Is there an error in the p51 models?


Hello all pilots, I have returned to EC mode after several years and I have found that the way of flying the p51 is very strange, the plane does not obey the movements of the joystick like any plane I have tried does, Corsair, fw , bf109, ki, p47 etc., is it due to some error? Should I configure the joystick differently for the p51? Any help would be welcome, thank you all very much and greetings!

they fucked the flightmodel a few years ago. haven’t been able to fly it since.

If you mean the floaty controls where the plane moves around like a dingy on the ocean waves then yeah they have destroyed a bunch of flight models in recent years.

Yes, in Sim the P-51D is too tail-heavy. therefore it feels floaty controls and the aiming is also negatively affected. I also made an extra joystick assignment for the Mustang. It’s awkward to switch back and forth between the controls, but the Mustang flies well with it.

I think the problem with some flight models is that the flight models are transferred from RB to Sim. but then the flight models are never optimized for Sim. then there are all these annoying pls balance, pls nerv screamers in RB. and the flight models of some planes are changed over and over again. but never optimized for sim