Is War Thunder ready for anti radiation missiles?


Both of these would never work in WT unless they are some weird off-map call in…they need to just model multi vehicle setups

SPAA is really bad rn and CAS is really strong rn so I see no need to buff CAS and nerf SPAA atm


What should happen is a test. They should put the Shikes on stuff like the F4’s, F105 and A4 (add wild weasel variants PLEASE) and their russian counterparts (idk if they even had a good anti rad missile at that time) Then add early theater sites like the S200 and my baby the Mim-Hawk.

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F-4E? that has AGM-45 Shrike

I do agree the only true good SPAA atm is the Pantsir, it has the ability to fire off 3 missiles and they automatically guide and a fourth one to manually guide, in real life the Pantsir has the ability to lock using Infrared. If they added that it would make the game better as CAS would have to adapt by flying further away from the battlefield and also adding more units like the Pantsir to other nations would be a good change. Multi unit SPAA would be cool if implemented correctly though.

We do have that in game.

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Honestly I think we need more Spaa comparable to pantsir instead, CAS is already op at top tier when played right.

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What the heck is up with this community trying to get more cards added to the deck of CAS players when they are already hand held to hell and back acknowledged by gaijin themselves. SPAA panstir or not, already gets styled on by anyone slightly competent. Do yall even think about balance at all or is it just an after thought in these suggestions?


Show me proof that Pantsir is able to shoot down ATG muntion.


if a ship from ww2 can ciwis a bomb so can a pantsir with radar (yes I did that years ago, no I don’t have a video)

A lot on YouTube go see for yourself

The questioner is CAS main no doubt.

I think it would be great, to have something agants AA, how many times.have I been shot down with the drone right after spowning. We need it and also we might get anti air anti radar missails. That would be some hole new story to play agains. For me yes.

I check it and found only one video that Pantsir shooting down a missile all others videos are showing destroyed Pantsir using guided bombs and missiles as CAS.