Is it too much to ask to fix US Ground top tier?

Fair, remove the Pantsir and every Kamov until equivalents can be added to every tech tree in the game, if it isn’t possible then remove both permanently


than why wont we remove the F16 with litening 2 and 6 agm 65 camping outside of range and ruining everyone day? pretty sure its not balanced.

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Absolutely, remove everything that upsets the god of balance and makes nations unique, every nation must be completely equal in capacity even if it doesn’t reflect their military priorities

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oh boy can i wait to have my ariete with a totally acurate 500mm of armor every angle, 1700HP to push it at 70 km/h and a 5 sec reload cause my loader is high on pasta

Then also remove Su-25SM3 and French F-16C and all the Gripens

And F-16C locking range is 12km that is well within the range of Pantsir.

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tbf gripens only carry 4 agm and each agm take a hardpoint so yeah not as bad as the F16C and the netherland one, ok for the SU-25SM3 tho

No remov gripen

Right and how is the game “balanced” right now? Like I said, every other nation exploits the turret ring on the Abrams.

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I’m just gonna have to stop responding because you’re not reading what I’m saying anyways.

I said:

Just like the Abrams can exploit the weakspots on other nations:

let me put that straight, USA is far from being a bad tt, sure abrams are not at the armor level of the 2A7 or T90M and bvm but their reload rate, great speed, Multipurpose HEAT and their giant array of CAS airplane made it one of the best nation in game. When compared to stuff like italy that, yeah have 1 single good tank and that’s all, no spaa at all (sorry guy but the hstvl is almost as good as the oto so i don’t call it a spaa), the worst mbt in the game, US feel like the best nation in the world. Even between all nation usa has the best variety, from good light vehicle like the M1128, to great MBT like the abrams, all the way to good multi purpose aircraft that excelle in both ground strike and air defence when other nation need to choose between airsuperiority or cas USA can do both also meaning that if you don’t like the ADATS you can take your F16 with agm and AMRAAM and kill enemy aircraft and use the AGM to kill heli.

ariete is just sad lmao.

Reusing the same old tired protection modules he lies about every time.

Edit: And that Abrams pic doesn’t show ammo detionations through front plates from higher angles which are totally plausible.

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this map just show us that the abrams have similar armor as almost all other mbt exepted leo and T80, while the abrams have better speed and reaload so this “armor” point isn’t relevent at all. it didn’t show us how the abrams underperform… Its even the oposite, why would the abrams actually have a advantage (reload rate) when he actually has similar armor as other mbt ?

You can believe that. Doesn’t make it true.

That map would be accurate for the abrams if they actually fixed the turret ring model and I’d be happy with that.

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well show me how its not actually true.

fixing this will make the abrams actually better than almost all mbt, exepted maybe for the leo.

Fixing the turret ring would make the Abrams actually better than almost all MBT?

Won’t know until they attempt fixing the model and implement the change, now will we?

pretty easy just tell me how the abrams is worst than all other mbt.

Did I say it was worse than all others? No. I said it should be fixed. I’ve asked the same of Leclerc, Type 90, Type 10, and Ariete, and Challenger. I’d even dare to ask it off Leopard 2A7V and maybe the T90M if anyone could prove to me it wasn’t up to snuff.

I’ve asked for them to investigate the front hull armor bugs on the ZTZ99A.

As it stands, they’ll finally start needing to implement T80BVM sub tech trees to match up with further expansions.

In all of this, asking for turret ring fixes and M829A3 rounds is scarcely even OP at this point.

Edit: Actually, correction, it’s not OP, it’s a damn fact that they messed up the model earlier, and thus it’s their mistake to correct. I’m not being ashamed of Gaijin making a mess-up of such epic proportions and leaving players to suffer for years.

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