Hi, I’m wondering if anyone knows anything about certain unobtainable decals. I’m especially interested in the “758” tank number decal for US ground forces (see picture below). From what I have found, it was introduced alongside a large bunch of other decals in 2015. No information anywhere about how to obtain it. I was thinking it might have been some kind of pack/bundle exclusive decal but can’t be certain as no information is to be found anywhere. There are other number-decals that can’t be found in the game anymore, like the highly similar “711”-number decal for the US (navy?). Those who somehow got the decals before they were removed still have them, but they don’t show up today anywhere in the game.
Hope someone is willing to shed some light on this. Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

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758 I have it and I think if you buy an A2D-1 you get it, but I’m not sure
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The PL 1st sqn (The Scorpion) comes with the British premium Sherman Firefly “Trzyniec”. Or, I should rather say used to come, together with the inscription “Trzyniec” decal. Unfortunately Gaijin decided to make them permanent parts of the vehicle’s camo and those decals have not been available ever since. However, players who bought the vehicle before the change could keep them as normal decals for using on other vehicles…
In case you’re wondering why have you never seen them on those premium Fireflies, well, the decals are covered by tank tracks (add-on armour) and rolled-up camo net (or whatever it is on the left side of the turret)…
Edit: The decal on the back of the turret is not part of the vehicles camo, that’s my own creation… :)
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I just got it by playing I think .
ive even been talking about this in:
Bring back the premium faction decals (e.g. DAK Decal)
because even the Dac Decals was removed and i want them bought back aswell as the old decals brought back.
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E-1, 54, 758,711,and 33 can only be purchased with GE
not sure about foxhunter and The witch but probably the same
also the first cavalry one was likely removed because its incorrectly named

this is the real 1st calvalry division emblem
not anymore i think they removed it entirely
Can’t believe the Air Cav shield is not in the game.
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i just want them to bring them back. as rn no one cares about who uses what. as u can tell with the amount of people smothering there tanks with eather Z or a ukrainian flag…
What’s wrong with the Ukrainian flag?
It’s more of the case of Gaijin saying they are Apolitical, but don’t comprehend that their fan bases don’t care what the company states. This leads to folks getting banned for some of the dumbest reasons with some of the weakest reasonings. This only ends up putting a lot of the “Volunteers” since i don’t entirely agree with the idea of paid volunteer work since it isn’t volunteering anymore if it’s a salary. But not my place to say.
Point is, it puts individuals of moderation into really bad positions. That and because of the certain on going conflict.

War Thunder used to have plenty of events where you could earn authentic decals, you may missed a lot of them. Gaijin has barely offered any of those events since around June 2022. Now, authentic decals can only be obtained through battle pass and special events, but the quantity and quality are nowhere near as good.

Some decals were tied to specific vehicles, like the Soviet hammer and sickle decal which you could get by purchasing the captured Soviet T-III. However, in a certain update, all vehicles with unique decals had their decals merged with the camouflage, meaning you couldn’t get them separately anymore. That was a real disappointment.
I don’t see the relevance of this for the discussion about decals.
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Indeed, and a two-fold one: On one hand we lost the possibility to gain special decals one could use on other vehicles, and on the other hand we now are stuck with vehicles where you can’t get rid of those decals.
Read the rest of the context Schind. It was my response to someone who was responding to someone else about the Ukraine Flag. It’s also related since it often puts you folks into a bad position in terms of us the random WT players having a bone to pick. Personally not my place to say, nor generally care.
Ok but why did you specifically point out the Ukrainian flag over all the other national flags?
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People buying flags for 500GE has little to do with decals really and you can buy the Russian flag too.
The Z to my knowledge is an identity symbol so not sure why WT got so shitty over it and made so a big deal of that.
I suggested Gaijin made it and sold it as it was so popular but War Thunder were worried about getting banned as a Russian company at the time, I think.
I think as the moderator said this is not what the topic was about.
Only thing that would be nice that they used to do was issue the special decals that Premiums came with as a separate entity, like the German white open cross you could get with the German Churchill. If you bought the premium you got he decal as well.
I only bought he German Churchill for the special decal and I didn’t get it : ) They had stopped doing it ,luckily it was the 50% sale.
A lot of these Decal should be GE/unlockable ones at least i dont own some of them like “the witch” but its still there for 100GE for me.
some others like “70 armor reg” should be from weekly/monthly authentic decals and not obtainable anymore.
758 was a GE unlockable.
i got it before the A2D-1 was even a thing.
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