Is AIR's rp income too high?

I am not saying in terms of reward but in terms of inherent worth.

My post was more meant hiw they should be valued. In terms of skill required etc.

If we look at kill rewards, you get 100% more RP for 4 kills in ARB. Meanwhile you need 9 kills in GRB for 100% more RP. I think that is reasonable. Therefore, 4 kills in ARB and 9 kills in GRB should equate to similar RP rewards at the end of the match, which they don’t. However, I would like to say that the time spent in an ARB match typically is longer than a GRB match, and no respawns make it so that you’ve effectively wasted time if you died without contributing anything, so I can understand that ARB should give a little more RP.

You are telling me that the 1 min playing diiferents makes a whole differents of 1.3k rp?

No, I’m saying that if you do not manage to do anything in a match (aka you get killed early on in the match), you would’ve wasted much more time than simply respawning like how you can in GRB. So it’s somewhat reasonable for ARB to give more RP on that basis. However, I definitely think GRB needs higher RP rewards, like I stated in my original comment:

Why would anyone want to nerf rewards.

Just increase the ground rewards


A small request, can you change your ID? Please do not insult Soyo, mygo, and BanG Dream. The current RP returns are already bad enough, whether it’s air or ground


How in the world do we have genuine polls asking the community if they want their rewards nerfed



You can compare their rewards JUST fine…

In all modes the income is too low, they all need increasing across the board


Real, rewards should go up not down.

I really don’t know how are you getting 14K for 4 kills. I got 13.7K for 9 kills a few months back when I played the TURMS.

Found the two games I played in the same day from back then. This was 4 months ago.

Just goes to show how bad ground RP is


I’m sorry but in what universe are you in to come to the conclusion that air is too high and should be lowered and not that ground is too low

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jesus christ how can you complain that you’re getting TOO much RP.



Air isn’t too high, everything else is too low


are you kidding me? Shouldn’t you propose to increase the revenue of ground vehicles? This is the thinking that a normal person should have

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Yeah we should reduce air RP gains so that they’re in-line with ground RP gains.

I hope this is meant ironic!

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Thats a new one - player asking Gaijin to reduce his rewards…is this some cultural difference that I do not understand?

Imo, the problem isn’t the Air RBs income is too high, but that Ground RBs income is too low.