Increase helicopter spawn point cost

Currently helicopters have too low of an SP cost. Because of this people are able to spawn helicopters at the beginning of matches, rush in to the enemy spawn, and then massacre them since they’re essentially sitting ducks. This is ridiculous, helicopters should at least require the same amount of spawn points as planes.


That is a good, and intended mechanic. Rocket only helicopters are incredibly weak because any IFV/aware team can very easily kill them before they do damage. They also aren’t very capable to begin with. (once again, for rocket only helicopters)

That is way to much for something less effective than a prop fighter at 8.0. (at the start of a match)


bring spaa then

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You can kill a Heli even with an MBT.

Just pay attention. Be aware. Use your eyes and ears.


a lot of people are misunderstanding this post, I don’t think OP is saying helis arent easy to kill with an MG, its that they are annoying as fuck because first spawn heli rushers almost never get a kill, just throw your track and waste time

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Still, that is a viable tactic, these heli users rush a lump of the enemy team, slow down you guys by breaking a few tracks, mabey getting a kill or two (If they were not immediatly obliterated by the hmg or autocannons) and give their team an advantage in positioning and an early cap.

Tthere is inbalance as helis across different tech-trees are very much different in ability. Almost every country beside USSR and perhaps cold-war US do not have the ability to do effective heli rushes as their helis do not have good protection while the ka50, 52 and mi-28s are much better protected (I have faced multipule instances when a mi28 survived a l26 or an l23a1)

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Helicopters? You mean KA-50’s
If you try that with an Apache. The first .50 bullet rips your tail off. You should be thankfull if you get to engage somebody with it before you die 🤣🤣


its a moronic strategy, thats why i dislike it, it gets no kills, the heli gets wasted quickly and you probably wont have the SP to be much use after.

its a lemming tactic, like at least helis camping their bases behind mountains arent suicide bomber fools and do more for a team

True, but war thunder allows stupid tactics. Like Kamizake bombing
Players are given the freedom to choose their tactic, and just because it annoys u doesnt mean it should be deleted.

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im not saying delete it outright, but not let it happen first spawn. CAS should be expensive because it is effective when done well, increasing cost also makes people think twice before spawning it, because if they are a screwup they wont be able to respawn

Not letting first spawn is the same as deleting it, late game means spaa spawns, heli rush just becomes suicide without doing anything

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not if you know how to use a heli smartly. I’ve seen plenty of top fraggers from good heli usage, you don’t see it from a rusher

ive only heli rushed a few times with the ah-1G and uh-1c xm30

Heli rushing isn’t effective so what’s the issue beyond ppl having their tank destroyed in a war game

the issue is that almost nobody gets more than mobility killed by them, its an annoying inconvenience similar to when you get rammed by the AFK dude at the start of a match

I don’t know what you’re even talking about. My personal history of being mobility killed is more by direct fire than ALL CAS attempts on me COMBINED.

You cannot use subjective feelings to make an argument. Get out of here with that.

id count a heli directly above me sharting out a load of S5Ks as direct fire.

Which is still subjective to your personal feelings, which does not work for this argument.

well its a rocket barrage being fired directly at me, from direct line of sight. Therefore its direct fire


I don’t need to repeat myself, here.