Is US top tier too weak

That doesn’t mean Russian bias exists.

Due to bad players, and facing superior tanks (2A7s/Strv 122s) almost all the time.

Russia has well armoured but not super survivable tanks, as well as having worse gun handling, a longer reload, and worse ammunition.

  1. US can be paired with Russia sometimes so not an accurate statistic

  2. Win rate is entirely determined by player performance.


Not gonna lie mate i just ignore him he just with pure nonsense.

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This line alone mate proves absolutely nothing bar you showing how you think and diabolic it is.

No one can disagree or its a and a quote bias apologist.

You need to take a step back and relax.or just stop you dont actually add anything to the discussions just try fan and flame arguments and its disgusting.

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Any way to get a review this dude?

He has to he trolling

@Surbaissemaxxing sorry to ping you bud only mod ive had any contact with.

It does point to russian bias existing when nations get paired in ways that help negate the one strength of their most common adversary.

That’s true also. Germany, Sweden and China are extremely often paired with Russia, while US just has a collection of minors with bad AA like Israel or Italy (again to help Kamov and Kh38 players)

Although, there is definitely some SBMM going on, at least at my level. I’ve played around 30 games since yesterday as US top tier and Russia was on my side only twice (6% of the time) . But when I played France or Italy, I’ve almost only seen US and Russia paired together as my adversaries and we obviously get crushed since US CAS doesn’t have to worry about Pantsir.

I never said they were invincible. My point is they take more skill and aim time than their ‘equivalents’, that’s what destroys the balance. Armor is the most important feature of a tank at top tier (as the 2A7 demonstrated).

Yes it can but it’s far less frequent from what I’ve seen. Could be SBMM fucking me over though.

Oops shouldn’t have bothered responding.

@An_Pigeon I’m not doing anything wrong or trolling. Set me to ignore if you feel this distressed even in a 1v3.

Taking a break. Hope to come back to some reasonable takes.

Im.not even gonna bother quoting you.

You are as i said, saying anyone who disagrees with you is and i quote, “an apologist for bias”

Then you bring up russian bias.

You are here, completely ignoring fact, in game stats of vehilces and just trying to wind folks up.

I shouldn’t have to ignore you because you choose to purposely agitate people.

Russian bias is not a thing.

Russian tanks follow a different doctrine.

Abrams beats bvm in most engagements period.

The 2a7 and strv 122 dog on the entire roster right now.

Armour at top tier is a last resort, same as notching is supposed to be in ARB.

No one here having a nice conversation deserves to be attacked, or aggravated by you.

Edit: yes take a break until we all agree with you.
Man just stop please either have a reasonable discussion on the topic or stop theres no need for these remarks or snide comments


A team of the best players in the world can achieve a 100% win rate using reserve tanks against 12.0 vehicles.

A team of the worst players in the world can achieve a 0% win rate using 12.0 tanks against reserve tier vehicles.

Do you understand how win rate is entirely determined by player performance yet? No?

Let me explain it in a different way:

Better vehicles make it easier for players to perform well and achieve good win rates, worse vehicles make it harder for players to perform well and achieve good win rates.

That is how it works, good players get good win rates, bad players get bad win rates. A bad player can get a good win rate in a good tank just as easily as they can get a bad win rate in a good tank. It all just depends on how well they can perform at the game.

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Dont engage friend he already got chinned.

They already started calling us russiam bias apologists for disagreeing.

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Leos eat any shells top and bottom of the turret except for the gunshield which is common through all MBTS. They also have spall liners which vastly decreases the chance of knocking out all three crew in one shot. Since 70% of the nations have Leos at this point and the T series in both Russia and China, how do you figure that’s half the mbts in the game?

Never a one shot kill on a T series or Leop but a well placed shot on an Abrams IS as it travels through the extent of the turret into the ammo rack.

You see, that’s the problem. T series are punished for being stupid exposing their hulls. Abrams are punished for exposing anything from the turret ring and down. Do you not see the difference in fairness?

Exactly. Which has been handed off to almost every european nation at this point.

Compare someone with both German or Russian and US stats and it’s obvious there’s a problem with how US tanks are represented.

Sure. don’t

In real life yes. In War thunder, no. IRL Abrams relies on their almost impenetrable turret to negate any damage as was evident in Desert Storm. Of all engagements a very small number were disabled (not destroyed) due to mechanical issues after being under fire. I’ve actually made a bug report regarding the Gunshield armor missing 100+mm of armor using photos and a historical document showing the gunshield armor layout to blind ears.

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Im sorry but that a massive skill issue. The spall liner only save you once , never twice. If your first shot doesn’t disable the enemy tank to the point of they not being able to fight back is your fault. Also T90M spall liner can be bypassed by aiming where the shot will kill both crew in the middle of the tank

Damn , it is not like every other nation also get punished for showing anything , beside their turret right ? I mean it is not like they can just be shot and get their gunner or commander. Or even better both gunner and commander knockout when they get penetrated right ? Even the T series can easily be disabled by shooting the hatch , will disable the tank. Again , skill issue at it work

Yeah and most people with good Abram stats tend to have good stats in other tank as well. The only massive different is their WR cause US player suck lmao. I am not even gonna sugarcoat it

US player when they play a russian made game and larp like they serving their country. They don’t think what making the abram turret invincible would do to the game as a whole ignoring everything the M1 have as an advantage over other tank to make the M1 look bad, cherry picking at it finest . You don’t know cause you don’t think. When even the strongest well armoured tank require to have a weakspot on the turret front. I think you should sign up to the US army or the Ukrainian Army. They need man power and I am sure you will be able to do more there than larping in russian made game

Lmao the fact that no one is calling you out on this proves y’all have given up on being rational

cried for the mods because someone disagreed btw

Still no response to my arguments, many such cases. Sad.

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I can kill it with Challenger2 no problems all it has to be done is aim weak spot yeah (even bigger and easier to aim than Russian tanks) just like i did to Russian tanks for whole years I spent time killing them if i’m a meta chasers like you said you might be Russian sympathy since you don’t seem to have a problem when Russia doing it (for longer times too)

People give you responses and you ignore them.


No other nation gets punished as badly as the Abrams. The problem is the area between the upper front plate and the turret’s lower mantlet. A shot directly through the turret ring should be a one shot but that’s not the problem I’m speaking of. The problem is the ricochet physics which shots placed anywhere other than a direct shot to the turret ring causes a bounce penetration. That bounce penetration completely disables the Abrams. Basically people are rewarded for bad shots with a free kill. If an Abrams puts a bad shot on other MBTs, they can respond.

I won’t deny that, but I will say that there are massive problems with the Abrams model that been has ignored. There are two bug reports over a year old that have been accepted and nothing has been done to date which would massively help the tank. I’ve also made a bug report pointing out a huge discrepancy concerning the amount of gunshield armor which has also been ignored.

No thanks, I have very anti-war feelings towards this war and it certainly isn’t favoring the side you’re implying.

How about you join Russian 2nd meat company first?


So far the only thing i’ve ignored is “reserve tanks can crush 12.0 vehicles” lol
If that’s the best you have to offer just say so
Or keep projecting, makes no difference to me

Leclerc, Ariete, Challenger 2, Merkava


France and Italy now have Leo replacements
The Chally and Merkava I agree are both under performing but you know exactly how the armor is going to perform in game.
The Abrams armor is a gamble every time you expose your turret whether or not the ricochet is going to be death or not

Oh here we go again with the ‘but leopards!’ thing. Not only is it a misuse of the nations’ domestic industry, but the Dutch Leopards are also pretty mediocre compared to the Leclercs themselves as they are older ones, 2A6 and 2A5 instead of 2A7+
And it’s about the tanks themselves. Leclerc, Challenger 2, Merkava, Ariete, are all WAY more nerfed from realistic standpoints than the Abrams.