Actually, it was IS-2 №321. But the mission point based wasn’t standardized then.
[Event] Legend of Victory: IS-2 №321 - News - War Thunder
It got standardized starting with the Object 292 event.
Honestly the loading screens should be part of every event
Honestly I think 25K should be the max for these type of events as they were for the old winter events.
But yeah kinda sad how Italy is yet again hasn’t gotten a squadron vehicle.
What is the use of a squadron vehicle? They’re not good for anyone
They generally have lower rewards than counter prts
You earn it by playing for free and at a relaxed pace whilst within a squad.
You get vehicle without the need to grind this exact TT.
Can we please get the wallpaper as a loading screen as well? This one looks too good to not be in the game!
No. IS-2 No 321 was still in old event cycle, but was the first score based event.
New event cycle started with Object 292 and that’s what i am talking about
The problem is the time required to grind a squadron vehicle. And the other problem is they are mostly higher tier, and generally have lower rewards than TT.
Rewards should go premiums > events > squadron > TT
I’m not saying massive margins.
You have to fight up to 3 squad mates and 15 team mates for score. It’s not really relaxed when you have to fight friendlies for score.
It’s like heli pve, there aren’t even viable targets for everyone, so some people leave. Eventually either the game is won super quick and you get no rewards, or pretty much everyone leaves and you can make a decent amount if you stay the whole 3 hrs
@magazine2 It SHOULD be a premium. It’s not going to be commonly played, and significantly will decrease the the players trying to get it. There hasn’t been a “high” tier premium in forever from events… it’s a bit odd. What’s even odder, is that it’s not a crazy rank or br, just give it premium. The devs are making $90 premium planes which are outrageous, but an Italian vehicle cannot get this status ??
Seems like many people want this to be a premium
It should not be a premium
This thing used to be a premium right?
It was just a bug, it is normal now
thats a shame
May i ask why? There is literally nothing to lose from it, it’s only gain for anybody who will grind this event. And it’s not a type of vehicle that would flood the entire BR bracket for longer than a day or 2 after the event is over either, so other players don’t lose anything from it.
@UniqueScorpions @Hudler Please settle your disagreements via DMs and not publicly.
That’s what I was saying.
Also I can’t dm with him, his profile is private.
Because they need to add submarines or something really kool