Instant Laser Rangefinder Automatic Gun Correction 3000

Hi! I wonder why does these laser range finder also set up your gun to desired distance, why does it work like that in game? And when i say “in game” i dont want to compare it to real life tanks because i think its pretty obvious that this game is no longer that much into realism anymore.

Isnt this mechanic a little bit too easy? Not only you can snap your turret like in some call of duty games into your target in a second but you can also set your gun in another half of a second and just CLICK your mouse … where is the skill?

I think it would be better if Rangefinder only gave you range info and nothing else, you would have to set your gun manually, it would require a little bit more skill to actually get a kill …

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sooo… limit the capabilities of modern top tier tanks to the capabilities of 1940’s/1950’s tanks that have range finders?
IRL, modern tanks can just lase and the gun auto adjusts, like in game.
although I think it takes longer IRL, unsure.


Modern tanks like the CR2 from what I understand should also automatically handle lead if the target is moving as well. The gunner basically selects the target and the system does the rest


pretty sure CV90’s can do the same thing, at least with aircraft, but gaijoobles won’t add aircraft tracking because the way the system works is “too different”

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Most modern vehicles do the same thing as the CV90’s So its more a matter of not having that function in game yet. it’s not really “tracking” in that sense as if the target changes course the “tracking” will still turn the turret in the same direction as if the target didn’t turn.

On the opinion of laser range finders, why play modern tanks then? if you want the functionality of older tanks you can play the older tanks :)

yeah :/
I don’t know too much about the system, just that it’s lase, lase again, and it calculates based on the change in distance between lases.

Anyways yeah, if you don’t think the automatic range adjustment with the LRF’s is realistic, go play a lower tier.

the difference between older tanks and modern tanks would be the instant knowledge of a distance, without laser rangefinder it takes some time

Real tanks have those system that do the job for you, but also in real tanks you have parallax effect and a lot different aiming mechanics than just moving your mouse on a desk, if you want to compare it to real tanks then those things should be added to the game aswell, but probably wont as WT is not that realistic …

Off topic CV90 Laser tracker info

Yeah, exactly that, so a primitive way of describing it is that the turret traverse and the elevation mechanism then just gets put in “cruise control” where they just keep turning and elevating at that same speed as between the measurements. There is even a mode that works the other way around, if the DV90 drives and the target is still and lases twice the gun keeps aiming at that spot in 3D-space and since the target is still it doesn’t matter if the CV90 driver changes direction or speeds up or slows down because all that info is feed to the fire control system ^^ The system just doesn’t have a way to send that information to the fire control system if the target changes position (without lasing again). Though i think (unconfirmed) that the newer versions have a “pulse” mode that lases distance once every 0.X Seconds to achieve the same function as if it was a optical track (downside being that you are sending out a laser and thus can be detected in contrast to an optical system).

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sooo… you want to play Sim battles then?
You sound like you want to play Sim battles with some complex, realistic rig for aiming and driving

Wasn’t LRF actually nerfed err I mean bug fixed? It actually takes a second or 2 to lay your gun instead of instantly like prior to ther nerf err I mean bug fix

Like this? XD

Sorry i’m derailing to much, I’ll stop x)

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ah yes, the perfect realistic and overly complex tank Sim rig that requires 3 people lmao

anyways yeah i’ll stop too lol

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That was actually a bug though as it only happened with custom sights. It instantly changed elevation before the laser finished measuring (before the numbers showed up in the sight to tell you the range) while the standard sights elevates the gun as soon as the laser is done measuring (as it should work, how would the gun know what to elevate to before the laser is finished? x) ).

It takes shorter IRL, almost instantly as the laser travels at the speed of light, unlike what gaijoob thinks it is

just play roblox multicrew tank combat 4 :sob:


You can also switch this feature on for GRB if you want, it’s available in the settings.

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Range finder works the same in sim battles genius

From what I know about current modern tanks, irl.

You have instant (and updated if you wish) laser range finding.

They have auto lead systems, meaning that yes, you just aim at the target (more modern you select the target) and the computer does everything for you

for example, T-90M has a time-fuze shell specifically made to engage and destroy heli, which indicates how easy it is to use FCSs of modern tanks

Edit: WT might be unrealistic, that it is harder to use modern tanks

I’m talking about parallax, genius.

Cool but does it have to automatically elevate your gun aswell? There is no skill in that what so ever … its maybe realistic because real tanks have it, but there is just no skill, it takes away that skill factor from the gameplay