Skimmed through it and didn’t find anything I didn’t already know about the Class 2 (that it was the Rooikat prototype). What I’m asking is how it would differ in-game, to justify a 0.3 BR lower (according to the main post), or even being added in general. I can’t find any info on whether it had or didn’t have a laser rangefinder, which imo would be the key feature that would change its BR.
According to the SA Armour Museum it had “Selectable Skid Turn; Both Directions at 10 km/h” and a “Turret Mounted 60mm Mortar”, which might even make it (slightly) better than the production Rooikat.
A whole BR difference, it would also be slower but too many things that one can see a noticeable gameplay difference. Someone who tested the Class 2(B) and production Rooikat could probably tell you the main difference but is internal systems, like accuracy of sights to gun, definitely the stabilizer failer speeds etc.
In terms of firepower and armour they are essentially the same, with slightly different chassis, but the 2B will have worse mobility, with only 6 forward gears and 1 reverse, with the Rooikat having 12(?) forward and 4 reverse.
For game balance, my thought process behind the placement was that the difference will come from the soft stats, like rotation & elevation speed, optics, reload, potentially only optical rangefinder vs laser rangerfinder etc etc.
But they could very easily both be at 8.7. The BRs I’ve placed vehicles at definitely only approximate and shouldn’t be considered final.
Even if it was 8.7 and had similar performance to the Rooikat, I don’t think that’s a reason to not add it. It’s a unique domestic vehicle with good performance that fits the overall playstyle of the nation - hit fast and hard. Its not any different to the USSR having several T-54s at 8.0, or GB having 2 Chieftains at 8.7.
Fair, I certainly won’t complain about more Rooikats :)
Have you thought about adding one of the 4 prototypes (pre-production?) each named after the Four Musketeers as a premium? I know the CVED is already there but the named ones fit Gaijin’s style of premiums a little more.
No. I don’t. High low would mean that it is 12/2, so at least forward are fine. Maybe ratios were doing some magic, and more gears were needed to make it work in game.
All good, I have a suggestion pending for the Class 2B, but it really doesn’t contain any extra info that I didn’t cover in my Class 2 (77mm) suggestion.
Yeah, I can put one of those in as a premium, they are interesting vehicles with important history :)
Looking back as well this is actually a very important photo, this isn’t the Rooikat hull, its the Class 2C hull, the front-engined Class 2 prototype, and this is the only variant I’m aware of where it has a turret.
With only the 20mm it’s kind of just obsolete when compared to the Eland 20, but if it got the ATGM mounting (as it’s the same turret as the Ratel 20), then it would be interesting as an early wheeled IFV around 8.0.