Is GRB Realistic: A more Realistic (realism) idea for CAS, Tanks and helicopters

They could add Modular AFs like we have in ASB. But the amount of bomb load needed would not be possible in a typical GRB match, they are just too short.

If you made it destroyable easily by a single bomber in a single sortie. CAS then becomes, who can rush the enemy AF first, wins and gets a massive advantage. So it just doesnt work.

That will be russians pe8 with its 5000kg bomb, has a habit of killing your own team

I can see that bit of the idea being a bit complicated, though the forward air base used by helicopters could be made a capture point for helicopters, give them something to do instead of spamming ATGM’s into spawn, could even call it the “D Point” 😆

That could work. Personally. I’d just move the forward Heli spawn onto the AF.

What would be cool is if they had a middle pad maybe to the top or bottom of the map so helicopters could capture it. Sort of like king of the hill be whoever captured it can repair there.

If we had early planes they wouid be pretty occupied and have to spend a lot of the time hugging the landscape and hay even choose aircraft instead

U might want to edit 😆 i can see you’re british


Im not taking shots at you i am british also, i do have a line up and i play GRB, ARB and play CAS IN GRB,

See you next tuesday, this is realistic section of forum, naybe you should learn to read between the lines your sticking up your nose. Actually my idea calls for more CAS


You are full of scutter. I have spent more time in the air than on the ground. I think CAS is so weak i dont put SPAA in my line ups because i am not scard of it. Ok? shit for brains!


I am dyslexic 😆

Actually that would be wrong if it was You’re cause why would you say “You’re are full of scutter”

I edited

ah ok

Anything else wrong with my literacy, especially ìn my op, would not want people to get the wrong idea

One thing to keep in mind is the capability of the ordinance. For example, guided bombs are often better than larger dumb bombs, and better, more capable types of ordinances, like long range agms are more capable than short range guided bombs.

Eg.) vihkrs have 5kg tnt, but should not cost less than a 100 pound bomb on a f2a

Ive not looked into damage differences of guided and unguided bombs, i also would not know how to price them, i guess that is gaijins department they have all the statistics. Im just after a more realistic game play. I know 1 thing if they was more enemy fighters a pilot with guided bombs would not have such an easy time, just like in ARB

I know from experience that when you use bomb computer you have to be pretty square with target point or you can still mis, btw i have only grinded upto jaguar so far