applications”, click through the list, find a half decent one that isnt full, and join it

This is what I mean, but with better wording. Especially the last parts

idk, some of them just make more sense as squadron vehicles than tech tree. i dont have anything against solid squadron vehicles

If they’re viable vehicles and not just interesting things that exist but don’t have a real use - then you’re essentially selling a premium without premium benefits.

Reason is that they take an absurdly long time to unlock with no real, viable ways to speed it up. Furthermore, if they are viable then a negative incentive is made against players forming squadrons with buddies with emphasis for vibes as large squadrons are a neccessity to get sufficient research per cycle.

how else would stuff like YAH-64 be added then?

I have zero ideas about helicopters, but:

If it’s actually useful, why not a premium or TT?

Is it some weird contraption that has zero relevance or use to Warthunder but is satisfying from a historical or gimmick/collector pov? Sure, go to squadron.

There is already premium US apache.

There is also a tt counterpart (sort of) which is AH-64A

It is prototype of AH-64, carries hellfires so it’s not that bad

Foldered TT or another premium apache.

I see “similar design with slightly different weapons or engine” appear a few times across WW2 tiers so don’t see that as a deal breaker for premiums.

Premium is far worse as we seen with the Finnish 109 they can adjust the when and where they please for events

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Struggling to understand the complaint.

Premium gives you: Efficient research, increased sl and RP rewards.

At prop tiers it’s not that significant, but starting rank 4 it does get significant.

Squadron gives you none of that. Squadron just forces you to pay GE if you want the vehicle in a reasonable time frame - you can’t even no-life sweaty progamer high skill grind it out over a weekend - which you theoretically can for TT vehicles.

Indeed, that’s a real money paywall. Well, it’s not as bad as the unattanable vehicles that are events, tho it’s getting there, with premiums costing 100+ dollars nowadays.

I even made a best to worse list earlier for additions to WT, with free, bing near the top and locked behind Paywales near the bottom.


P-51 Mustang pack cost me £ 25 with it 1,000 GE and 15 day premium.

Finnish 109 shoved into a pack for their holiday and was at £ 28 with no extra GE or premium time.
Realistically it should of been around £15 or had the missing 1,500 GE and 15 day premium time.

Gaijin used that aircraft to boost the price of the Finnish air forces pack up.

Again: premium plane has efficient research, SL and RP boosts. the SL boost is significant whenever you play it.

Squadron vehicle has none of that.

Squadron vehicle, for a squadron like mine that’s more vibes and messing around in a discord than grinding, takes 221 days to unlock one that costs 500k research. 128 days for a 300k research one.

Regardless if it’s in a TT I unlocked everything in.
Regardless if it’s in a TT I havn’t ever touched.
Regardless if I go MLG pro and do 50 games with 4+ kills each for 100% RP reward and get optimal activity:time played each saturday and sunday.
Regardless if I suicide myself in a head-on into a missile.

I have absolutely zero means to increase research speed beyond ditching the good vibes squadron for a grind one… which will roughly double the research speed. That’s awful game design for what are supposed to be communities of like-minded players.

Oh, I also have the option to pay the same amount of money as an actual premium vehicle for no added benefit.

If it’s tech tree, then I have full control over how fast to research it - if it’s in a TT I have already unlocked, it’s fast. If it’s in a TT I never touched, it’s slow. I can go sweaty MLG Dendi (hypothethically, spherical cows and all that) and grind out 10K RP per game and get it in 50 games. I can absolutely suck and get it in 500 games where I head-on suicide the first enemy I see.

If it’s premium, I’d pay money like I already would have to for reasonable timeframe unlock AND get some legitimate economic advantages.

If it’s squadron… I get nothing.

Squadron is good for weird collectors things that exist for sake of being looked at and joyrides.

In fact, I’d love if all TT vehicles had a premium “shadow” copy. A premium horten would be amazing in my books - it’d actually be affordable to fly for PvP in ASB! I’d get it.

Ok do you have access to your own money by chance ?

Also I forgot to give my support to the main post so here it is. +1 hopefully Italy gets one soon.

After all, Squadron Vehicles are effectively(equivalent to) premiums for FTP players. After all not everyone is a whale wanting to spend real money on the game.

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Yes, and I hate that if I want a plane that has good SL income, I must pick weird prototypes that don’t interest me or fly a captured/lend-lease vehicle that will just annoy my team and my enemy. Some planes don’t have any premium variants for decent SL income (F9F, F2H-2, Horten).

even I know £64 is way too much but that guy is asking over £1,000 in premiums already on top off current ones

Like this update alone in pre order pack is close to £ 500 so 1,000 may be a bit light

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