Gaijin take away with one hand and take away with the other
Gaijin take away with one hand and take away with the other
straight up downgrade. why do you do this gaijin ?
What’s in the holy heavens it’s that? C’mon gaijin
I would like this new hud element if it was without that animation. The animation is very distracting and it looks like we are playing overwatch
Initially, I was hyped because I thought it wouldn’t penalize you with the full cooldown penalty if you scouted just right after a enemy died, but this is just a straight up nerf after reading the comments
This change impacts the amount of air strike and artillery points for (Arcade) or aircraft SP (Realistic) you receive for “Not by intelligence” scouts. Meaning those that scout a target already shot simply wont get as much SP as before for an aircraft or for strike in Arcade. Successful scouts will still provide all the SP and Strike points as before.
You sure it doesn’t affect SL and RP gain?
As for the proves - it is only logical having seen some of the changes that get introduced into the game - choices made my decision makers in game dev seem very opposite to what players who play want. Meaby it is a too far fetched conclusion but this is feels like decisions being made based on statistics and not gameplay experience.
It is nice to see a perspective from the other side and their intentions - to reduce the amount of SP earned from spotting. Too bad this change was introduced without a deeper thought how spotting works or what is it’s purpose. Spotting doesn’t just “detect” the enemy but most important it constantly relays enemy position for 30 seconds for entire team compared to simple hit ping on map. This problem would be easily recognized by a competent person with enough game knowledge who uses scouting mechanic but I suppose game devs do not belong to that category. They would have tested it and noticed all the wrongs with it - like reduction in SL and RP earn.
The fact that not at any point the impact on the ‘‘Intelligence’’ and ‘‘According to intelligence’’ awards are mentioned either means Gaijin has no clue about this, or is intentionally trying to push this nerf through by being vague about it, and considering this nerf is presented as an ‘‘improvement’’ rather than a nerf, I am inclined to believed it is in fact nefarious.
There are daily tasks and special medals that require these awards for progression, with this change it can require a significant amount more games and targets scouted in order to accomplish that.
Also ignored the impact on the SL gain and RP economy… if you scout a 100 targets that end up being killed, you would previously get 75.000 SL… with these changes that could net you less than half, maybe 30.000 SL based on my match where I had a 55% reduction in SL and RP earnings.
If your goal was to nerf the SP reduction from scouting, you could have you know… reduced the SP reduction from scouting, instead it’s used as a cover to nerf rewards and increase the grind, and I am, once again, left disappointed by the disrespectful way Gaijin treat the community and consistently is trying to undermine their efforts by sneaking in these changes under false pretenses.
The alternative explanation is a careless attitude in regards to changes made to the game, going at it with a sledgehammer rather than a chisel, which reinforces the believe that these people do not play the game and do not understand the significance of what they are doing, or simply do not care.
None of the explanations are acceptable in my opinion.
In case you misunderstood:
If a friendly hits an enemy and you scout that enemy, you won’t get SP cost reduction (RB) or airstrikes (AB) if THAT FRIENDLY kills that enemy. You will still get those if a different friendly kills that enemy.
RP and SL rewards aren’t changed in any way.
It basically makes it so people can’t farm easy access to their CAS with enemies that are already being shot. Chances are, if they already got hit they’re already immobilized anyway.
You would still roughly know where they are, plus again, if they already got hit, there’s a good chance they’re immobilized anyway.
They would probably die to a different friendly than the one that hit him 30s ago from across half the map (if he didn’t get immobilized he’d likely get into cover anyway), so you would still get the SP cost reduction / air strike points.
Again, only if the target was “hit” by the friendly that also kills them. Besides, successful scouting has a very short cooldown, so I wouldn’t call it wasted anyway.
Yeah, I really think people are misreading this (because it’s not very well written).
What they’re calling here the “not by intelligence” condition always existed, it’s what produced “Scouted Target Damaged/Destroyed” on the screen and in the end-game results.
The difference is, before the rule on this said: “Reward is granted only if the destroyed enemy was not clearly visible to your ally before the scouting or their destruction, or if the attacker is your squadmate.”
It doesn’t say for how long the “not visible to the ally” condition lasted before this, I don’t think it was 60 seconds, I always thought it was just a visibility spot check to see who could already see the target right when you hit the scout button.
It also doesn’t say if “your ally has not hit that target in the last 60 seconds before you hit the scout button” is in addition to the previous “not clearly visible” condition, or a replacement to it.
As far as Battle mode changes goes, it’s interesting people are saying adding the kill count and timer today is making the matches shorter. Presenting more information to all players (as ugly as the U/I choice here was) so they actually have a clearer sense how to, yknow, win the game, is probably an advantage to newer players (who don’t know exactly how it works yet) relative to more experienced players (who already knew how to manage Battle mode games, check how much score each side had left, etc.) Now fix Air Domination the same way, no one knows how to win that either, as far as I can tell anyway.
Why don’t they get inspiration from what is working well out there for shooters?
Best examples are CS or COD : it’s simple, white, neat.
RP and SL rewards aren’t changed in any way.
Because 60 SL is the same as 600 SL and 0 RP is the same as 80 RP.
It basically makes it so people can’t farm easy access to their CAS with enemies that are already being shot.
Clearly that is not the goal or they could have reduced the SP reduction or increased CAS cost.
It’s completely bogus especially since it’s trivial to spawn a plane without scouting, it doesn’t solve anything but nerf rewards and increase grind.
You HAVE to misread it because Gaijin is trying to sell a kick in the nuts as a good thing for you… they’re a snail selling snake oil, which I’m going to call snail oil from now on.
The game was never a historical simulator. What the hell are you speaking?. They have said this numerous times that it is a SImulation of tanks, ships and aircraft. It is not a Simulator.
Both words are in this context not interchangeable. As the context they are being used in are not the same.
You misunderstood I think, its a new thing, they literally nerfed scooting rewards and call it an improvement.
They don’t want players to get rewards so easily. Killing or die trying is their strategy to push people to pay.
I think its pathetic.
Im not going to say that the new hud is awful but it’s not great, like you know when something just looks right and fits? Well this one just doesn’t. It’s not exactly clear, it’s distracting and it looks too much like a mobile game for it to be considered an improvement. It’s missed the mark imo and needs to be changed to something more universally appealing. As for the scout changes yet again it’s been word’d in way that quite frankly doesn’t read well or make clear sense on the RP changes.
Unfortunate the framerate stuttering and chugging has not been fixed. Glad to hear y’all are working to fix it, however this fix hasn’t worked for me.
Not sure what they mean by that, I havent seen any changes.
Its so vague, it can be graphics it can be cpu it can be memory…
The menu panels are ridiculously heavy on graphics because of transparency. Everytime I open the map or the scores, fps drops by 50%.
When cpu is writing for a new temp object/model on disc. They cant do much about that I guess, may be force cpu to write more temps at battle loading.
Otherwise its graphics, they cannot offer a new gpu to everyone! You have to lower your settings!