Is GRB Realistic: A more Realistic (realism) idea for CAS, Tanks and helicopters

@SinisterIsRandom was speaking of effective use of SPAA. In the context and judging by the rest of his post it is obvious that he means the role of fighting aircraft.


I will respond to this quip this way:

That belief can be your opinion in general, but in certain scenarios it is flatly bogus. As an overall stance, I’d describe it as faulty at best…you’d be better off with a “___ are more realistic than ___ in ___ regards” take than something that tries to go wholesale like this.

Look at it this way: aircraft have to return to the airfield for repairs while a tank with Parts unlocked can conceivably get a new engine block, breech and/or barrel while waiting on the doorstep of the enemy base (just give 'em a little time!)

Which is more realistic there? Putting aside video game logic that we all put up with for play practicality, which side there takes more liberties?

I’m open to talking about a new approach to realism, but let’s not kid ourselves: plenty of realism liberties are taken with GFs.

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So You compare kills against the air to overall deaths.

Why overall deaths? Well if what he is talking about is a good tactic then he wouldn’t die to tanks. If he dies to tanks then this tactic is not good.

Its not a quip.
Its obvious aircraft have to return to a maintenance bay for repair, i dont think i need to say why unless you know something i dont. My statment about realistic probably points more towards realism and that many battles throughout history have air support, but in WT you need to die to get it. I would like air cover for ground at same sp cost as tanks and helicopters

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Fair enough–the meaning I was intending there was not that you were joking but that I was only commenting on that excerpt.

“Excerpt” is the proper term…so consider it that.

This sounds very similar (though perhaps not identical) to the Fighters First idea I’ve previously remarked on.

FF would not allow for ordnance for first spawn aircraft, but it would allow for defensive fighters (and helicopters without SP-tied weaponry) as well as having new despawn mechanics and even SP rebates included with its implementation.

I believe ordinance needs to be earned via SP, be it from shoting down enemy aircrsft or strafing tanks or even tank v tank. Idk about the rebate idea seems a bit complicated, i think we have had this conversation before.

Try again 😜

In that case his tactic also is not good, if there are no enemies that spawn aircraft at all and it is also not good if he makes enemies miss their approach and waste their ordinance.

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If enemy misses the ordinance that is not because he made something but rather enemy lacking skill to drop it.

We can’t say that just because an SPAA is shooting from from 2km distance and enemy misses his bombs due to not being able to drop it properly, that SPAA made an impact.

If the SPAA fire is the cause for evasive maneuvers, which in turn result in a missed drop, then the SPAA was the cause, yes. Of course, the pilot could have assessed the situation, circled around and start another attempt, which could be successful or also end in failure.

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But again, the airplane is still flying and can rearm or attack a target with his mgs outside of SPAA range

Not all machine guns are able to damage tanks and if he goes to rearm, he is practically out of the match for a few minutes.

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Open-top vechicles don’t require much of a pen and You can always spot for the team.

Rearming doesn’t take that much time (all depends on the map).

So still, that is not an effective way to deal with air.

Open top’s would be safer with air cover

With how random teams are made, You don’t know if You are going to be in a team that will use the air in the first place.

You can view what you’re team is using before you spawn, you would also have the option to spawn air first. That is all part of prematch tactical thinking

So the game is going to become air mode as it will be the best option to use? Not to mention that when side wins the air, they will be able to spawn CAS and destroy any fighter trying to get spawned.

Air can not cap. A team could spawn air and spaa

But if there is no one that can get close to the CAP then that team can’t cap too.

SPAA can’t work against many opponents at the same time and You wouldn’t be able to do much against fighters with Your own fighter if they’d be staying above Your airspawn.

Which is it? Camping air spawn that has AAA or denying ground to cap

Why not both? You don’t know how many people will start using the air as first spawn if that would be allowed.