The RD-33-2C engine (i.e. the second series) is installed on the aircraft
, the developers took the available thrust from the book practical aerodynamics of the MiG-29 aircraft p.151, However, these graphs in the book are incorrect. So do not correspond to the description that the thrust-to-weight ratio at M = 0, H = 0, 1.14
The basis was taken
Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences
Screenshots are attached
95. Turbojet dual-circuit engine with afterburner
combustion chamber RD33-2C: textbook was used as literature. / Edited by V. V. Kuleshov. – Publication
VVIA named after prof. N. E. Zhukovsky, 1986. – 328 p.
According to the initial data, when recalculating thrust based on graphs of total pressure loss from Practical aerodynamics at the upper entrance, we get a thrust of 6495kgs, with an axial 7144kgs, or 14288 kgf, then we get a thrust-weight ratio of 1.1, which corresponds to the description from the PA. therefore, we need to revise the thrust of the MiGs-29 engine, there is also a jump-like increase in thrust when opening the axial entrance flaps
Sources used:
- (Practical aerodynamics of the MiG-29)
- The theory of gas turbine engines under.ed Nechaeva Yu.A . tom .2
- Theory and calculation of air-jet engines /under TT3 ed. by S.M.Shlyakhtenko
The graph of available thrust in the book Practical Aerodynamics is incorrect