Is War Thunder ready for anti radiation missiles?

Meds, now.

Even a good pantsir player can’t do anything against a mid CAS player. SPAA have only been getting nerfs since back when the MiG-27K was the best CAS aircraft with the sole exceptions being the pantsir and ammo boxes whilst CAS has only gotten buffs upon buffs, and even back then CAS was overpowering SPAA.


The Pantsir and literally every other SPAA can shoot down ATG munitions.

AAs can play the game doing things for absolutely no reward.
I’m sure this makes them really powerful.


Thats their issue then

Have fun doing so in IR SAMs

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No because they don’t appear in radar.

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but then they would have to increase render distance… i can’t count how many times i could not spot a tank from f-16 pod with Nv/therm then it magicaly popped up

I don’t think it does, it’s not that different. It can be something the devs decide ion care anyways.

They should increase it. They cant really add longer range spaa with the current maps. We already have an spaa that can hit jets from spawn.

I’d far rather AA be overbearingly strong than planes being overbearingly strong. Planes can play around AA by flying low. Tanks can’t do anything vs planes (and helis for the most part). Lets actually let players play GROUND forces.


Most SPAAs are not able to reliably deal with AGMs and/or bombs for numerous reasons, be it inability to properly track AGMs, inability to lock AGMs with IR SAMs, low missile count, proxy fuses not getting triggered by AGMs, etc

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Anti radiation missiles would be cool, but I don’t think the game is ready for them. Matches are already heavily imbalanced towards CAS dominance, the fact that Gaijin admitted as much and are working towards better anti air systems this year is testament to that.

Where balance will be after these are introduced will determine whether anti radiation is appropriate or not.

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War Thunder should get ready for maps bigger then a chess board in high tier before anything


hopefully they wouldn’t be able to shoot them down before getting there.
12 missiles ready with an insane radar would make this very hard.

Why would you? Turn the radar off, problem solved

I want to see revamped airRB/sim objectives where future HARMs and general strike aircraft have more of a place.

For example, both teams could have their territory and try to capture more by eliminating ground targets, but those targets are protected by dangerous anti-air systems that would need to be taken off by HARMS or other sead strategies using terrain and whatnot.

If you are a fighter, pushing back those strike aircraft would be a priority, and you would have anti-air support if you run back deep into your territory.

There could be a map sector for each team in the map edge that works as the airfield but with very potent anti-air that will respawn, to prevent spawn camping. To rearm/refuel you would only need to cross the border in that map sector and respawn back already with an air spawn.

AirRB attrition / revamped EC mode would be so cool.


Something like old wild weasel jets with shrikes would be fine and not cause imbalance imo

I was also thinking of the AGM-122 sidearm not being too bad since it’s pretty short range, but my concern is once lower tier anti-radiation missiles are added, then people will be expecting them for higher tiers as well.

I don’t recall Gaijin ever adding something to lower tiers for testing, so to me it seems like a “solution for everyone” or “no solution at all - yet”. I’d rather wait and see how the new top tier AA works first before we need to add more counters.


We already have pretty capable strike aircraft to do those missions, but by the looks of it Gaijin doesn’t really want to include strike aircraft any more than they already are.

I don’t think this fits into ARB/ASB theme that well.

yes thats just false, the f4g has better avionics, acsess to Aim7F/M which f4Es dont, f4g has acsees to aim9L also aswell as better maveriks,better munitions and systems overall