Italy has a problem

China has their own stuff as squadron vehicles. Not Sweden though. Israel does get their own stuff as well. France gets it through subtree

Where in that comment did I say you weren’t allowed to wish to be whipped?

I play Italy more than 99% of players, why would this be some sort of attack on italy?

thats certainly the trend. and the devs are often too arrogant/ full of self pride to look to the community that knows the game in and out for where and what to do with vehicles so we are just gonna keep with the randomness a decade after the request was first “heard”

I too play Italy and I want them to be treated fairly as the other nations are


it was an attack on the squadron vehicle concept so affecting nations like Italy the most as they never have enjoyed the benefit of the system

They are treated BETTER by not having vehicles locked behind squadrons. Solo players should not be forced into joining junk/grind squadrons just to get vehicles that should have been in the tech tree. If you haven’t caught on yet I’ll say it again, squadron vehicles only exist so you might get frustrated by how long (2 months+ with perfect squadron/activity by yourself (at least a few hours a day) and hoping you will just GE it

How ?!, how is it better for Italy to miss out, that like saying Italy should be better of from not getting any event vehicles or BP content

to miss out on


Correct! Ideally Italy receives 0 event/BP vehicles! This means all the vehicles can be permanently available for free without additional requirements other than playing in the game itself!

But researching and playing squadron vehicles is playing the game tho because you need to be active to grind them


that does nothing but add to what im saying… additional requirements

are we really acting like joining some random grinding squadron is difficult?

Don’t you need “additional requirements” to actually play the game ?
What’s the point in having emails log in hell why connect to the internet lol

It shouldn’t be a requirement to join random junk squadrons just to get a vehicle. Its a perversion of the clan system and shouldn’t have been done

Out of things to say?

it literally takes 0 effort to click and join them. you dont have to interact with the players at all if you dont want to

Is it tho ?

I play IL-2 1946, you don’t need an email to log in to that you can play it right off the bat

Heck, being SQV is better than most ways a vehicle can be added(after other issues with the TT placement).

Order of best way a vehicle can be added to the game, of best to worst:


And as pointed out, you don’t need to play the tree to get an SQV, which is great.

I should not have to go far out of my way to find a grind squadron to begin with…