Is War Thunder showing it's age now?

All activity is is a non-linear function of score plotted against time. If anything, capturing zones (solo) and assists from scouting provide more reliable score in my experience than simply getting kills. A kill may earn you as little as 200 score if the BR differences line up like that. In a game where all I did was scout the enemy team with my ratel 90 and kill a few enemies, I ended up with almost 2000 score. This translated probably to around 90% activity.


I don’t have the consistency to make arguments to predict activity% for GRB, but in ARB I found ~1200-1500 score at 12-15 minute match gives 90+% activity. Likely the same is true for GRB.


I do agree that ground seriously needs better rewards because even in games I execute at my top performance and get skill bonus II and multiple caps… give me a measly 3000-3500 RP. Given that a tier 4 line-up alone costs ~5x60K RP (that is, 5 tanks/SPAA/IFV at the sameish BR), that’s at least 100 games where you score ~1500+ AND get six kills.

Compare with ARB where you only need 1 80K RP plane to enjoy your new plane and a ~1500 score game with 2 kills gives me 5000-6000 RP where you get to enjoy your desired vehicle in just 15 games without the severe disadvantage that not having a line-up to adapt to map/nation/uptier/downtier brings.

One example game I had the other day was when I got 49% activity, despite the fact that we won the game and I had 21 Spotted enemy. I only used 2 lives and feel that it was my spotting that helped us win because the spotted enemy didn’t last that long after being scouted.

Activity is all messed up.

Did your teammates kill the enemies you spotted?

This is a key part of getting score for spotting. Just repeatedly spotting an enemy without them getting killed will not earn you score, as rather self-evidently it’s possible to sit in a corner repeatedly spotting a single enemy all match without actually contributing, potentially even colluding with the enemy to do so.

If they get killed though, you get an assist for it and that assist will net you ~150-200 points from looking at my ratel game recording. 5 such assists should give you a decent activity% for a 10 minute game.

The vehicle modelling and vehicle graphics are fantastic because they get attention.

Because they outsource them to people who do have some kind of passion and ambition.


Are all the new vehicle models outsourced?

I thought only some were.

This hurt Home, they get away with it and if you do anything against them to retaliate it’s you who’s always punished as they gang up on you after pissing you off with griefing and it’s still you who’s the ‘‘bad guy’’

Imagine writing insults and then reporting the otherguy for firing back at you, weird mindset but it is what it is…

All we can do is Ignore them or pay the price, hardest challenge with this is observing this toxic behaviour and stop the temptation of doing the same, heck trolling with TK’s was a past time frustration vent for half the playerbase (done this, done that too) until they
increased the silver penalty

In some aspects like ground textures in air battles it definitely shows it’s grey hairs but they have updated graphics and models and even the engine in previous years I think it can stay if it keeps getting a face lift every so often

Can’t say for sure, but it seems like they are all outsourced.

Gaijin follow some of the feedback from the community, they also have a commercial strategy. The grind will never change and if anything is getting worse with new top tier vehicles costing in excess of 400,000 RP. Su-27SM RP cost is 420,000 the MiG 23 a bracket below is 120,000 the next bracket above could be 700,000!

As much as we don’t like to admit it War thunder isn’t a team game, it’s players out playing for themselves no one is working together to win the game. The player rushing to spawn camp and the player capping bases are not working together. Yes activity and team play should be rewarded but it isn’t. Gaijin have in effect copied WoT in the way the game is set out.

Servers sounds great we could even have dynamic style EC campaigns with historically/period appropriate vehicles. You want to play a Normandy campaign no R-3s or HEAT FS buggies!
Servers cost huge amounts of capital to maintain and operate.

Game is designed for kids now, it’s the power of Moms credit card. It’s anime body pillows, porn stars as decals. It’s not a military simulation and never has been. As above Gaijin wont punish kids who’s are spending 70 dollars on premiums vehicles and 100 dollars on a premium account.

I don’t see it, players love and hate the game, but sunken cost fallacy always brings players back. New editions bringing a new vehicle that interests them they will come back.


Another observation:

In ground RB, you have multiple respawns.

However, your “activity time” is on a per-vehicle basis rather than player basis. Meaning, getting 1800 score in 1 life in like 7-8 minutes, dying and respawning and then getting no further score means it seem you’re only rewarded activity for that 7-8 minutes.

Unfortunately the whole “Multiple respawn” aspect of GRB makes it much more difficult to observe patterns that stand out in ARB.

However, using 2 lives likely contributed to the low activity if you did not score consistently across all lives.

You are acting as if this wasn’t done back in WW2 either. Also, people paying money for said things makes them money, why do you think they monetize it? Anything with the title “Free” has never been free, there is always a catch.

One more thing 400,000? Is bad, I’m sorry you have played for 6 years, clearly not cause back then that would have been 3.5 million RP with a repair cost of give or take 100,000 to 150k while purchasing the vehicle would have been around 3 times the RP, and repair cost combined.

I’m aware of the free to play model, the grind has always been bad.

I have played for 10 years, when it was aircraft only and the top tier aircraft was the Me-262.
The rewards were better back then, you could earn 60k rp in a single game now its capped at what 5-10K?
You also received points for assists and dogfighting now its if you didn’t kill it you are getting nothing.
Ground battles heavy tanks used to get bonuses for bouncing shots not anymore and you received points for being active in the game.

I managed to grind the Meteor Britain’s top tier aircraft without premium faster than I have managed to grind to the Sabre in the US tree.

10 years was 2014, unless you came in the spring of 2014 during update 1.41, which I am rather doubtful of your statement makes zero sense.

No, you still do, I’ve absorbed multiple shots before and got the points/bonuses you’re referring to.

Ok…I fail to see how this is even related.


2015 my apologies

They removed it because heavy tanks were getting needless RP for nothing! You don’t get bonuses anymore for bouncing shots. You get bonuses for surviving after taking damage.

It was easier to grind to top tier back in 2015 than it is now that was the point.

I’ve recently had a match in my tiger E where I got tracked and barreled in such a position the guy couldn’t go for my sides afterwards.

So we sat there. They kept shooting my barrel and tracks. I kept repairing unable to do anything else. This went on long enough that I racked up like 400 score purely from “Damage from the enemy.”

So it definitely exists, but only comes up (in a way that’s impactful) in really stupid, absurd situations.

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Yeah before you would get points for your armour deflecting the shot, not only your modules being damaged

2015 which means you were not there when planes were the only option.

They also didn’t.

I’m very doubtful it was easier to grind.

@Uncle_J_Wick Need to ask you a question, if you were there back then, around the time that Luque 13 was saying was it easier or was it worse?.

Sry man - i joined later - i was addicted to SWBF 2015 those days.

To be fair - the fellow player @luque13 is imho right with his statements - especially regarding game design, difficulty of grind and the overall goal of gaijin to earn money with minors.

2018 / 2019 was as far i can remember the peak time of playing Air RB in props - after a few hundred / thousand battles you knew most of your team mates and your enemies, so what they flew, which tactics they use, etc. - and how to play on which maps.

Yes, it was often boring in the axis vs allied world, but getting kills was much harder vs experienced enemies - much harder than today due to the sheer masses of untrained pilots. I just came out of a 1 vs 4 victory which i had never won 5 years ago - i caught 2 guys on their airfield and managed to kill the last 2 guys in a severe disadvantageous position.

No, I don’t think so. The graphics are a little older, but in my opinion this is actually beneficial, because the graphics requirements are very low, so that people with smaller budgets from less wealthy countries can also play the game.

What is more of a problem, however, are more modern systems that you try to implement in a game with WW2 mechanics.
The best example are the small maps, which make a lot of sense with 50mm cannons without a rangefinder and little sight zoom, but have no place in top tier

Graphically I can’t comment because I can’t even run max graphics. But some mechanics definitely feel outdated. Such as:

  • Crew training cost when purchasing a new vehicle. It’s already a grind.

  • Superprop repair costs. Why bother flying out iconic super props when they will bankrupt an average player?

  • Lack of unique Fire Control Systems on vehicles save for customising the visual sight.

  • Velocity of a whole cannon belt being determined by the first shell