What do you think
Depends on the offense and why they were banned and how.
Better than the alternative.
If you intentionally TK enough to be banned, you deserve it.
If you accidentally TK enough to be banned, you need to learn to be smarter and play better.
I have a feeling that the majority of the TKers had tens of teamkills or gaijin is finally cracking down on people that TK nukes?
Better than nothing , given how the old thing was a small fine then nothing more. Sure there are a good amount of accidental tk here and there , something that they should be fixing soon if they don’t want the playerbase to lose their mind. Basically good overall cause something finally being done but there are room to improve
Yeah, I had someone kill me and someone else with randomly fired AMRAAM, earlier. No way that was “accidental”
Fully deserved, a firm hand without looking back.
No, if you are teamkilling often enough to get banned you deserve it.
Too many people with anger management issues teamkilling because “you stole their kill” or “stole their base” or did something they didnt like, or even said something in chat they didnt like.