Israeli early Ground forces (rank 1-2-3)

A +1 from me, would be neat to have Israel actually get Ranks I-III


It looks good. +1

What does the air tree look like? I see it looks limited based on what you said. If it doesn’t have comparable ranks, I don’t think it would be added unfortunately because I think they would want to match the Ranks due to Air and Ground being cohesive in-game.


PLEASE! Make it a full tech tree!


+1 A much needed completion of the Israeli Tech Tree!


A big +1 from me, it’s been a long time since Israel should have had its ranks I-III and in this way be able to move the TCM-20 to rank III for example, also currently new players who want to play immediately with Israel cannot do so due to the condition of having at least 1 Tier 4 vehicle from the main nations so this could be a possible solution. I also want to emphasize that in this way the fifth line of the Chilean or Turkish sub-tree could be included for Israel, which for me are the best candidates since they have vehicles of all ranges. Let’s hope that Gaijin implements it and excellent work. something like this could be seen with the I-III ranks as well as with a Chilean subtree:


something like that

not much material but at least they will cover every ranks
most of the rank 1 are trainer planes but they would still work in the game.


Looks like the Israeli Tree already, I can see it happening now lol. +2


I’ve said it before, at least Rank III should have been added since day 1. Ranks I/II don’t really have any substantial lineups except maybe 3.7
Also some BR notes, for GRB:
M14 is essentially an M13. The 13.2s might be a bit worse (maybe) but still probably 1.3 at least (M13 is 1.7).
M3 (6pndr) is the SU-57, and 2.3
Degem Alef is 5.0, it’s the M4A4 (SA50). Degem Bet and Yud also should be .3 higher accordingly. I’d also swap their positions with the M-1 with these BR changes (M-4, M-1, Degem Alef/Bet in folder)
M-4 is just the M4A3(105) and is 3.0.
Cromwell III is essentially just a Cromwell V and is 3.3.
Churchill III is 4.0.
M50 (Achilles) is too low IMO
M3 DEFA is also way too low, should be like 6.0. It’s basically a bigger M56!

I would also like to recommend a few more vehicles:
M3 TCM-23

Another M-50, potentially based on an M4 Hybrid as a premium option. Pretty much every M4 model was used for M-50s but the M4 (Hybrid) was particularly common, third after the M4A3 and M4A4, and so it being a premium would be nice like the premium M-51 (M4 Hybrid)


Captured T-34s? Might be good filler if needed


The Israeli air force of the I-III ranges is not too big as you can see in this suggestion , but a possible solution is a Chilean Air Forces Sub-Tree that has a lot of material in those ranges so Chile could be the salvation of the Israeli air tree in the low ranges, this way the Israeli land and air tree could be implemented without problems



Yes, please! Was very disappointed when the Israel tree came with no early ranks. So what if there are many copy/paste vehicles, the China tree got plenty of them at lower ranks, so why no love for Israel?


those are good vehicles. but i overlook the M-50 hybrid because there are already 2 of them and the Degem Yud. i had the feeling it would be a bit of redundancy. especially since there are already 8 variants of the Sherman that work as medium tanks. the other were not listed because I feel like they would fit more at the Rank 4.

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For the premium M-50, the reasoning is

  1. The M-50 is pretty much the Israeli tank, after maybe the Merkava. Can’t really be too many IMO. And atm there’s only 3- 2 TT and a prototype premium.
  2. Pretty much every hull type was used to make M-50s. I’d advocate for the M4A4 for the Degem Alef as it was most common for that model and already modelled in-game, and the M4A3 for the Degem Bet as it was most common for its model and would give a bit extra armour over the Alef. The M4 Hybrid then would be (relatively) unique as a cast Sherman vs the small-hatch and large-hatch welded M-50s. Plus it could potentially be a Degem Bet at 5.0, being a bit faster than the Alef but with less armour.
  3. There’s no conventional premium between the Churchill III (4.0) and Degem Yud (5.7), so I’d think a 5.0 would be great especially as 5.0/5.3 is the first really solid lineup you’d get

actually it’s a hybrid cromwell IV and III. and it would have access to APCBC HE rounds like those used on by the sherman.

with lower mobility, a taller profile, lower velocity rounds, and weaker rounds. the SU-57 has its best round as an APCBC-HE while the Israeli one only has a solid shot that best matches the penetration but it’s only once you reach it. the SU-57 is already just ok at his BR. I think the Israeli one will be even weaker which justifies the lower BR.

the turret has limited elevation, the guns have 20 rounds magazines and the gunner is exposed. the P.7.T AA is at 1.3 and has twice the ammo and firepower. that is why I set it at 1.0

yeah, this tech tree was made before they raised his BR.

maybe, it can always be adjusted once we see how it fares. I based my estimation on the Ikv 103 who have a bigger gun, less mobility, and a longer reload. it also relies on HEAT rounds which give me a clue how his effectiveness could be. I assume the faster reload and higher velocity would change the effectiveness. I doubt it would reach 6.0.

higher mobility, new suspension, a new engine, addition of the smoke launcher justify the BR being a little higher.

Do you mean the M10 SA50? it’s almost the same as the Achille. so I put it at the same BR. if it fares better it can be adjusted.

I am not excluding being wrong about the BR in general, it is just an estimate and nothing final. Gaijin is the one who decides what BR they give it. the only reason I set a BR is to help people to visualize a potential line-up to their liking. I tend to build my line-up with different BR because some vehicles are still useful even at higher BR. so I take all that with a pinch of salt. at least until they are added.


Even with APHE I don’t think it’d deserve over 3.7. The Chaffee is also 3.7, and the T-34s only go up to 4.0.

The M4A4 SA50 is literally an M-50 Degem Alef, specifically the second prototype of the vehicle. It has the same M4A4 hull, R-975 engine, transmission, HVSS suspension, and everything else as the Degem Alef. Unless you meant that the Degem Bet and Yud should be higher than the Alef/M4A4 SA50? That I agree with. They’d be 5.0, 5.3, and 5.7. And as such it makes more sense to me to put the M-1 before the M-50s instead of between them or after where it’s at a lower BR than the Degem Bet.

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i am currently reviewing the topic itself. i will adjust the BR as well.

but I think the Cromwell is an underrated vehicle. it has good mobility and good armor. it can be effective in a game.

by mistake I deleted the main topic for a moment. i recovered it but I think I lost the pool.

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This has been missing since Israel was first introduced. +1


+1, I would actually love to see this in-game

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What country flag is that?

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Israel and Chile

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Ahh, thanks

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