Is US top tier too weak

They could move the location of the hydraulic pump and give them a better helicopter, but that’s about it until new MBTs arrive.

Good things can actually come out of premiums being added.


It’s hard to carry when you are paired with a single nation (major one) and players of that nation form 14/16 players.

While i agree with the whole comment, i’d rather say it’s disingenuous rather than dumb, as there’s a relevant amount of people here commenting with their particular biases rather than appealing to something else.


i also think hydraulic pump position its a problem in good part of it, but its my perspective about it. without an official post we will never actually know what they are thinking about it.

i think that this lack of communication from gaijin about this problem is what really makes me more frustrate

new heli would be cool btw


I musta missed this so what did they actually change on the HSTVL? as ive seen loads of em now

they change the reload from 1.5sec to 1sec, dunno if anything else

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Sweet man sweet

its actually really fun use it now, didnt think that 0.5sec diff could make such a difference

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Only because they wanted to buff the RDF/LT with a similar weapon system, because it likely didn’t meet their sales expectation.


It’s still a direct buff to US top tier.

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no one is stopping you from opening a topic asking to fix others BRs or vehicles. Just get over your hate dude

yeah thats kinda the point of my statement and its not like im saying Italian players are bad and its also true that a lot of buy to enter 11.7 noobs are flooding us top tier, i mean they just added yet ANOTHER 11.7 prem for the US so clearly the devs dont care about the health of the game, but that can be true along with the fact that the abrams is just worse than the top tanks for other major nations

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it’s okay to need an easy mode difficulty, WT is a complex game and many people are incapable or unwilling to learn the various mechanics etc

the problem with russian bias and the US win rates being in the gutter is that it significantly lengthens the time needed to grind the tree because wins earn massive rewards compared to defeats. even a defeat can be worth it if half the team isn’t gone in the first 5 minutes like 90% of US games.

it’s also infuriating to consistently be in the top 3 on my team and yet still have a WR below 40% because it means i need to spend way longer spading the vehicles and grinding the tree just so that players like don’t need to try too hard. requires empathy to understand though.

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Might as well state what’s likely already common knowledge at this point.

The US vehicles themselves at top tier are definitely not the cause of the abysmal winrates compared to other nations, nor is the lineup itself, there is no way that the US is a bad, or even mediocre nation at top tier, given their very full lineup, only lacking in 1 area that they can make up for (spaa).

If the ADATs being a poor spaa was even close to the sole reason for the US having poor winrates, then it would also show for GB as they posess a worse version as their top tier spaa.

No matter how you look at it, the only large contributing factor that applies to the US specifically would be the sheer volume of premium options they have at top tier and the frequency at which they recieve them, the new RDV combined with the Clickbait, Wolfpack, and KVT being released in a similar timeframe, the F-20a, all of the premium attack jets. Russian premiums would be the closest equivalent, but even then, their premiums are more heavily concentrated around 9.3-10.7 for the most part, explaining why they aren’t as heavily affected at tiers above that.


US isn’t dominating, big sad.

Just like worse tanks than M1 will have longer time grinding stuff out as their vehicles will have lower efficiency because of that. It’s wild talking about bias when RU only has the best CAS and AA, with other nations having best tanks, CAP and helicopters.

Try writing a note to all Click-Bait spammers, they might start bringing out their M22s as backups to help.

US is being sabotaged by it’s own players more than anything else.

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@RemiliaScarlet it’s more about the premium line up than the actual line up, however both are terrible for a major nation.
ADATS is gimped to allow Ka50 players to get kills with no skill, which is why they all fly straight up while Apaches need to weave between trees
ADATS is absolutely awful even just for the fact that it can’t lock a target found by its search radar like the Ozelot can. it would comparably be trash even with a 20km missile. it can’t even lock incoming ATGMs like the Kh29 or Kh38 at any range
regardless, GB is a minor nation so its winrate good or bad doesn’t mean anything about the ADATS.
I’ll admit the RDF is a step in a right direction and so is the buff they begrudgingly gave it and the HSTVL. Won’t make much difference though.


if you complain about US having <30% WR then that means you want >70% WR

projecting hypocrisy

Just like worse tanks than M1 will have longer time grinding stuff out as their vehicles will have lower efficiency because of that


I wouldn’t argue with the dude he just harps on about russian bias.

Generally its accepted that tbe issue is the abysmal teams not the abrams itself.

Everyone seems to forget when tbe m1 was released and literally took over, same as tbe 2a7 etc.
The best players gravitate what the rumoured meta tank is.


Kamovs have no FnF capability so they can be countered by your AA.
Helicopters that can’t be countered are those with FnF munitions, as they can just pop out for a couple of seconds, fire their load and go back to cover.

Best light tank in the game not making a difference is totally on the players themselves.

You should have a talk with all the ODL premium warriors, as they’re the reason a nation with good top tier lineups have < 30% WR. Vehicles are fine, players are not. Your precious bias has nothing to do with it.


No , no it is not. US is not the only nation with a top tier line up and they have one of the best line up you can have, literally look to other nation

2024 and people still cry about Ka-50, bro still live back when it was still 10.0

This is the worst take on this forum , holy hell
TLDR: I believe in russian biased and US wr being bad is not because US player are bad it just the vehicle are not invincible.

Not even worth arguing with this guy cause not a single sane person would dismiss a nation just because they are minor nation


Frock yeah, glad to hear it. Still not up to par, but a welcomed addition surely.

… Now about Japan and Israel lol… having to use Mk1 eyeballs at top tier is, hmm… annoying lol

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