Is it pure skill issue when i can’t win a 1vs 2 or 5?

I keep finding myself in situations with the Ta 152 H1 in air rb where i end up with teammates that die early on and leaves me to have to fight multiple people. In 1v1’s i can confidently win most of the time but against multiple im at a loss. Im facing the same issue in props even in lower Br’s where my teammates die too quickly while im fighting my own battles up high

The only time im ever able to clutch it up is if i get lucky that the players im up against happen to be braindead stupid

Do i just need to get better at this game in these circumstances ?

It’s not as much a skill issue per se as it is a reason to learn the craft more. ARB gets really hectic really quick and not being able to win 1vtheentireenemyteams is not really a skill issue. A good player can stay alive long enough to score 1 maybe 2 victories in the engagement but a really good player can clutch it all.

Oh also abuse the living hell out of your airframe. Not good with turn fights? Energy trap them, bleed their speed, then swoop in and slam them.

If they gang up on you then its impossible to win 1v2 or more. If they are random players and all start chasing you then there is possibility but it depends on your aircraft and luck. I was able to win duels like these in Zero because they just started turning with me.

It all depends on how you manage your energy and which battles you decide to take.
If you’re in a plane that generates an infinite amount of energy in an instant like the Ki-27, it is trivial to take on multiple enemies at the same time. But if you’re in a plane that burns energy fast and can’t regain it fast enough, some battles will be impossible to surmount. Merely taking those battles already means you’re dead.
Some battles WILL result in stalemates. You can’t just win them all.
Just keep evaluating what you did wrong when you die, and at one point one of your conclusions will be “I shouldn’t have taken the fight in the first place”.

In case of the 152 H, my advice is to always work from the top to bottom. Chances are high that most of the players from both teams will just have a furball at the deck, so you get to 1vN at the start while above enemies that climb. At least in my experience I always meet props below myself.

Tactics is a skill.
Watch YTers like DEFYN, he regularly shows how to take on multiple opponents with inferior planes or position.