SPAA is very powerful (Pantsir more notably) and i respect that it can be difficult for players to destroy planes, however i think that, to balance out the GRB CAS situation gaijin should add better SPAA such as the Patriot and maybe Germany‘s IRS-T SLM unit (bit of a stretch) and to add Ant radiation missiles such as ALARM (UK), AGM-88 HARM (USA), KH-58 (Russia), RUDRAM (India), AGM-88E (Germany).
Its a massive jump I know however, Gaijin could just make a game mode to test these weapons, similar to the dev server but for everyone.
These missiles and SPAA systems could make top tier a little bit more interesting and maybe even a little more balanced.
Remember, Anti radiation missiles only go after radar so to avoid them, SPAA could just turn off their radar temporarily and regular tanks wont suffer to them.
Yeah, probably not far off from having them, how good they’ll be in GRB is anyones guess and would likely be more of a deterrant than an actual threat due to just disabling a radar. At least until we get the next set of SAMs which need a radar to work well.
But I personally want them for air modes like ASB. its really annoying that whether or not an aircraft can get a weapon system or not is entirely dependent on the gamemode mostly about tanks.
No. Ground is already extremely bad due to all the CAS. SPAA is helpless against CAS.Spawns are too close to the ground playing field. Spawning CAS is too easy.
Can’t say that adding ARMs would be the last nail in the coffin since I stopped playing high tier ground a long time ago anyway.
pantsir players crying about being nailed with 4 HARMS would be awesome. SEAD shall make SPAA fear for their lives. It would also give NATO a break by allowing CAP to actually exist.
I have nothing against CAP. Let planes with CAP loadouts spawn at the start of the match and they can add anything they want as far as I am concerned. HARS, Taurus, Storm Shadow idc. Just let me fight back somehow.
Thats a really good idea, extending air spawns would be a great idea especially in ground sim because of the fact that pantsirs can fire at aircraft the second they get airborne.
I think there should be a soft buff to SPAA and SPAAG shooting down ammonition. Some ammo can already be shot down by some AA’s like the PARS missled from the german Tiger can be shot down by the pantsir (of course it can) but if other SPAA’s could also more reliably shoot down bombs and missles then maybe Anti-radiation missles and bombs wouldnt be absolutly cracked and almost seem fair if im honest
« SPAA is powerfull » do you speak about all SPAA that can do nothing against average plane using guided missiles because planes missiles got greater range than SPAA ?