It’s Fixed! №87

Yeah, got it. So people are ticked about the since-forever AB rule coming to RB, got it. (Scouting is pretty important for generating air and artillery points in AB too, btw.)

I’d still like to know: does the new “engaged 60sec before the active scout” rule ALSO apply to arcade, either in addition to or replacing the “not by intelligence” failstate rule that was there before (unclear);

If it IS just an RB version of the AB rule (which is plausible since the failstate has the same name in both modes), then it’s only the tank that engaged before you scouted that denies you the points with a kill of your mutual target. If your scout is killed by a second friendly enemy you still get the Intelligence points. But I agree clarity would be nice. I still say it could have been much better written.

Smin’s post here trying to clear this up just adds to the confusion, btw. I think it shows this was so poorly explained even he got it wrong. Rewards haven’t changed at all for Arcade, only perhaps the failstate conditions have. And he’s ignoring the SL/RP reductions there.

I feel like the scouting changes are a bit much, like 60 seconds in GRB is a fairly long time - the enemy could reposition, repair, and do more in 30-45 seconds, to which your scout would be a tangible help for the person that’s been engaging said target, in which the scouter should be rewarded. I’ve had instances where tanks I got non-damaging hits on would dip down into cover and reappear a few seconds later about 50-100 meters in a different position, and the only reason I was able to kill said tank is because someone else had it scouted for me so I was able to keep track of it (all within a span of 30 seconds)

If all this feedback is falling on deaf ears, I would wager 15-30 seconds cooldown is much more reasonable, if this Not by Intelligence in GRB is here to stay…


I shoot tank.
You see tank I shot.
You scout tank.
I kill tank.
You get Not By Intelligence.

And this is somehow an improved version of:

I shoot tank.
You see tank I shot.
You scout tank.
I kill tank.
You get By Intelligence.

And now we also get:

You scout tank.
I shoot tank, a 60 second timer starts
Scouting wears off
You scout again
I kill Tank
You got not by intelligence because I tagged it before your second scout, so it’s as if you didn’t.

It’s to prevent scout-scumming for CAS that light tanks were previously capable of doing, that’s it, that’s the only change.

Oh, so instead of actually dealing with that issue, you target something entirely different instead?

Now in a majority of cases you can no longer obtain the Intelligence and According to Intelligence awards.
And this change magically was accompanied by ‘‘fixing’’ scouting, which just proves it was intentionally not working properly by design.

Remove the stupid SP reduction then, it’s trivial to spawn CAS without scouting anyways, it doesn’t do anything but increase daily task grind.

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This is a hypothesis, not a fact.

No, that would affect proper scouting too. This change prevents farming cost reductions off of people who are already being killed, you could literally just wait behind a wall in cqc situations, wait for your allies to shoot someone, then spot based on the marker popping up when someone gets hit.
or generally just look where your team shoots and spot whats there instead of actually looking for the enemy and provide intel to your team.

If they reduced cost reductions overall or increased SP cost, they would also punish actually spotting enemies before your team sees them.

You mean that’s literally what happened?

Regardless, there are way more variables now that impact your ability to scout, and none of it is an improvement.


Then what exactly is the problem? You don’t want people to farm cost reductions so limit the cost reductions, taking away Intelligence and According to intelligence awards has nothing to do with that.

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Yes, one can scout vehicles which are already shot at - but on the other hand you can scout and the enemy is killed one ms after scouting timed out and you got no reward at all. This may compensate the first point. So the old mechanism seems fair to me
BTW the easiest way to slightly reduce CAS would be to increase their spawn points a little bit and not to implement a new, complete non-transparent mechanic


And daily tasks are getting harder

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I hope they change it so that “not by intelligence” is included… But…

They should increase sp cost for bombs, rockets, etc and not for the plane itself so people can still use fighter planes to destroy cas

Yeah, but clearly that is not the problem, its people completing daily tasks and whatnot faster than they want them to, they’ll just never admit it.

Yeah, even in a test drive the stuttering is pretty noticeable, but in an actual match it’s borderline unplayable, especially at top tier where you don’t have that 0.1sec to wait for the game to unfreeze and let you fire

Daily’s have been the same exact difficulty for at least 2 years, and they dropped significantly in difficulty from 2019.
So no, they’re not getting harder.

What do you mean by that?

I mean daily tasks have reduced requirements since 2019.
And their requirements haven’t changed in a very long time from present.

This LITERALLY does nothing but make the daily tasks harder.

No, this doesn’t make daily tasks harder.
Just scout things that you personally discovered… you know… be a light tank.

Having just played the first battle mode since the ‘‘UI update’’ … turns out they changed the mode and reduced the tickets, why are they endlessly just being dishonest about things?


It’s a new mode, so this is false… and it’s not an improvement either so that’s also false.

stabilizers no longer allow you to increase the turret rotation speed

Also false.

Scouting has been fixed, and improved!

Also false, also misleading and dishonest.

Gajin really hit it out of the park with this one.


Okay, and that is harder than it was before because fewer things count, I’m one more stupid answer away from you to just but you on the block list, if you’re seriously going to pretend that this does not make it more difficult when it factually, objectively, logically does, every second talking with you is a waste of time because you are not an actual person, you are not arguing in good faith, you’re not arguing facts, you’re not arguing logic, you’re not doing anything and the only logical and reasonable explanation is that you’re either a troll or you’re paid to do this.

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