Is War Thunder showing it's age now?

Just a simple question.

Is war Thunder past its sell by date ? Is it showing its age or do you consider it to be holding up well compared to other games you play?


If more realistic graphics added then cool


It was showing its age from day 1


It’s not showing age, it’s showing the neglect it has endured for the last 10 years…


The game is showing it’s neglect, age and unfortunately the player base.

I’m getting to the point where the game is just no fun anymore. The player base is full of mouthy kids who like to upset people and think it’s fun to do so but complain if you upset them, the player base is full of sit back pot shotters, the player base is full of rammers and players who like to pit manouvre at the spawn, the player base is full of spawn killers, the player base is full of players that don’t know how to use different tanks for different tactics, and the player base is totally full of players that have no intention what so ever in “playing the objective” like capturing zones.

This game is on it’s way out and Gaijin have only got themselves to blame. Soon, the only income will be from kids who have to always ask their parents to buy stuff because most of the adults who actually earn the money will bugger off to play a game with a more “mature” player base. If Gaijin think there will be no other war games to take their customers, I’m sure they thought about it when there was only them and World of Tanks.

I went to War Thunder when WoT got so pathetic. Now War Thunder is getting to be no fun, just like WoT. I hope there is a company working on a game like this and WoT, because I will be there like a shot.


They have literally the same problem as Bethesda with their Creation Engine. Snails trying to force the engine to do something it wasn’t originally designed to do. It clearly has a lot of problems with modern tech.


Honestly if they revamp the engine I think it could keep going. But revamping the engine is not an easy thing to do. The engine is both what is holding the game back and also what is fundamentally allowing it to function. Its a double edged sword.
For example, destructible buildings. That was tested and scrapped because the engine couldn’t do it in a way that didn’t kill everyone’s PC. Bigger [air] maps; the engine can’t accept bigger maps currently due to a resolution limit on the heightmap. The netcode that is server to player instead of player to server; while this is in theory a good thing it means that when someone is lagging they are unable to do anything about it because the game updates their position based on the server and not based on player inputs, it means no teleporting for everyone but the one lagging. Shell effects not working properly because sometimes the game can’t render them. Sound effects not playing for the same reason. etc.
And most of all, is just bloat. The engine is old and I can almost guarantee there is a lot of parts of the game engine that are functionally useless but can’t be deleted for XYZ reasons. In that way its hard to clear space on a game engine (or any program, really) because something you are clearing might be integral to the functioning of the program.

It would take a lot of time and effort to fix and/or develop a solution to, and honestly at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they just didn’t bother.


Models are great, ground environments are horrible, up in the air is OK. Game modes were outdated 10 years ago.

No game will be able to compete with WT in terms of being a playable encyclopedia of military vehicles, this is why it will probably never die.

Sound design is OK, but compared to something like SQUAD its severely lacking.


On the surface, no. I dont think it has, not yet.

But below the surface. I think many many core parts of the game need scrapping and starting again, Like how Gaijin handles IR Signatures for aircraft and aircraft damage models. Both are very old and have some major flaws which cause major issues.

So I think Gaijin either needs to fundamentally overhaul core parts of the game or War Thunder will start a steady decline going forward.


Has there been any feedback from Gaijin about an overhaul of the engine?

it is showing it for years now.

I really want to see different anticheat system, better graphics and optimization. I remember that after ‘Wind of change’ update many people including me faced optimization problems (mostly freezes and stuttering). This just annoys and makes some ground and air maps unplayable at all. And this becomes worse each update, with no significant difference in graphics. For example ground maps: Middle East - my fps drops significantlty (down to ±20) when I use sniper sight; Jungles - the same drop, but when I spawn on a plane.
About game mechanics: volumetric shells and overpressure. Yes, both mechanics that creates a lot of problems for ground vehicles, they are just inconsistent at all and purely depends on RNG. Funny enough, that 70 SP SPAA is better at destroying tanks, just because these mechanics exist (Falcon, AMX 30 DCA, Itpsv Leopard, ZA-35, M247).
In-game hitboxes are just a mess. Trees that stick to your tank and closes your entire view, building that fall apart and slow you to 0 km/h if you just drive near it without touching, obstacle hitboxes that absorbs your shell when you shoot, etc.
I can go on and on, since there is a lot of problems to fix in game. I just listed the main ones that annoys the most.


Yes we “need” a War thunder 2.
The game is poorly optimised the physics are questionable and it will only get worse as we see newer more advanced weapon systems added.

The question as always is it worth it to undertake this, will it add real value to Gaijin? Will War thunder attract more players by upgrading the game engine/gameplay?
Answer is a resounding no.


I have one question and I think most of you here have an answer

How many years do you think WT has left?

As many as they want.

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2 years on a straight upward vehicle trajectory, stretched to 4 if they thinned out the updates and slowed the top tier new additions.

If they bite the bullet and worked on older vehicles (so many gaps remain in the trees) , added new game modes etc resisting the noisy power creep fan base it could live even longer.

There are still things untouched and questions they need to answer…stealth, ECM and advanced countermeasures, entire swathes of naval vehicles/weapons/mechanics, light combat and second line vehicles, post WW2 bombers etc…plus over the next few years there may be new vehicles and variants not yet even prototyped.

4 years? that’s not long enough for someone who just spent $2000 on an IS-7 bro

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You best hope they put more effort in to the underlying game then rather than being bullied to rush through the remaining top tier vehicles. Some people will hate it but that’s life in the end game.

Gaijin needs to revise and update the core mechanics of air and land warfare in the future. How about a Conquest mode similar to Battlefield? It might be interesting to move from point A to point G

Nah more than that we havent even covered modern/cold war naval yet. There is decades of content and thats not including the prototypes they can dip into.