Is US top tier too weak

This is based on my experience and the people I play with regularly. Not feasible to do before/after tests when we didn’t know the change was coming and that it was going to be bad faith. Objectively speaking the ammo is now encased in a module that didn’t exist before, and modules absorb fragments, so it makes sense that overall it’s a plus for survivability as long as the T80 isn’t mid-reload. (actually it’s always a plus, being alive is always going to be better than being blown up)

An abrams hull down is easy to kill with 3OF26 (especially those with lots of crap on the roof), meanwhile Abrams is not even allowed to have an HE round.
The layout and size of the weakspots also gives the advantage to the russians. They are simply smaller and less obvious than the Abrams, so there is much less room for error. The LFP is also hidden by a rubber flap which makes it look larger, the driver hatch is bordered by ERA that will completely negate a shot even with a volumetric hit, the T90M breech is also protected by a trolly piece of RHA, and of course the vast majority of russian mains love to use bushes to make those already disgusting weak spots even harder to hit.

Meanwhile you can shoot anywhere on the abrams except the turret cheeks and the UFP, and reliably disable it

They have spall liner and a superior ufp, yes, I would agree, but their mobility is generally somewhat inferior, not too confident on the SEP v2 without modifications.

In exchange for no spall liner and worse frontal hull protection, you recieve a 2 second reload advantage, which is substantial, you recieve a more favorable platform for brawling (mainly that you don’t have to deal with the new firing arc nerfs to the Leopard 2s), and you can spawn in far more than even Sweden, let alone Germany or Italy before you see a substantial downgrade.

Personally I’d rather have the US MBT lineup than even Sweden, which is the strongst thing I can compare it to, but if you’d prefer Sweden, that’s fine, if the Abrams had armor equal to that of a Leo 2a7v and spall liner that would be absurd.

It was always there.

The g load being higher or whatever it is, means it beats it in that category, yes. Unless they’ve buffed the speed however, the panties missiles are like 80% faster. It’s not really even close.

As I said though, a buff is a buff and a welcomed one at that… buts it’s still outclassed regardless of this as we both agree.

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“I burnt the dinner I was supposed to take out of the oven, it’s not my fault though I didn’t want to”

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Their mobility is close enough to not really be a factor.

*1 second

Leopard reload is 6 seconds ace compared to the 5 second ace reload on the Abrams.

It’s not that much more favorable when your tanks is so farmable frontally. Can’t remember the last time I faced an Abrams that took me more than 2 rounds to finished off in a normal engagement.

I’m not that good of a player, but when I still played my 2A7HU I could just turn all my brain off and still get slightly over a 2 K/D. If you can replicate that in an Abrams (so no sneaky flanking, only braindead gameplay) I’ll accept the SEPv1 as a counterpart to the 2A7s/122s.


Purely visual.

It still absorbed spalling as it was modelled as a 5mm HHA plate or something

Great, you’ve been aiming for weak points on the Abrams, as have I, generally no tank at top tier is lacking any large weak points that will disable the tank, leopard 2s included. For the Abrams, the large turret ring is the best point for a kill, lfp can work, but it’s unreliable, as is breach, the Leopard 2a7v and co have better hull protection than the Abrams and the notable benefit of spall liners, but their lfp and breach as well as driver’s hatch are still quite exposed weak points that can kill the tank.

The leopard 2 is a meta tank that is conducive to holding center roads, the Abrams, as you might guess, is a superior flanking tank, it does well in hull down arguably slighlty better due to the reload speed. Well, that and the fact you get many good Abrams whereas Italy, the nation you mentioned, has one leopard 2a7v, an amazing tank for sure, not contesting that, but I’m not convinced it outclasses the Abrams, and there is only one or two depending on if you hoard backups or not.

I agree with the commenter below you, automates modules were much more of a buff than they were a nerf. Generally if your autoloader gets hit, it’s because it’s saved your ammo from detonating. Otherwise you generally go boom. On things like a 2s38 or light tank auto cannons, people welcome the change, but for tanks it became a de facto armor appliqué to the ammo.

This has been a bane to my existence and a savior as well lol

I stated my thoughts on this

I second this fully, and one need only look at their stats to see as much for the average player.

You’ll find their leo2a7s near 1.5-2 kd and their Abrams stats a dumpster fire like everyone else’s lol. It’s just shows where you’ll probably be in META tanks. Backed up by personal experience checking this many times when I see a Leo or Strv on my team(or the enemies) and I go check their stats to see how I stack up against them in similar tanks we both have.


This is a problem on it’s own actually as it further reduces the RP needed to stay fully competitive.
As ARB is a single spawn mode, people can literally ignore whole lines and still be able to unlock top tier vehicles in a “good” line.

For example, in RU TT you can totally ignore Yak and Su-25 line and focus on MiG/Su-27 lines.
In German TT you can totally ignore Tornado/Su-22/MiG-23 line and focus on EFT and MiG-29 ones.

In Ground however, you can spawn multiple vehicles that all have niches and use cases depending on a situation/map, so researching all lines is actually beneficial for the player.

It doesn’t even need to be fully equalized, as even some reduction in RP/SL needed is more than welcomed.
This is a big problem for people, as some nations have godawful AA options and the next best thing is locked behind a completely different vehicle class and several million RP/SL. No wonder people ODL this much.

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As a standalone point I agree with this, but that’s mostly an econ issue.

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Auto loaders arent really a buff, they sure make an extra module to hit, but its gotten me killed more than before when a round would just do nothing.

Though it has caught some annoying rounds ive fired, funny it always seems to detonate or get the user killed.
Never when you fire at it.

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Yeah it took me over 1000 hours before i realised i needed both air and ground.
Was a headache catching all my air trees up over the last near 20 months if not 2 years.

For all intents and purposes, unless you’re in an all out sprint you won’t notice the difference in mobility between Leo’s and Abrams. In fact, I think necrons compared it and the Leo’s accelerated faster to a certain speed, meaning in brawl range, your maneuverability is even BETTER. You just lose getting to key lanes off the break that are FAR away.

The reload ain’t 2 seconds either. It’s 7.5 vs 6 seconds in pretty sure, and with aced crews I thought it was 6 vs 5 seconds. I know for sure it isn’t a 2 second disparity. So you trade a 20% disparity for reload time to acquire IMMENSELY greater armor and survivability.

Russian t90m makes tradeoffs for its armor and survivability buffs. What does the Leo make to have better armor, better survivability, better round, better thermals(I think), better mobility? I mean it beats it in every way, and to get where it’s at, the t90m loses to other contemporaries to have its said buffs. The Leo’s make none of those concessions.

The spall liner matters in many circumstances sure, but you still both have driver’s hatch weakpoints, lfp weakpoints, and the Leo 2 has a worse breech weakpoint as it is more inconsistent, calling the Leopard 2a7v’s protection immensely better might be overplaying it a tad, however yes, I did misremember the reload speed slightly, I’ll own that, but 1-1.5s is still somewhat significant in the top tier enviornment when the 4s reload on the type 10, 1s better than the Abrams, is considered to be standout.

As for brawling, I’m still giving it to the Abrams, as I cited the recent firing angle nerf for the Leopard 2s being a hinreance at closer ranges, especially when mobility is disabled. I’ll even be generous and say that they are equal in mobilitg even though I would personally give it to the Abrams since point rushing and sprinting toeqrds favorable positions does matter.

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Its 6.5 for aced leopard 2 crew if i remember right, which in warthunder isnt much unless youre in a sustained fight.

Yeah can fire clean through the 2a7 left ufp essentially isnt it?
And the 1.5 second difference is substantial especially with m829a2 the biggest issue is the map design and combat functionality.

The leopard is more likely to sustain less damage in that first shot, providing they dont get one tapped, than the abrams will, but its a good 50/50 tossup in my experience.