Italy has a problem

As long as it doesn’t take up the slot of a vital TT vehicle then im good with it. Having vehicles locked behind a 81 day wait can be frustrating especially if its one of the best vehicles. The RCV on Japan was a decent example since its worse than the TT so it doesn’t take away but its annoying that there wasn’t a TT option available.


Italy is a myth. Doesnt exist :P

But yes, probably about time they actually start getting content


Why do you want difficult to obtain vehicles? Squadrons are just ways for Gaijin to make money off noobs who don’t know they aren’t premiums or people who can’t be bothered to wait.

Can’t think of any squadron vehicle that couldn’t have just been event/premium/TT

why does it matter, squadron vehicles are only there to fleece you of ge hoping you are impatient, any squadron vehicle would be better off as a tech tree vehicle as far as the consumer should be concerned


Squadron vehicles are better than event vehicles though


Squadron vehicles are very important for the TT. They encourage people to try a new TT and start researching it. My example would be BMP-2M, which in the past motivated me to continue researching Soviet TT from 6.x up to top tier and I even bought T-55AM-1 for a setup. I’ve also returned to grinding Japanese ground recently, because of RCV, going to make 9.7 setup soon.
Better than event vehicles or not, it’s very subjective, for me squadron vehicles are better since I can play what I want without caring about getting 35k or more each 2 days to get them.
Also to me it seems completely unfair that some nations already have 5-6 squadron vehicles, but some just 1 or even 0 in case of Italy.


your map is incorrect. europe actually looks like this


they give an incentive to at least dip your toe into that nation. an event vehicle doesn’t do that and if it does for someone its a limited time offer. squadron vehicles arent


Europes third leg if you will. Just like how Italy is America boot


This isn’t a problem, squadron vehicles are just paywalled versions of non premium vehicles.


we should not be asking for squadron vehicles just because there doesn’t exist one… all vehicles are better as tech tree vehicles.

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We should because it’s clear favoritism, USSR and the US got loads of them even France got a couple. I just don’t get why Italy hasn’t gotten at least one, even if it’s an exported 6614 Spaa I will be happy with that.


You dont understand the purpose of them then. admittedly they are poorly done in the sense of the bishima or F117 but overall they are great ways to have non reserve tier entries into trees


Not only that but I can test fly the Su-33 if I wanted too instead of grinding the Soviet tree blind.
Plus I would like to add it’s a good way to test the waters for future sub trees too like the FCU.

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What part of “Squadron vehicles are simply pay-walled/time-walled tech tree vehicles” was lost on you?

There is no upside to this.

Ok if your stand on Squaddies = bad then I say all premiums = bad too

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There is, the FCU is thee best grinder for the Japanese tree it didn’t make sense as a tt as Thailand wasn’t announced. Locking it behind an event or premium wall would be far worse.


Premiums provide a BONUS to EARNINGs if bought and can research the tree. Squadrons are tech tree vehicles you have to pay GE for or wait 2+ months. See the difference?

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