Is US top tier too weak

Idk I go back and fourth, because you know how important reverse speed is. However, with my recent experience, the ERA and auto loader are eating my shots pretty regularly. So I’ll side pen it, era eats it. Or I’ll side shot it, and spall liner and fuel tank eats it. Or spall liner and autoloader eat the round with black ammo(somehow).

So I either didn’t play it enough to notice it before, or I’m seeing more t90’s now instead of bvms because these things are starting to make me pull my hair out because it’s so RNG based damage that kills every other tank in the game except a bvm(for the odd era black hole shots) and Leo’s.

With all that said, it still has trade off for its armor and spall liner, unlike Leo’s. So i don’t think it belongs in the same BR per se, and could see why it wouldn’t… but the RNG and spall liners I could also see why it would… but I wouldn’t be arguing for it to be at the same BR as a Leo.

I don’t have it myself to speak on it, just my Bvm. However, playing against it, is annoying as absolute heck sometimes.

I know for a fact a few days back, I put 6 rounds into the automaker hitting ammo on a t90m, black ammo… didn’t detonate. It was the only shot I had, so I kept repeating it and was gobsmacked it didn’t blow up. Then he repaired and drove off.

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I see what you mean , the t90 though as you say makes a trade off for its armour its round and mobility.

Thanks for taking the time to write that the way!

Merry Christmas as well

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You keep going off topic , not providing any worth reading point. All you do is pointing finger at people who don’t agree with you. Throwing personal attack left and right. Yourself claim you can’t be bothered yet you still here arguing with people who doesn’t agree with you, cause your opinion suck lmao,repeat the same thing like a broken cassette. Why don’t you just stop


Some people are stubborn to the end and act out of a sense of conviction. You simply cannot and will not change their minds or general course of action, even though being proven wrong many times they still choose to stand their ground and double down because admitting being wrong in front of other people can cause them to feel shame.


I mean he straight up is just insulting me whenever i counter argue the points he makes.

As has been pointed out in the one your replying to, the guys calling me dishonest and saying im making strawmen out of his points, whilst he subsequently ignores literally everything ive said, and even had the audacity when Ion protogen points out the fire power bonus of the abrams to say “irrelevant” .

when it very much is relevant to the tank xD

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He completely avoided all the points I made and just went clean right for that. Even when I’ve pointed out that hes completely avoiding all the logical points I made, then insulting me. I mean I dont want to see anyone else getting accused or insulted purely for disagreeing with this person.


I’ve said very clearly I wouldn’t engage with a dishonest person.
If you want to keep writing walls of text about/to me, that’s up to you ¯L(ツ)_/¯

Didn’t go off topic, had plenty of back and forth here without a hint of ad hom.
When I say I can’t be bothered I only said it about specific people.
I like debating folks I disagree with as long as they don’t twist my words.
I’m capable of changing my mind.

That sounds false to you because you see me ignoring your (strawman) arguments, then you see you have more updoots, then you see me call out the fallacies and focus on the “calling out” part instead of doing any due diligence, so nothing changes and I don’t budge - hence the broken cassette part.
I get it, the mere suggestion that the game is rigged in your favor is offensive, so of course you’ll respond emotionally, stat check, circlejerk and strawman instead of behaving like adults… and that’s not my problem.

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Actually checking ones stats is good as it gives You the idea why a person thinks in certain way.


Yeah, it also tells you if the person is commenting on shit they’re certain they have no clue what they are spewing.


yeah and most of them are the same point with barely any value

I only see you fail to address the actual worth reading argument and throwing personal attack left and right. While also address the most pointless thing in other people point

No , no you don’t lmao. You are cherry picking so that stuff go your way. I only brought up one point and that include all the nation in the game. Where the rigged in my favour

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This is insanely off topic and has went on long enough. Theres countless people asking you to stop throwing insults or accusations at us for disagreeing with you.


You’re the one getting emotional and not acting like an adult.
Meanwhile he’s having a full meltdown over this bias thing for a while now, spewing out nonsense and insults to whoever dares to counter his claims.

Delusions finally got to him.

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He got mad real quick after we pointed out he’s performing within his account average in his bias, propaganda, easy-mode, brokenly OP vehicle.
After that, he tried to defend himself by saying he’s just holding W, not realizing doing just that is probably the biggest selling point of RU tanks.


The only selling point of the tanks.

Theyre reload? Sub par 7.1 seconds or 6.5

The round ? Sub par, measly 335 pen at 60 degrees and 580 at flat

The reverse / mobility ? Subpar (yes bvm is slightly more but 11kmph reverse still isnt all that)

The armour ? Decent, huge weak spots.

The survivability? Some of the worst in game due to crew layout and ammo carousel.

Abrams alone

Reload ? 5 seconds

Round? Second best in game with closer to 400 angled pen. (364) and a flat pen of 629

Mobility Abrams is considered one of the best in game.

Armour? Worse than T series but the turret is still amazingly strong and overall abrams armour statistically is better than more than half the.mbts in game.

Survivability? Average due to ammo being out of the hull, crew spacing (does need a spall liner and its fixes for the spalling etc.)

On top of all this today the ADATS just got yet another buff, its pull 42G of force. Thats 10 more than pantsir and only 8 lower than the VT1.

america does not suffer, is this well written enough for them?

Hstvl is now the best top tier Light and now theres the premium.

Spaa is buffed more.

Has the best CAS/CAP combination due to the F15E being able to carry so much, and maintain a dominating presence, not to mention the 16C which counts as a fighter so can spawn two fantastic duel performance platforms rather than one.


They are literally built to hold W and hope enemies will bounce on their armor. In non-armor areas they’re clearly lagging behind.

It seems to me that they think US is suffering if they aren’t hands down the best, as anything else in unacceptable in their eyes.

Pantsir is like the best tool RU has to deal with enemy CAS/CAP, especially from US/Germany.
Their CAP capabilities are dog shit with worse FMs and missiles at the same time.


Couldnt of said it better.

On the subject of cas/cap, he brought up US helis as if theyre bad, and used the mention of pantsir vs hellfires to justify saying US helis are bad, now they arent the best, but every single helicopter in game suffers against SPAA in general and especially pantsir.

The ka50/52 are no exceptions and unlike 2 maybe 3 years ago they are no where near what they used to be.

As you said about the russian CAP it is severely lacking compared to most if not all other nations. A su27SM will get slapped down far faster than a, EF2000, rafale, gripen, F16, f15 and the mirages.

In the cas area, the su34 may be able to slam off 6 KH38s but an F15E can slam of 6 mavs, and 4 amraams is it? Realistically thr f15 will down the su34 before it even has to worry about it dropping its payload.

And the list goes on. But here we are, bias apologists, or when he was informed catagorically thats not what the word means, now creating strawmen.

The US ground tree is average , the air tree has been dominant since the bloody F4E over all.
And naval i cannot speak on at all

Edit as it said 16 mavs not 6

Edit another fun fact, playing china last night at 11.0 /12.0 , had 7 games against the US , both with russia and sweden in my team in 3 of said games, and 4 matches with germany, italy etc, guess what ghe 7 games against the US, 6 of them were losses.

The abrams absolutely dogged on most the team due to them actually spawning more than once, also the cas was palpable.

The game needs decompression and genuine issues fixed.

We dont need one nation buffed while others fall behind, however we do need the vehicles brought closer to what the good and reliable sources say…

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the coping is unreal

dont get me wrong, i agree with you in 90%

but ADATS still bad, you can give it 100g missile it will still be bad. radar is the ADATS problem, you cant shot down if you cant find the enemy in first place (u cant even lock in 3rd person view)


I don’t think that’s the case, as if they have solid cover to hide behind they can become virtually unkillable. Especially those helicopters with FnF munitions that pop out for 2-3 seconds, fire and go back to hiding. They also have MAWs so they’ll always have a couple of seconds to react.

Their ground TT is decent, far from being the worst or suffering.
Their air TT is great and in that regard they have nothing to moan about.

From all of these threads popping out, some might think US is literally the worst nation to play.


All trees need a newer spaa to compete with pantsir levels, but the adats is not a bad spaa, im not saying its the best, its just average, decent.

At least the american one has the gun as well.

That is true, but for example vihkr arent fire and forget yet every one says the ka52 is busted.
Ive tried my best with helis and just cant use them at top tier ( definitely a me issue) but id say most of them are susceptible to spaa fire compared to the fixed wings

Funnily enough seen a guy saying that last night, like brother your stomping us, as the US, how is it bad ? , russia, china and sweden i think it was getting slapped down by US and germany.