Is it too much to ask to fix US Ground top tier?

It’s not just been that nonsense about the Abrams, but also about the ADATs, the Stryker and the HSTVL.

It’s just worthless drivel spouted about " skill issue this, skill issue that and shuddup gaijin knows better than you ". Those losers know they have no actual arguments, nor should they be making any anyways - It’s just US hate seething through.

Let me know how many battles you’ve played with the T-80BVM and T-90M.

If you disagree with my arguments, I expect you to be able to come up with well reasoned counterarguments based on actual experience playing the vehicles we’re discussing.

That’s okay, I just know that it invalidates your opinion.

If you’ve got no experience playing a vehicle, you shouldn’t be commenting on it as if you do.

From what I recall, US top-tier in Air RB has been dominant for absolute ages now.

And to clarify, I’ve been saying the US tech tree should’ve gotten the SEP v3 instead of the SEP v2 for months and months now.

Um. OK, can I just respectfully disagree with the first point, sir? Abrams isn’t larger than the Leclerc? I’m pretty sure she’s a wider girl than my French counterparts. She’s big backed like that.

If you say she’s quieter than Leclerc, hell, I can’t argue, I don’t know what the decibel levels are for all the engines. I just know I can tell a T-64 from a T-72 in close quarters.

To the rest of your points, I’ll thank you. I’m an aggressive player who knows the maps so I push early and often eat it as a result. But I often try and make up for it on the second or third go round.

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None of them are top tier lol

Bit of a Strawman as Pantsir isn’t present in ARB. It’s in GRB and objectively nullifies the entire opposing team’s air power ability.

As for US air domination. It’s limited to the F-104 in a downtier, F-8 in it’s BR range, the F-14 in it’s BR range and that’s it. But that’s off topic so I’ll leave it at that.

Top tier is hell thanks to Clickbait players (which leaves me sad for that tank crew, they got a good name for the vehicle and now it’s a meme).

I’ve got 600 battles in the M1A1, are you implying my account magically prevents it from facing up-tiers to 11.7?

Also, you don’t play a ‘‘top-tier’’ Abrams either.

It’s not a strawman, please reference the comment I replied to again.

They claimed that the Pantsir gives the USSR tech tree an edge in a certain field and that that justifies other tech trees having an edge in other fields.

Excluding Air RB just because it’s not their preferred gamemode is just cherry-picking.

I’m also wondering where this idea comes from that War Thunder hans’t always been a cycle where nations take turns dominating others.

Germany and Russia also have 11.3 prem/squad tanks yet where’s all the bad rap for them?

Oh, right. Their prem/squad tanks aren’t as terribly modeled.

M1A1 AIM is equal to SEP both in protection and thermals, only lacking the ammo which isn’t the topic of this discussion. As for matchmaking, I do play 11.7 with ADATS or 12.7 with F-16C as CAS.

Those haven’t gone on sale and there’s markedly less of them found.

That’s why I’ve been saying that the best way to raise US winrates is for Gaijin to push other nations’ high tier premiums harder with sales.

I do however notice that if there’s a high number of T-80UE1’s in the team, they’re equally poor as Click-Baits and AIM players and they tend to lose the match by default.

M1A1 Click-Bait > Leopard 2A4M and T-80U-E1.

M1A1 is equal to a M1A2 other than a couple more mm of pen and turret cheeks.
You’re just reaching for straws trying to dismiss anything I say.

So do I, so moot point.

Yes, it’s perfectly normal to see nations having unfair advantages in the areas they focused on, which is why anti ERA rounds shouldn’t be a deal breaker, the Pantsir can effectively nullify any opposing CAS but it’s a world ending issue if the US gets anti ERA rounds?


I presume you’re referring to M829A3?

That was what I was replying to at the start, the idea that adding it will be unfair because Russian tanks overly rely on ERA

If we are accounting for doctrines, then USA should have planes with Fox 3’s for only 100-200 SP to spawn to fight against CAS. Accounting for USA massive air fleet and their superiority and avaliability didn’t required reliance on SPAAs.

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I really wish Gaijin changed air spawn costs, the recent changes were a good step forward but the costs of air to air loadouts are very wonky, it’s cheaper to spawn a JH-7A with 6 guided bombs than a J-10 with ARHs


So a couple of problems then:

Firstly, M829A3 is rated to defeat Kontakt-5, not Relikt. The Soviet/Russian tanks equipped with Kontakt-5 are already inferior to the M1A2’s, these include the T-90A, T-72B3 and T-80U, none of which are 11.7 worthy vehicles.

Secondly, M829A2 currently already has the second best penetration at 11.7 coppled with the second fastest reload rate. This gives M1’s the second best firepower of any MBT after the Japanese Type 10’s.
Implementing M829A3 would be spitting in the face of Israeli Merkava’s, Italian Ariete’s, French Leclercs, British Challengers, Chinese ZTZ-99’s and basically any nation that has worse lineups/MBT’s than the US do.
If USA got M829A3, other nations would demand ammo upgrades of their own.

A better solution would be to implement MBT’s equal to the 2A7V for all other nations to bring some form of balance.

Thirdly, Implementing M829A3 for the 11.7 M1’s doesn’t solve the issue of matchmaking being plagued with newbies that don’t understand how the game is played in their M1A1 Click-Baits and M1A1 AIM’s.

You could give the US tech tree a M1 CATTB as a premium tank, and the stats for it would still be abysmal. The only way to get out of this mess Gaijin made is for other nations to have equal numbers of newbies in their respective nations’ premium vehicles.

So sdding it won’t be an issue, why not add it?

I don’t even play the US and I think Gaijin should add it for the sake of realism

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The Abrams is just THAT much better of a tank IRL. The Sep v1 and v2 NEVER came equipped with an A2 round, that is just historically inaccurate. And yes the A3 would and SHOULD be face splitting everything that isn’t careful. You can’t just add some tanks to the game that are historically accurate and ignore the others just because of bias. That goes for the entire US line up. Sorry but even the air is missing correct ammunition on many aircraft. The US is at least 10 years ahead of anyone when it comes to technology.


Because you’ll have Germany begging for anti ERA on DM53 + ZTZ99As/T-80U/UE-1/UK/T-72B3 all become obsolete at top tier and probably end up being downtiered


I just wrote a bunch of paragraphs explaining why it might be a problem.

I’m getting the distinct feeling I’m talking to a wall here.

Balance > Realism.

The T-64A at 8.0 would be more realistic as that’s where it’s historical counterparts sit, that doesn’t mean it’s balanced or that it should be done because everyone would just play the T-64A all day long and enjoy curbstomping M60’s, base Leopard 1’s and AMX-30’s.

Like I said above, Balance > Realism.

If you want realism, that would mean both the Strv 122B+ and Leopard 2A7V receive significant buffs that make them curbstomp M1 Abrams variants (and other nations’ MBT’s) even harder.

M829A1 already does, I’m getting the distinct feeling you need lolpen ammo to compensate for you playing poorly.