Is AIR's rp income too high?

I took the questionnaire in my gaming community,on the amount of rp they can acquire per hour,and then got this.They use all rank Ⅶ vehicles with talisman, naval is rank V with premium account and no boost
The three pictures are AIR\GROUND\NAVAL.
Looking at the results, AIR’s rp income is almost twice that of ground.
Do you guys think it would be a good idea to raise the rp income for ground and naval, or lower the rp income for air so that both are at the same level?

In my whole carrier in war thunder without any premium stuff I noticed it aswell. Ground matche make less RP than Air matches with the same score and the same played time in the match which is wierd. Grinding ground is way harder than Air. Most of the time I got 6-8k rp in every air match while geetin only 3-5 k rp in every ground match eventho I did more in the ground match.

No. Ground is too low.

Do you work for Gaijin?


It’s not that air’s is too high, it’s that ground’s is too low. WAY too low. Even with a premium tank, acct, and 4 kills I get a mere 14k RP, meanwhile a 4 kill game in air is a reasonable but still undervalued 30-40k RP. Tanks should be buffed in their rewards significantly, and don’t even get me started on helis.


give enemy players (and also you) can respawn multiple times, is way easier to get 4 kills in a tank than in a plane with a single life and very limited ammo count.

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You get more rp for 3 kills in an aircraft than you get for 15 in a tank.


I don’t know the proportion, but, again, direct comparison is impossible as game modes are too different.





Dude 4 kills in air is basically 16 ground kills.

Increase ground and naval, simple as

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Ground is obviously way too low, they added hundreds of millions of RP to the game without increasing RP gain.

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The question is wrong in this situation and enviroment. The question should be: “Are rewards too low in GRB and other battles?”


Bloody makes 4k points in a match probably getting 15k RP with premium bonuses, on Air you take down one guy and research whole tech tree with miserable 300 points.

You’ll notice that of all the modes within the game, AIR RB income significantly more rp than all the other game modes, compare that to AIR SB, which only earns 60-70k rp per hour, just like rocket attacks on base income about 20-40% more rp than bombs and incendiaries, and they fixed that as a bug, so I guess AIR RB income far more rp than all other modes could also be a bug.

I’d argue if anything, ground RB rewards are too low, though they have multiple chances to get the same amount of kills or more , over an air player that only has one chance. Perhaps the lower rewards are due to the forgiving nature of having multiple vehicles and aircraft at your disposal in ground battles(kind of like arcade vs realistic), over a singular vehicle in air battles, that once destroyed, you’re back to hangar.

Only in sim… And than it is far more than x4… More like x25 in RB it is pretty close to 1:1.

Bro why are you snitching??? WTF

Bruh math isn’t something u good in ig.

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Maybe that helps you. Both vehicel have a RP income of 464% (with premium). Times 4 was a bit to much but times 2 is way more accurate.

This is the ground match with 7 kills, O death and 5 min played and a win. 4,8k rp earning

And this is a 2 kill match. I died after 6 min of gameplay and we won. 6k rp earning.
If that helps you

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