It is suggested that the Air Combat History mode, the health of the theater be increased by several times, and then the benefits of bombing are completely calculated by the bomb yield (rather than destroying the theater)

It is suggested that the Air Combat History mode, the health of the theater be increased by several times, and then the benefits of bombing are completely calculated by the bomb yield (rather than destroying the theater).

Dude - WTF is the Air Combat history mode?

I recommend to rephrase your post and try and try another translator. For me it looks like you want to discuss increased base health and balancing of bombers with TNT output, but i am not sure…

Air Combat history mode is aircraft RB mode,is sure want to discuss increased base health and balancing of bombers with TNT output

Ok, much better translation now :-)

I suggest that you change the title of the thread and your initial post - otherwise almost nobody has a clue what you are talking about.

Regarding the introduction of respawning bases - this issue was part of endless discussion in the old forum.

The common outcome of those discussions looked like:

  1. Bombers are incredibly hard to balance for gaijin
  2. Either they were too strong and ended matches too quick
  3. Or their ai gunners were far too strong for most fighter pilots

Planes like Tu-4s, B-29s, Me 264s ended matches often without any chances to intercept them, they killed the enemy airfiield within a few minutes.

Gaijin reacted:

  1. Limit of max 4 bombers per team
  2. Various nerfs like ai gunners, damage model of bombers
  3. Insane increase of BRs aand repair cost for certain planes

The goal was to make bomber game play financial suicide for the majority.

Unfortunately for gaijin that didn’t worked. Due to the comparably low skill level for standard players (fly straight to base and drop) in a bomber - and due to the high SL/RP earnings with base bombing - they introduced the respawning bases some years ago.

Basically gaijin gave up trying to balance bombers by various factors and focused on TNT output.

From a game play pov base bombing on maps/BRs with respawning bases became pointless, as killing bases has a very small ticket impact and is more or less insignificant for the outcome of matches.

For gaijin and most players is base bombing just an income source. Gaijin benefits from that with selling stuff like Ju 288s which allows 95% successful first runs, their players need no real skill to do this, so certain BRs are flooded with scripted planes (bots) doing nothing else…