Is US top tier too weak

Turret armor wise the Abrams is not straight up superior I would say. You can still frontally ammo rack the Abrams hull down if you hit certain spots.


Turret armour i said and you can ammo rack the 2a7 if the rounds goes through the right side of the breach i think it is. I think any ways may be getting mixed up.

need to fix the spelling mistake, its meant to say the “hull is not”. Not the hill xd


How true

When was that the case in your opinion ?

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Yes. I’ve brought this up often. Spall liners would do little in the way of a quite large secondary effect of DU rounds. Which would be a buff to a handful of nations and work towards leveling the spall liner playing field.


From where they shoot at my 122 and i’m facing toward them they often shoot at ufp which most of people know it unlike normal Leopard it doesn’t work.

No i want to know when was the point they never had to aim for weakspots since you repeadingly claiming it.

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If I’m understanding what you’re saying correctly, It’s irrelevant to say that because it performs better out of a shorter barrel that it’s a better round.

You don’t go to a weight lifting competition and say “yeah, well second place actually won, because he lifted less weight but weighs less. So per pound of bodyweight, he lifts more.” Who lifts the most wins.

It doesn’t matter who performs better on a per calibre basis, it matters who’s dart pens more. Which is Germany.

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Technically yea but it damages the engine / trans

The IS-2 even then, to kill a T26E5 or tiger 2 you need a weak spot lol

Hm since when there are more uparmored Leopard running around their win rate drop like rock
Look at their win rate around 70 percent before 2A7 but after 2A7 it drop like rock in water because it they never had to face tanks with same level of frontal protection in mess number
why they had to? when most of enemy are look like this.
any smooth brain can win the engagement when their enemy entire hull is green and their enemy PoV is look like this

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i mean thats not reallya thing ingame, otherwise tigers would break down and t34 would just stop moving, so i think they should add it

Meanwhile whole area around WW2 is just pixel hunting German mediums.

Shall we finally stop pretending USSR is some kind of an armor powerhouse just because they have better hull armor at certain tiers, while clearly having worse armor in other tiers ?


Era eats rounds all the time. It’s not consistent and is RNG based, but I have without a doubt seen plenty of rounds be eaten entirely by ERA on a side shot.

Completely. I remember someone arguing with me saying aim at the breech it’s the most consistent OHK/D and I was baffled. Breech shots just get soaked up, whereas you lose crew and more with that shot on most other tanks pretty consistently.

That’s demonstrably untrue. If you like I can even go pull some games showing you that a pen and ammo hit does nearly always mean ammo detonation.

In fact seeing as it happened within the last few days. I MAY be able to go pull the game with 6 shots to the ammo carousel that had black ammo and no detonation. The hit replay won’t show this, just continued shots on the ammo.

But even if you remove an egregious example like this, because it was more of a 1 off. The spall liner of the t90m has a very good chance of eating the ability to detonate the ammo or hurt modules. Especially now that the autoloader acts like defecto armor for the carousel, even though it should not and is essentially paper thin metal that shouldn’t act this way.

The t90m is nowhere like a 2a7 or Strv, but the point was this statement was objectively false. And I factually can prove it, I’d just need to find the time to go back through my games and find it as just one of many examples of this.

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I think it’s individual to region. Recently about half my games with Japan are US teams or not. Which while it sucks, isn’t the worst problem. The problem is when the other team is made up of RU/Ger/Swe and for me is becoming a larger and larger occurrence as of late.

I think it’s more of just a regional availability thing. I’m living in Thailand for a while now and it’s just happening a lot more here, in the US I don’t remember it happening as much.

It’s just a shit luck of the cards. It’ll affect some more than others.

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Id like to see the relevant fixes add the nations that should have them.

Like the Chinese mbts as it sits right now gaijin was presented with real and valid sources and just , no.

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Yeah the plinking effect, breach, commander, gunner, then loader or driver.

The breach can just eat rounds though and it is frustrating, had a 2a4 earlier, well a christian II, soak a dct10 round to the breach, just went yellow, thats chinas top round and it couldn’t get through a 10.7 mbt breach effectively

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I think its sporadic and dependant , that could he one explanation for it.

Like im in europe right now, but decided to play the NA servers as the pings essentially the same.
When i play as china paired with germany quite.often and actually had to against RU, US and Ita or isreal.
Which at incredibly weird because the russian anf american teams literally go one of two ways they wither evaporate or absolutely kick your teeth in.

Hell had ,germany, sweden, china and italy all on one team againt US,RU,JAP, and i think ome britain.player and they absolutely mopped us.up

But the difference is, it takes maybe 12 mins roughly give it 20 max for us to lose (me using china)
But when its over in 5 /7 mins…

I fervently believe the game needs some form of punishment like halo 3 and reach did where.if you consistently bailed on games it gives you a ban, 30 mins to stsrt with the works its way up consistently if you repeatedly left matches.
There is plenty of insentive now to stay in games, what there isnt is a sufficient enough punishment for leaving them extemely early. Also people fail to realise when buying a prem you dont have to use only that tank, or use it from when you get it.
I first got the xm1 in a pack with the ah64 (now years ago) and i didnt use it for the longest time due to a friend telling me its a waste of time due to the odl effect. However back then you had maybe 2 or 3 a team, now adays its more than half a team will ODL and they arent even prems half the time. sad
(My pet hate over ODLs is the people who leave when they see it isnt a full downtier)

Remember when gaijin put that suggestion thing to us all this year but a while ago.

Edit sorry i wrote a lot as well

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Given that all 3 122s are 2A7 analouges and however they all have an extra 7km/h of forward (the 68km/h standard for leopard 2s whereas 2a7s have 61km/h forwards gear) besides they have the better transmission generally and perform better because of it.

Sweden has equally capable CAS as germany while possessing 4 MBTs, 3 of which being superior to germany’s best with the 4th (suomen 2a6) being equal to germany’s swcond best MBT.

Sweden also possesss the best light tank/sniper in tbe game and the 2nd best AA, both of which are superior to Germany’s options at top tier

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