Is War Thunder showing it's age now?

You must be mad. $2,000, that’s about £1,500- £1,600. If you have spent that much money on a video game, then you have more money than sense and need to find a girlfriend or get a social life.

There is no way on this earth that I would ever justify spending that much money on a video game. In the UK, you can buy quite a nice 118, 120 or 318, 320, 323 series second hand BMWs, or buy plenty of different VWs, Audis, Fords, etc, etc.

If you think this game is so good that it warrents spending that amount of money on a video game, then more fool you.

Game engine is outdated by a decade so obviously no mechanics works correctly cuz game engine and servers can’t handle it and well same goes for graphics. Game is in dire need of complete overhaul.

IMHO: It’s great.

Each update usually brings in additional features. When you take into account all the physics/environmental aspects that need to be computed along with overcoming the lag from internet streams worrld-wide the programming is amazing.

For some perspective, I grew up when Pong, Asteroids, Castle Wolfenstein and others had just come out. Today’s MMOs are mind blowing.


War Thunder is fine, it is the gameplay that makes all the difference. and this is certainly better than in the other tank game.


The game play has been overlooked in favor of adding vehicles at a an unsustainable rate. There hasnt been any change in game play since they decided to add ground into the game. Air battles are the same, fight in the middle of the map and bomb, ground battles cap one point or 3 on the same maps over and over again from br 1 to br 12.

They have used the free to play mobile game profit structure. Make the grind long and offer premium time to ease up the grind just enough so still annoying but keep people coming back. Offer over priced premium vehicles that will help make grinding on top of premium time seem like the best choice. Offer battle passes, but make the grind for them very long with only having a small amount of points in order to have people play every day. Make FOMO the main focus of getting people to spend time and money.

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I’d maintain that Bethesda has the worse problem because they have all the money in the world and still refuse as a company to take any step forward without taking 5 steps back.

The “improvements” to maps expose their age and make them look very dated. Karelia, for example, had most of its trees removed and many little details deleted.

ARB in particular is extremely stale gameplay. Year after year it stays the same. They could randomise the location for ground units, for example. The models for ground units and AI are extremely old.

Yes, the vehicles are very well modelled and are high fidelity, but it’s hard to get friends to play when they see how the environments look compared to other games. And the UI, particularly in the hangar…ugh.

Not to mention the lack of tutorials, finally trickling in after nearly 12 years!

Visually i’d say the game can be beautiful but needs more

Now in terms of gameplay…

It’s been decades with the same gameplay
Assets have been getting updated yes but it’s not enough, there needs to be a overhaul in how maps are made especially for air:

We have 70-80 degree incline roads leading into 3000m tall mountains
Every match is go left because we have next to no variation in positioning of our starting positions
We still have WW2 ground targets like AAA and pillboxes

The game lacks a lot of the “cool” factor, where are the carrier groups ? SAM sites ? DDGs firing off volleys of missiles ? The maps lack life overall, now we all hate being taken out by midmap AA/AI that’s true, but I don’t think it’d hurt if it was less deathmatch-y or even just less linear as a whole

There was a time where you could play the wildcard of landing on a carrier in a mission and rearm and repair, just that alone was really cool because it would create unusual scenarios, now you have 2 bases one after the other

It feels like nothing else but a deathmatch arena between planes and I think gaijin needs to seriously start looking into it because there’s only so much Gen 4-5 hype they can ride on


On topic,

… yeah.

Also, abandoned game modes.

Sim EC has outstanding bugs that had no communication about regarding physics-breaking A.I bombers/attackers somehow flying faster than the speed of sound in subsonic tiers, objectives not triggering properly on some maps while going absolutely bonkers on others, convoys being broken with terminator AAA,

I feel WT suffers significantly from “only do just enough to stay afloat and avoid the storm and don’t invest in that which does not provide immediate returns even if it’d provide a stable and reliable return over a longer duration.”

Edit: Had to check if supersonic AI in subsonic tiers is at all a new issue.

It’s 3 years old and still more than present.


Mathematically, if something doesn’t have other factors that limit its lifespan, it will last at least one third of its life so far at least 50% of the time. This rule works for stars, species, civilizations, and also, generally speaking, computer games.

So it’s reasonable to assume a game like War Thunder that made it to year 12 has at least four more years of life left to it yet as your prior assumption.

War Thunder also had two late life boosts other games don’t, with 50%+ annual growth in the player base in 2020 (COVID) and 2022 (the war), both of which it took good advantage of. The rest of the time it’s mostly been steady state, holding the covid gains in 2021 and then a slower gain in 2023, with the first signs of real year-over-year player loss only starting this year.

It’s hard to imagine another event coming like those other two that would boost it to an even higher audience level now so it’s likely we’re going to see a steady slow decline that will take several years even to get back to 2019 levels assuming the company wants to continue to support it at its current level. But many people have said “War Thunder is dying” and been proven wrong before, too.


considering war thunder never had a price tag to begin with (free to play) it wont be past any date. as long as it receives updates, its an up to date game

Funny question

I don’t think its showing it’s age mostly because I don’t think its ever realised its full potential.

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The vehicle modelling and vehicle graphics are fantastic because they get attention.

I think War Thunder looks really old when it comes to Menu User Interface and Gameplay.

The menu UI is confusing af. I cant imagine being a brand new player trying to figure out where everything is.

The gameplay is another area thats really lacking. Outside of Sim, which is a very niche community, all game play forces very fast matches.

I wish there were separate game modes that favored longer matches.

The AI in this game is also aweful. I swear the AI in ED’s Su-27 Flanker game from the 90s is more advanced.

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Its Ok, on the lowest level, still worse than even Gunner Heat PC.

That’s not how up-to-date games work. “Up to date” refers to games that have game engines that are not running on a 21-year-old engine. You can have newer versions of a game engine, however the issues that plagued the previous engines will persist on the next iteration of the same engine. Reason most games have gone to Unreal Engine is simply because its a up to date engine and most people know how to use it.

Make your own WT 2.0…



A game is only “past its sell date” when people have stopped playing it, and WT is still as popular as ever.

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There is no issue with how much money one’s spent on hobby kits, it’s only an issue for those who struggle financially and may feel frustrated when they see the wealthy spending money on luxuries. For sure bro, that kind of money might be better spent elsewhere like used for social good rather than personal indulgence.

I don’t have the IS-7 btw

WT was showing its age in 2013 when it released

Gaijin have the oppotunity to save the game… BUT…

  1. They need to implement BIGGER rewards for actually playing the objectives. Bigger rewards for actually capturing zones.

  2. Game activity needs to be also more based on actual activity. Not rewarding players who sit in the same spot all game pot shotting getting lucky long shot kills. It stands to reason that players in light tanks whizzing from one side of the map to the other scouting and spotting enemy are more active than pot shotters, so why is it so, so hard for scouting players to get a decent Activity percentage. At the moment so called “activity” is completely biased to selfish K/D warriors.

  3. The introduction of over 18 or 21 servers. That will allow mature adults to play alongside likewise other mature adults around the continents who like to play the game as intended instead of having to play with the imature who refuse to play the objectives and ruin the game for others.

  4. Harsher punishments for the kids that like to pit manouvre you and push you into the enemies sights so they can get the kill when the enemy reloads, and the players that like to ram you into deep water to kill you.

Until Gaijin sort out their pathetic gameplay on all of their servers, this game will get worse and worse and players will start leaving in droves.