I grinded every plane in the game last year and i find myself just not interested at all in most of the new planes. They all play the same to me.
My biggest issue is the extremely limiting Game Modes. War Thunder’s air game modes are aweful. Sim is a good general setup but it hasn’t been updated much in 7ish years.
Air arcade is fun at low tier but completely falls apart beyond 9.0ish.
Air RB is boring at low tier and is now basically just a replacement for air Arcade at the upper tiers. Matches last 5 to 10 minutes and you’re either encouraged to bomb bases or you must play PVP.
Ultimately the air game modes either need to be reworked or they need to introduce a long form mode thats actually been updated.
EC is a good concept but as said above, its had VERY little work over the last 7 years. I mean modern jets are in a match with Mig-15 AI planes. It’s a mode thats just completely out of date.
Ultimately id love to see a new game mode that at least combines aircraft and helicopters that includes PVE and PVP gameplay in a longer form match.
This mode could have maps that utilize ground or air based AI radars in strategic locations to create sections of the map that have different forms of spotting. Id imagine 3 locations of each map:
- an area covered by friendly radar where enemies are auto-spotted.
- a neutral area where enemies are not spotted and neither are you - Ground RB spotting mechanics
- an area covered by enemy radar where you are auto-spotted but enemies are not.
Depending on what area you’re in, rewards for kills could vary. Objectives would be updated versions of EC objectives but more of them - AI ships, AI convoys, AI aircraft, etc.
Id also imagine mechanics that could mitigate the team wipe, such as reduced repair cost and auto-10% boosters if the losing teams tickets fall below 50% or 25% - just to encourage the losing team to stay and fight.
Maybe even having AI wingman aircraft or SPAA to help the losing team if theyre losing by a certain amount.
Even if rewards are slightly nerfed when compared to regular Air RB, i feel like this would be a really nice update for the air and heli community.
War Thunder Air just desperately needs something new. It’s probably the most dated gameplay in War Thunder.