Is the j35xs Jet Worth It? Major Concerns Over Potential 50% Turn Rate Nerf in War Thunder

Current Draken is brick because when Gaijin added J35D most of the people was breaking their wings constantly, after certain amount of time Gaijin limited Draken’s ability in order not to destroy itself in the hands of unexperienced players.

If J35’s flight model did changed according to that report then Gaijin should not keep Draken on its chains.

back, the J35D nerf is prolly implemented the thing is extremely slow compared to what it was Back than and even more of a brick than it was.

This issue was explained by Gaijin and they clearly stated that they did this so unexperienced players can avoid ripping their Wings constantly.

I remember when i got my hands on J35D for the first time it was incredibly dangerous in 1vs1 scenario and nothing could beat it unless they go for prolonged dogfight but even then J35D had chance to kill its opponent because of its agility.

welp doesn’t matter anymore,thing became trash time to move on

you are aware that FM change is not live yet? right?

idk it felt very weird when i played it

placebo effect most likely

ye mostly, i still think reverting the FM change would’ve ben better

well - there is a chance you are right and it’s updated already but usually you heard from dataminers

They need to toss this nerf out the window imo. I would rather have a Draken able to fight well that you have to be careful with, then a brick. Dunno if the ripping was even accurate…

i think just give it it’s old FM back when it was first dropped, it will be balanced as it would act just like a normal delta(fast and turn good but once u turn all ur speed is gone) now this idea is in the game but only Under 1100kmh same thing goes for the viggen C and D and AJ/AJS

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the way they make deltas are very stupid

if you want above 1100kmh you’ll turn into a brick that doesn’t lose energy

Hmm im curious to know he used to retain his speed for these tests. Just looking at the mach 1 test and he loses like 1km while turning. Just wondering if hes ignoring the constraints of game (that probably doesnt matter)

I used a device called “joystick” and set my controls to “full-real controls” scheme.

Speak of the devil, here he is…

Anyways give me your sources on this stuff with files attached because I want it 🙃

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Probably it was considering it was able to pull insane amount of Aoa and G overload.

True. Ill see if I can acquire some rip tests for the actual aircraft, see if ingame numbers are accurate.

I can definitely feel it to be much more sluggish and slow to turn than before but it still claps enemies just fine.

Let me know when you got it.