Instant Laser Rangefinder Automatic Gun Correction 3000

So because the mechanic is realistic you want it removed? lol
War Thunder is about realism, and it has never gone away from realism outside the on-board reload for SPAA and tank destroyers.

If you don’t like the feature modern IRL fire control systems have, you’re more than welcome to go player lower BRs where laser range finders aren’t a feature.


Let’s also take away automatic guidance of missiles for aircraft, as it takes no skill lmao.

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So, pressing a button and clicking the mouse takes no skill, but pressing a button, scrolling the mouse wheel then clicking the mouse is skillfull?

It’s like anti-cas people describing cas as ‘point and click’ in an attempt to denigrate cas users, when shooting a tank from another tank is equally as ‘point and click’.



i would remove anything from the game that doesnt require some sort of skill

ok, where is parallax then? where is gun collision? this game not that realistic anymore unfortunely

Until you hit armor.
Your FnF missile doesn’t care about that.

In Simulator battles.

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Lets take away the automatic gearing on tanks. It takes skill to manage the gears.


It is. It would take a bit more time to aim, you would have to adjust your gun manually.

Scrolling up to the designated value doesn’t take skill, it takes time.

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Some would do it faster, other would do is slower and you could even not set it right, causing a miss, it would require some skill compared to just click.

I always kinda disliked this mechanic when it was first added, since it just makes the game easier in my opinion.

Unfortunately we will never see it removed.

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I don’t get why everyone goes for that, some people prefer the modern vehicles to play with but liked the old style gameplay as well, there was a time when the LRF didn’t automatically adjust gun elevation. Maybe gaijin could listen to its players and create a wide range of gamemodes based on people’s feedback. I had a gamemode that was passed to the devs 2 januarys ago and it had a really good reception, not to mention it could be adapted for ground and naval as well.

Parallax is in Sim/“aiming from gunner sight” option too

There are a couple tanks with barrel collision, the BKAN 1C is one I know off the top of my head

I don’t see a reason why it should be removed ?

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it shouldn’t be removed but for those that don’t want it they could add an option to turn it off, little things like that shouldn’t be end of the world for gaijin right?

So realism for laser range finder is ok, but realism for parallax is not, thats convenient isnt it …

Turning off automatic range adjusting could be a toggle in the settings, why not.

Yes, RB modes aren’t completely realistic.

Realistic mode is meant to be a half way point between Arcade and Sim. Some levels of realism but ultimately, rather user friendly. Which is why the “aim from the gunner sight” isnt enforced. But kudos to Gaijin for having an option for it.

For the maximum “realism” play GSB. Not only is gunner sight enforced, but friendly fire is enabled, teammates dont have markers unless at point blank ranges and whilst its still mostly third person for tanks (due to the lack of other view modes being modeled for tanks) you are restricted to a zoomed in third person view.

Personally I find GSB the far better gamemode, but has issues with line-up rotations that i find overly restrictive, but thats a matter for another topic.

But the automatic ranging that comes as part of LRF is perfectly realistic and thus, shouldnt be removed. If anything, it could be expanded further, the truly realistic option imo, at least for tanks where it had something like this IRL could be instant and continuous LRF. No need to even hit the range finder button. You aim and the shot will land where you aimed unless overriden.


Gun collision in a 16v16 game with the current server infrastructure is not gonna work out in any good ways.

The game struggles as is with 3 planes flying in formation, much less dealing with constant collission calculations for 32 players in a tiny map.

Notice the planes around me repeatedly teleporting around because the game server was struggling to deal with stuff at a mere 100 pings on a heavily forested map.

In sim. Sim needs a proper matchmaker so that you can play it whenever rather than just once a week if you only want to play a single line up (say, because you’re grinding and want to progress and it takes hundreds of games just for a single tank).

Also adding “RB has some accessibility features.”

Planes are flown by pointing mouse at something and the magic autopilot instructor does the rest. It’s still realistic because the physics follow realistic physical constraints and logic and (at least for WW2 aircraft), replicate their performance within approximation and some “Let’s add 15% tolerance corrections” or “Assume perfect manufacturing.”