Italy has a problem

Premiums provide a BONUS to EARNINGs if bought and can research the tree. Squadrons are tech tree vehicles you have to pay GE for or wait 2+ months. See the difference?

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And this is different from it being a tech tree vehicle how? It cannot grind rank 1-5 effectively

FCU was only added because they were planning the subtree, your logic sucks

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Sqdn vehicles are a freemium if you may. tech tree rewards without the grind and also not being a pay to get to the heavens of WT 1500s pope style.

Because it sets people priorities, I managed to use the FCU and grind most of the Japanese top tier.

It gives an player that extra option if they wanna switch trees or not and give a taste on what it’s about.
But also like said 117 that totally didn’t fit in the tt at all.

you can play above where SL rewards are ass straight off the line

they are TECH TREE vehicles with ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, no further buffs or bonuses are applicable

what does this even mean?


The only requirements is your in a squad and active that it most people are in a squad.
So that point is invalid

Unfortunately, still extremely valid

No, if your in a squad you will grind it without playing said tree.

What was wrong with the F-117? Perfect implementation imo

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I agree with that actually, the other way would of been event which is worse


passive research while playing and researching something else, whats the problem in that?

Not having to grind for a couple hundred hours in a new tree or thew vehicle being unique in one way or another is sufficient.

I like that things like the post falklands shar is a squadron vehicle for example. Not much different from the TT one but has its own thing at the same time, it would have been pointless in the TT as its so similar and it would suck for it to be a premium, especially as we have T10 slightly above it now and is far better in every aspect.

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F117 would have been better as an event vehicle in the same way as AVRE petard was. Doesnt really fit in with WTs typical gameplay style, has limited abilities so has to be significantly lower than its era peers for balance.

Squadron vehicles tend to be vehicles you can unlock to dip your toes into how a tech tree plays. F117 is probably the worst choice for this possible. An AV8 or sabre would have been a better choice for sqdn vehicle

And F-117 is the worst example of your point possible. We have the A-4E at the same BR as a squadron vehicle too

That’s the whole point of Squadies, if there was one special off shoot of a variant then it has a chance to come in via SV

yea, but which one is the average person gonna recognise more. Generic cold war fighter or the legendary stealth bomber. its status is pop culture will attract more people to it than the A4 giving a worse gameplay experience.

Plus it gave more people to test the stealth mechanics, More people = more reports


I love when the community repeatedly and vehemently wishes for their own backs to be whipped with topics like this, goes for economy topics too or balance topics