This is the Optimum turret without the addon composite armour
got it!
I think the tree looks pretty solid enough to stand on its own, even without subtree.
Sadly, based on how adamant Gaijin is on adding India (which on its own has good amount of unique stuff like South Africa) to fill the gap in the British tree, I don’t really think that they would consider having a separate South African tree any time soon.
Still, +1 should Gaijin changed their mind in the future.
I go through this in the Implementation section of the suggestion, but in my opinion there are two options:
‘Retire’ the vehicles in the British tree similar to how the Maus/Tiger II 105 etc are hidden in other trees. They remain viewable and playable if you own them, otherwise they are hidden. There is precedent for this, as this is how the Italian Aircraft Sub-Tree* was removed from Germany way back when Italy got its own tech tree. All those planes are still present and playable in the German tree if you owned them back then.
Alternatively, remove the vehicles from the British tree and transfer full ownership, research, camo progress, talismans, crew level from the British tree to the South African one. This way you don’t lose any vehicles or money spent, and you’d have a very strong headstart on several of the lines of the new tree. This would ideally come alongside the introduction of domestic alternatives to the removed vehicles, like the Simba 90, Saladin 90, Alvis Pirahna, Scorpion 90, etc etc in order to fill the gap left behind.
Neither of these options are perfect, but I believe it is definitely doable.
*I don’t think the term sub-tree had actually been coined back then, but it was in every way except name the games first sub-tree - a dedicated line of vehicles from a different nation implemented to provide a place for a minor nation.
“Retire” is the perfect word that I have been looking for, me and my team are working on a Visegrád tech tree and we are looking to do a similar thing with taking Hungary out of Italy. Wish you guys luck!
Ratel 20 with mineclearing equipment
Malawian FV721 Fox armoured car
Here’s a good addition to the TT, the We’rewolf, a MRAP of Namibian origin with 2 possible variants, an SPAA variant with an enclosed turret with the ZU-23-2 as it’s main gun and a wheeled IFV Variant with the same turret from a BMP-1, Namibia never used Konkurs or Matlukya ATGM’s however they do use Kornet ATGM’s so they can get that instead as it’s ATGM
What would the Ratel 20 mineclearing version bring to the game? I doubt it could offer anything worth making the vehicle heavier over.
an easy premium
That nobody would buy. Besides, the Ratel 20 already lacks APDS so without an auxiliary anti-tank weapon such as the Milan it’s borderline useless in most situations.
It can be added as decoration or as a mild armour pack akin to dozerblade, ERA and/or netting on some of the vehicles
Maybe, I just feel that it’s more of a downgrade for the Ratel 20, not a very useful upgrade nor one that would outweigh what it loses in mobility.
Another update for the tree!
Some general minor restructuring of the post and some new vehicles! Lots of SPAA with this one.
Land Rover Sabre (20mm Hispano)
South African produced Land Rover Sabre with 20mm Hispano mounted in the back. Simple and effective.
G6 chassis with an AS-90 turret fitted for firing trials.
T-55 Heavy Armour
Ceramic armour package developed for the T-55 by Kentron/Armscor
Olifant Mk 1A ERA
Olifant Mk 1A with a bunch of presumably Israeli ERA slapped all over it. A South African Strv104 if you would. Also developed by Kentron/Armscor
T-72 ZA-35
T-72 hull with the ZA-35 turret. This would be a sidegrade to the Rooikat ZA-35, as it would trade a substantial amount of mobility for some hull survivability.
Cheetah PRTL
A Jordanian operated, Dutch built Cheetah SPAA, which is a derivative of the Gepard. This variant was fitted with quad stingers for firing trials.
And one that didn’t quite make it into this update, but I’d like to get in in the future, the Olifant Mk 1A Track Width Mine Plow (TWMP)
Here’s some pics of Botswanan ground vehicles
FV101 Scorpion
Piranha IIC IFV; despite what some sources say the Botswanan Piranha IFV’s uses the UT-30 turret not the HITFIST turret
Finally Botswana operates a VL-MICA SAM system which can be added as a top tier SPAA
if push comes to shove and the Botswanan VL-MICA system cannot be added for whatever reason it could be substituted with a Pantsir since Jordan did evaluated at least one Pantsir system
This is a 3D render of an upgrade carried out by DDVS and offered to Jordan, but they never adopted it. The camouflage and stingers in this image aren’t real. I don’t know if the upgrade was ever actually built and tested.
I’m torn on the idea, but I think it would make a decent stand alone tree and I would play it for sure.
Combined helicopter and aviation trees would be good to go along with it and may help people/GJ warm to the idea?
Could also add a second Challenger Falcon(alternative optics) either foldered or premium/event.
This is a 3D render of an upgrade carried out by DDVS and offered to Jordan
Yeah good call! I hadn’t noticed it before but if you look at the mountains in the background the two sections are identical, just flipped. Definitely computer generated.
I’ll remove it in the next update to the tree. I would replace it with the base Jordanian Cheetah, but there’s already two 8.3 Gepard-style SPAAs in the tree (Rooikat ZA-35 and T-72 ZA-35), so it doesn’t really have a place unfortunately.
Here’s more potential additions
RG-41 TRT & INGAWE: South African MRAP with a Remote Controlled turret and the INGAWE Missile launcher system respectively both intended for the UAE army. The TRT RCWS is a South African weapons system that can use either a 25mm or a 30mm autocannon. The TRT was also mounted on a NIMR Jais MRAP
RG-34 TRT: South African MRAP intended for export, operated by Malaysia, Nigeria and & UAE. There’s also a RG-34 with a 90mm low velocity cannon
Next batch of vehicles have been added! A fair few this time.
Olifant Mk 1A Track Width Mine Plow (Rank V, Squadron)
Olifant Mk 1A with camo netting and a mine plow. Super simple addition, a little unique compared to what’s in the tech tree, nice squadron vehicle that could be earned for free.
Jordanian M60 Phoenix Level 1 (Rank V, Jordanian Line)
The first of the major upgrades to Jordanian M60s, including a new FCS from Raytheon, but most importantly the RUAG 120mm Compact Tank Gun.
Eland 60 (Rank III, Armoured Car Line)
Cheeky little fella slinging 60mm low velocity HEAT. Would be a perfect light tank around 4.7 - 5.0 (the HEAT is not very good).
Class 2 Armoured Car (77mm) ‘Cheetah Mk II’ (Rank IV, Armoured Car Line)
An early prototype for the Rooikat program, equipped with the same turret as the Concept tanks. However, it is significantly faster, and potentially could utilise APDS and an optical rangefinder, hence the higher rank.
Class 2B Armoured Car (76mm) (Rank V, Armoured Car Line)
An evolution of the Class 2 Prototype, now with the GT-4 76mm naval cannon slinging APFS-DS.
Jordanian M52 (Rank III, TD/IFV Line)
Jordanian M52 Self Propelled Howizter. Based on a backwards M41 chassis, similar to the M44, but with a 105mm howitzer and an enclosed, partially rotating turret. The one pictured had a less-than-ideal encounter with some Israeli armour.
Rooikat LCT-30/ZT3 (Rank VII, TD/IVF Line)
Rooikat equipped with a slightly bodged Denel LCT-30/ZT3 turret
Mercedes Gun Tractor 20mm (Rank III, SPAA Line)
Precursor to the Ystervark, 20mm AA cannon mounted on the rear of a Mercedes Gun Tractor. May actually perform slightly better then the Ystervark in game because of the improved firing angles.
Cheetah PRTL
Cheeky fuckers photoshopped this one
What are the functional differences between the Class 2(B) and Rooikat Mk. 1D?
Quite a lot but the thing to remember is that the Class 2(B) is just the prototype of the Rooikat
It’s well explained in this Secret Projects Forum: