Israeli early Ground forces (rank 1-2-3)

Ahh, thanks

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I would also like to recommend a few more vehicles:
M3 TCM-23

The Zachlam TCM-23 can be a Tier IV SPAA, the Zachlam TCM-23 being at Tier IV can also be a excuse to move the ZSU-57-2 from Tier IV to Tier V


Hell yes, been wanting this since forever!!!
(But nooo not the M-22 as a premium :((((, I don’t wanna pay for the funny moments and cap point trolling)

Can’t wait to use those kewl unique Shermans :P
(especially that pretty super Sherman)


It’d depend on BR
The two most similar vehicles are the BTR-ZD, 6.0, Rank IV and Bosvark, 5.3, Rank III. I’d put the TCM-23 at 5.7 which I think would mean Rank III.

it would also be possible to see it as warbond reward

besides, the reason I put it premium is precisely because it’s great and people will go get it.

seems cool but in order to prevent copy and paste it could just be kept a little sparse… to keep the freshness of the israeli tree since it starts at 6.0 to keep the grind easy and to add unique vehicles. AKA just add the stuff thats not copy and paste


There is not that much stuff that is copy-paste there. sure there is a lot of stuff that look alike but they are still unique

even the Sherman with the 75mm, it has different mudguards and gun mounts but also lacks the stabilizer. it looks the same, but it’s unique to Israel


Needs to be implemented as soon as possible, the Israeli tree should never have been introduced starting from rank IV.

yes, i am saying still remove those copy and paste and just leave the unique vehicles… it wouldn’t negatively affect the tree and would keep it unique. I also think the integrity of the fast israeli grind would be kept by doing this

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It would negatively impact the Tree, and the lineups would be much smaller and harder to make, and the options would be much fewer.


in the tech tree, there is only 9 copy paste that is searchable. 3 of which are found nowhere in the game. 1 is a reserve.

the 6 others are premium which are there to give some unnecessary but welcome additions to the different line-up.

for example, Churchill is offered the only heavy tank of the Israelis. the Archer is offering the best punch of the early tanks and the Locust is going to be the best annoying tank.

those in the tech tree are needed to build a proper line-up.

keep in mind some wanted me to add things like the M3 light tanks, and Dagem Alef (M3A4, M4A4 & M4A1) along with the current one. another M-1 and M-50 as well as the L-33 late and much more.
this version is already a version with 14 copy-paste removed out of the list that was made.
I am not saying that can’t be better but I say it should be enough uniqueness already.

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some copy-paste is either needed or premium.
the M-1 superhuman is the only Sherman in this tech tree with a stabilizer. i think we should not remove it. it offers a more offensive backup to the M-50 Mk. II.
the M16A1 is offering a stopgap SPAA we could replace it with the BTR-152 M45 but the tree has so much Halftrack that makes it feel odd to not include it.
the H.38 is the first reserve and offers the best armor of the low ranks. the T17E1 will be the backbone of the 2.0 line-up
The M7 & M10 are going to be the SPG of the 3.0 and 3.3 line-up

and so on.
removing them would weaken the line-up a lot and make the tech tree a lot less enjoyable that is true.


every SPAA except the French one who has a BR above 5.3 is ranked 4 in every tech tree. and adding it to rank 4 would make it less backward to move the Zsu-57-2 to rank 5 like it is in the Russian and Chinese tech tree.

it does not mean your idea is wrong or anything. The TCM-23 could fit in rank 3 but I think it would be natural at rank 4. I would not lose my mind if it ended up at rank 3. In the end, it would not change many things. it would just create a hole at rank 4 if we move the ZSU-57-2


would be nice for israel to have a full tree from rank 1


I would love to see a rank 3 for Israel
but ranks 1 and 2 would not be doable because of a lack of vehicles.

i think is just as easy to do as rank 3 and rank 4. The most interesting Israeli vehicles of this suggestion are rank 1 and rank 2.

and I could have a dozen more copy-paste and variants of the current vehicles.


Why??? You made the best vehicles unresearchable! The Me’ir, the M1916, the Daimler, the Terrible Leopard, the Churchill, THE DEGEM YUD!!! Why???

An undeniable yes


because they are the best and they will sell well.

Gaijin got to capitalize on each development in one way or another. if they see no way to make money, they will not invest money. By putting some of the best or at least some of the most interesting vehicles as premium, the players will still have access to it if they are willing to pay while Gaijin can get income from it.
at the same time, on the research side, there are more than enough vehicles to have good gameplay.

“meir” would be hard to balance and use because the auto-cannon will reduce his BR a lot while the armor will be too good to get too low.

the Daimler is a premium because the T17E1 is better and in the research line. i needed some vehicles with more armor in the research line to give a bit of survivability. the T17E1 is way more protected.

the M1916 is weaker than the M-3 and slightly stronger than the Krupp. As the M-3 and Krupp were produced and put into service while the M1916 seemed to have been just a test bed, it seemed natural to make it a premium.

the Terrible Leopard is a premium because it’s a unique hero vehicle. the Marmon-Herrington Mk.4F could be added to the tech tree, but I didn’t,t because it would be a copy-paste that is needed and reduce the chance for the players to get the Terrible Leopard.

The Churchill is the only heavy tank of the low rank and one of the two Israeli heavy tanks that was ever used. but since it was not exactly used by Israel but rather by the predecessor of the IDF during WW2, It would be a bit odd to add it to the regular tech tree.

the Degem Yud is a premium because it’s the best and most unique-looking Sherman in the game. this makes it a way too special tank for the tech tree, it might be a rare event vehicle or something.

so as you can see, they all have a reason to be there and I didn’t just randomly put them there for the fun of it. but that Gaijin will decide at the end what and where everything goes. this is just a proposal.


You could put the Daimler of the Etzel (אצ"ל, National Military Organization) as the starting premium (like the I-15 Russia recently got), and let us have the Daimler of the Haganah - which had a slightly better engine, I think.
The M1916 is rather unique - but not too much. I agree with you that it can be a good premium vehicle.
The Marmon-Herrington Mk.IV F is essential for Israel, and is more unique than you might think - it is not an open top, unlike the Sarc Mk.IV.a we have in-game, and also got a .50 cal once.
The Churchill was used by the Jewish Brigade - which was the basis of the IDF; and since Israel does not have almost any heavy tanks, I belive this (and 2 of the 3 models of the IS-3 that Israel had as well) should be researchable - it is necessary for the tech-tree to have any kind of vehicle.
The Degem Yud - which by the way, has two different models, both tested on the same Sherman as I know - is rather unique, one of the most domestuc vehicles you may find for Israel. It is unfair to not let most players have it; and you can make other vehicles a premium - there are many great options, like the M4A3E8 122K60 Ro’em Prototype, the M-50 Hybrid, the M4A4 (FL-10) and so on.