Introducing the Tiger and Ostwind Pack!

The price of the pack is 35€:

The pack includes 1000 GE (about 5€) and 15 days of premium. Not terrible, I will consider buying this pack during the -50% sale next year. I know these are copy-pasted vehicles, but it will be a decent lineup for tasks, challenges and events. I also really like the WW2 area of the game.

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I’m pleasantly surprised by the pricing

I’d like to see more of these 3-vehicle lineups


According to some, for 30 euros they would need a whole tree… that’s less than 9€ per vehicle, it’s frankly affordable.

if it goes on sale. I could think that they may never discount it due to it being already relatively cheap.

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I’ very pleasantly surprised by the pricing. I’ll get the pack when the Xbox store updates

Like I said before my post was censored:

1.) Is gaijin aware that out of a total of 1,347 Tiger I produced, only 390 were equipped with the drum cupola? So why is it that this vehicle pack contains two Tigers with the early, rare, nerfed cupola, conveniently with no fliegerbeschussgerät AAA weapon? Coincidental nerf? About 70% of Tiger I produced were equipped with the definitive “late” cupola with MG weapon, which was introduced in July 1943:

2.) Is gaijin aware that out of a total of 1,347 Tiger I produced, only 250 were equipped with the HL 210 engine? Since your 3D model features the nebelwurfgerät, feifel air filters, & drum cupola, this means that your models are examples of early Tiger I with HL 210 engines. Convenient horsepower nerf? About 81% of Tiger I produced were equipped with the definitive “late” HL 230 engine, which was introduced in May 1943:

3.) I am not going to mention changes such as ones to the escape hatches, pistol ports, headlights, zimmerit, steel roadwheels, turret ring protection, & the nahverteidigungswaffe which you people deliberately omitted from your early Tiger I pack, but to blatantly leave out the prevalent improvements such as the common cupola with AAA weapon, the common engine, the thickened turret roof, & the more powerful optic (5x T.Z.F. 9c) mounted in a thicker gun mantlet…This is just flagrant bias on your (gaijin’s) part, providing the average unsuspecting player with an inferior “new vehicle” in an early, rare, uncommon, weaker armored, outdated configuration that is completely out of place for late war events/scenarios/maps & uptierings, all while suckering money from said unsuspecting player

Too bad the early mantlet, early cupola, early engine, early nebelwurfgerät, early air filters, & whatever else reveal otherwise:

Gaijin, are you even aware that there is a Tiger I E in your game? Why didn’t you make a vehicle pack using that model? You seriously went out of your way to depict a pair of early configured Tiger I while at the same time inexplicably claiming that they ‘incorporate aesthetic elements inspired by each theater’, which they do not:

After making this statement, you then proceeded to depict your models with an incorrect cupola, no AAA MG, incorrect engine, incorrect optic, weaker mantlet, etc. The 3D models that you copy/pasted are circa early 1943 & lack such aesthetic elements since they have none of the mainstream & common improvements, advantages, refinements, or upgrades over the current Tiger H1 & ␠Tiger already available in this game, yet you fully expect people to relinquish money for a vehicle pack featuring early Tiger I representations with inferior characteristics compared to the game’s free Tiger I E? No. This is a scam. You people either have no attention to detail, no clue of what you are doing with regards to (Tiger I) tanks, or this is nothing more than a predatory cash grab scam intended to deprive unknowing people (children) from their (parents) money during Christmas time.

What you should have done is something unique instead of this lazy scam attempt, such as a Tiger I with functional vorpanzer, a Tiger I with functional fording equipment, a Tiger I with functional minenabwurfvorrichtung, a Tiger I with a MG 42 fliegerbeschussgerät, a Tiger I with an 88 mm KwK 43 L/71, a Panzerbefehlswagen Tiger I (Sd. Kfz. 267 or 268), Otto Carius’ personal Tiger I, or a much more mainstream example of a Tiger I as pictured here:

4.) Seeing that the Ostwind II is also included in this pack, does this mean that it will finally receive its missing APCR or are you hoping that people will still purchase this despite the missing round types? Furthermore, a properly corrected Zerstörer 45 or the reintroduction of the Flakpanzer 341 would have made a better choice to include in this pack


If the sales for this pack are good, which I would wager they will be(I scooped mine up first thing!!) then I would also imagine that we will see a lot more packs of this nature in the future. These “line up” packs seem to be a feature that they use in the mobile version of the game, from what I have heard. So it is possible this is a “test” sale in that regard. . . . if it does well, surely we will see more like it . . .
Dont call me shirley GIFs - Obtenez le meilleur gif sur GIFER


Time to play Germany again!!!


Great research. It’s a shame that gaijin ignores realism and history.


I’m going to be 100% honest with what I think about this pack. It’s clear that it’s a pack to get easy money from the developers, even so I’m not completely against it since companies are there to make money, but the problem I see is that they don’t make the effort to do it right. As was said before, the Tiger West should be a final model, since they were the ones that were on that front.
Personally, for 30€ I wouldn’t buy it, I’d wait for them to reduce it by half, and then it would be something a bit interesting, but as a fan of historicals, I can’t see it being an initial Tiger on the western front and an osteind II that never entered service. I would have infinitely liked a pack with two 100% historical Tigers (directly taken from a photo), and an also historical ostwind I, that would be much more interesting to me.

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Yep, surprisingly low price in this case. Nice to see.


while i’m not opposed to premiums being sold in bundles, i just hope that they don’t make it something like £120 (price of 3 vehicles)
it could help new players get into the game, kinda like the nation starter packs, as it would also (hopefully) prevent level 1 crews being at top tier

time will tell how they execute this though

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I find the price ok. 3 premiuns (well in reality 2) 1000 golden sparrows and 15 days premiun for 35 GJC is fine.
The only negative point of this pack is a non official confirmation for the regular tree Tiger 1H never going to be fixed or improved and right now the furry Tiger is useless because is worse than new premiun tigers with the same BR.

Te new packs are still not available on the Xbox store, anyone know how long that usually takes?

It should be out this week.

Will this pack go on sale like the other packs in the future?

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How do you even come up with such pricing. Don’t forget that all of them are a mere rank 3 and as such cost around 3000 GE normally.

How long will the Tiger/Ostwind-Pack be available?

I can’t speak for them, but I think they meant in reference to higher tier “lineup” packs, if those come one day

M1 Abrams, Bradley, LAV-AD for instance.

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Should have been Tiger + Panther + Ostwind II.
But I bought it for the sake of Ostwind II :-)