Is it possible to dumbfire AIM-54 (and other radar missiles)

I just took out the F-4EJ Kai and F-14 IRIAF, what beauties they are! The only issue is, I don’t have the best missiles. But I know for a fact, that the AIM-54, a 400kg missile, has about 60 kg of TNT, which is about equal to Mk.81 bombs.

I know that base bombing damage isn’t strictly based on filler weight, so I assume the Phenix would be able to do some damage to bases if they can be fired at them. Currently I’m grinding bombs, and focusing on destroying ground targets.

No. Radar-guided be they ARH or SARH, and even IR missiles are completely incapable of dumb-firing. Both in-game and IRL.

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Playing top tier fighters . . . for the sake of base bombing. wow.

Not really. I kill ground targets as well. Its actually hard to reach a base so its a bonus for me.

but you can dumb fire them IRL

you can’t dumbfire them, but it is possible to somehow get a lock with at least an IR missile, then quickly bear off it and break its track before firing it while it still thinks its locked, or something like that, and get it to hit a base which it WILL do damage to.

Or at least that was possible a few years back

No, they are not designed for blindfiring in that manner.

I think that missiles have a MADDOG mode that will uncage the seeker and let them go to the nearest target, I could be wrong. But no way to fire them onto bases like rockets. Not really a point in that.

Yeah I’ve read stuff from the flight sim community about firing them as rockets so I got that idea. But now I’ve unlocked bombs so there’s no need for this anymore.

yeah they arent designed for it, but you still can IRL
launch override lets you launch whenever you want without lock

Taxpayers will be very happy with you using an expensive high tech missile to do a cheap unguided bomb’s job…

Iirc maddog is a thing for radar missiles, however I’m not fully sure what procedures need to be done to do this.