Is It Time For More Top Tier Modern MBTs?

We could also maybe get the Thumper as well, although I don’t know if it would actually sit very high given the 292 is at like… 10.3

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What more modern top tier MBTs? There is maybe a few left in a few countries, but most countries have their best tanks.

Would love ground RB cap to be increased, but not for the same reasons you want it. I just want decompression and rebalancing.

There really should focus way more on the gameplay, and WAY less on adding new vehicles.


The 130mm Challenger prototype seems like the next logical step.

I’m not sure if M829A3 would change things that much, you’d still largely be aiming for the same weakspots.

I’d rather see the SEP v3.

Isn’t the Thumper basically a discount CATTB?

Eventually We’ll get to the point where the CATTB could be added as the end-of-line M1.

Armour-wise the CATTB wouldn’t even change much over the existing M1A2’s and the from what I can find, the gun mounted on the physical vehicle was still a 120mm and not the 140mm.

Maybe… some debate as to whether that would actually be any good I think. But yeah, certainly could be a good addition. So long as it has armour and its not like the 3TD where the armour was removed

Japan technicly havent got their top dog MBT.
This would be Typ 10 with APS but its in Development just RN.


Type 10 (Mitsubishi Hardkill APS)

First, move these “Weak 11.7s” like Ariete, Merkava, VT4 to anywhere they should at like 11.3
Next, keep these “Normal 11.7s” like SEPv2, Leclerc or Challenger 2 at 11.7
Then, move the “Best 11.7” like Strv 122s, Leo 2A7s and T-80BVM to 12.0 or maybe 12.3
If a vehicle is obviously worse than other top tier tanks, then it shouldn’t be a top tier tank.
Not every tree need a top tier tank, especially when you move them to top tier, they can’t fight with the real top tiers


829a3 is supposed to have an anti-ERA tip, my understanding is it would be the same as a2 except against Russian tanks the ERA just wouldn’t do anything to it

M829A3 is primarily intended to combat Kontakt-5.

Relikt is of a different construction and would be less affected by this shell type. Tanks like the T-80U, T-72B3 and T-90A already pose less of a threat to the M1A2 SEP while the T-80BVM and T-90M wouldn’t really notice a difference.

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Then it should already be in-game and we should be considering M829A4 and/or SEPv3

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The M1’s already have the second best firepower in the entire game after the Type 10, why do they need new ammunition that is only going to be of any relevance to a couple of Russian MBT’s which are already struggling to compete?

The T-90A, T-72B3 and to a lesser extend the T-80U are not very competitive at the moment already.

Like I said, the CATTB might be on the table at some point, I’m not sure how much the SEP v3 would improve things given that it does not have a spall liner (IIRC) nor addresses the turret ring weakspot.

That being said, I’m not against the SEP v3 being implemented, nor am I of the opinion that the current M1A2’s are particularly worse than the average 11.7 MBT either.

Because this thread is taking about future additions.

Russia would be getting T-14 probably, There’s already the Leopard problem, etc. SEPv2 + 829A2 is not capable of keeping up with these new additions

Also, the turret ring should be 250mm in every Abrams and the v3 brings trophy APS.

M829a4 is too early and it is not clear whether it will appear in games in the future. The balance is not right

The only ammunition that can achieve similar performance to the M829a4 is SHARD and Vacuum. Among the countries currently in game, there are only three countries that can follow this power game. The remaining seven countries will be eliminated.

That doesn’t matter.

That’s just not how top-tier has ever worked, Gaijin doesn’t introduce a new MBT and then buff the existing MBT’s to the level of the new ones.

If a M1 CATTB were added, the Merkava Mk 4, T-80BVM, Type 10, etc. would all start to struggle too yet I don’t see Gaijin buffing those vehicles to the level of the CATTB.


Any form of active protection system in War Thunder tends to be a bit niche, not something I’d get too excited over.

In terms of MBTs to add in top tier, there are very few options and they probably don’t deserve a higher BR than existing ones. For example Challenger 3, M1A2 SEPv4, Leopard 2A8, Merkava 4 Barak, etc. These are mere evolutions of what already exists today. So what SHOULD happen is decompression. Stretch the existing 1.0-11.7 to 1.0-13.0 or more.

I might be wrong about the specific protection but it’s acknowledged as not being correct

MiG-29SMT, F-16C, SA Gripen, and Barak-2 beg to differ.

When a sufficiently advanced addition is possible, Gaijin will hold back it’s introduction until the game is ready.

Better than no LWS, no APS, and crap SPAA

I think all of these? Have better rounds which could be added. Not to mention T-90M I think can get Vacuum round.

Those aren’t tanks?

  • When the Leopard 2A4 was implemented, the Leopard 2K wasn’t buffed.
  • When the 2A5 was implemented, the 2A4 wasn’t buffed.
  • When the 2A6 was implemented, the 2A5 wasn’t buffed.
  • When the 2 A7V was implemented, the 2A6 wasn’t buffed.

Powercreep is what War Thunder is all about, you must not have been playing for very long if this hasn’t been clear to you.

You think all of those are at the same level as the CATTB?

It cannot.

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No. Many current 11.7 should be at least 12.3. also, many nations simply don’t have any more advanced tanks. There’s no reason to keep rushing and pushing for ever-more-modern vehicles without regard for balance and gameplay.

Because need different gun to shoot it. :)