In defence of war thunder

Well said. I’ve been around WT for six years now, and I certainly wouldn’t have stuck around if I didn’t genuinely enjoy the game. It’s also gotten significantly better in many ways in that time; I certainly can’t think of anything I’d want to revert to some nostalgia-glasses “good old days” time.

Are there things I wish the game had, did better, etc? Sure, but those are footnotes compared to everything I enjoy about it.

If the majority of one’s posts about a thing are negative, it means you don’t actually like that thing and shouldn’t be wasting your time with it, when there are infinite other things in our very limited lives to spend our time on instead.


I agree. Top tier is not balanced very well instead of low and mid. But I think that there is an explanation and it not point to the devs for what concerns the majority of the issues. The fact is that vehicles’ performances at low and mid tier are well documented while it’s not the case at top tier. My experience as Italian main is an example: take the Ariete and its ridiculous armor. Other issue that in this case points to the devs is some of the criteria in attributing BR to vehicles: I do not think that players’ statistics should be count: if a vehicle is meh, it cannot become great only because is mostly played by skilled players or otherwise if the vehicle is great, it cannot have a low BR only because is vastly played and, as a result, it is also played by no skilled players. I understand the desire to introduce some kind of balance, but I think that vehicle’s performance is not the place. You can introduce such things at other levels (MM or something else) but vehicles’ performances should stick with history. In the end I did not want to tell that WT is perfect, of course, but that more things are good than bad. And I don’t tear my hair out waiting for the bad ones to change. I wait and in the meantime I enjoy the game.

I think your comparison is a bit risky: besides the fact that I don’t believe that WT’s economy is a pay2win, we are talking about a game and nothing can justify bad behavior for, I repeat, a game, that it’s supposed to be created to have fun.
For what concerns pay2win, I repeat: you do not win in WT by paying. If you are bad, no matter how much you are spending; you will always find a better player who shoot you down with a biplane. Instead, you will only have some advantage if you pay and this is normal and it reflects the nature of things: you are paying for a service and it would be unfair that those who do not pay have the same level of service. I remind you that those who pay are the ones who keep WT going. So please stop complaining about this (not referring to you in particular).

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Despite the changes to grind at top tier it’s still pretty bad, let’s not kid ourselves here

Public. Private implies that no one but people who are whitelisted are approved to talk. WT forums just like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook are also public forums. Since they don’t require you to request permission and wait to be approved before you can talk, you just need an account.

All 3 still have moderation to some extent but your point still stands nonetheless. no rude people no matter.

Even then most of the premiums are worse variants than their tech tree counterpart or collector piece vehicles that don’t fit in a tech tree since their weird and exotic.

Never claim that, just that it is better than before, unlike what the guy that @AlvisWisla quote was claiming

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The definition of pay2win doesn’t guarantee you winning, acording to wikipedia:

“a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any advantage over their non-paying peers”

If you pay for an advantage, and you lose to a better player, the game it’s still pay2win, between 2 equivalent players, the one that pays wins.

BTW, Im one of the ones who pay and keep war thunder going, and I would like to have a healthy economy anyways, that makes matches more interesting, instead of this pay2win one, I will allways complain about this.


Actually the question is debated: I think WT should fall into the “freemium” category since, according to Wikipedia, Freemium games are often designed in a manner where players who are not actively using premium features are actively frustrated, delayed or require much larger investments in time required to acquire currency or upgrades.
But, always according to Wikipedia, “ Freemium games have come under criticism from players and critics. Many are labelled with the derogatory term ‘pay-to-win’, which criticizes freemium games for giving an advantage to players who pay more money, as opposed to those who have more skill.”
I do not know who is right and I’m not interested in btw. I only think that the business model is a valid one and not unfair; rather, it is necessary.

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They seem to try very hard to make the game unenjoyable even for people playing premium vehicles with a premium account…

Of course, if it’s enjoyable for people with premium plane and premium account, people wouldn’t buy crews, ace crews, will not use convertible RP, will not buy boosters, buy modifications, etc etc

Most premiums vehicles br are fine, there are underrated tanks, sure, but that’s also the case for tree vehicles.

In game premium just makes things more convenient.

The thing is… the Devs want to keep the game somewhat balanced and fair for both Free to Play and those that want to use Premium items

The Developers Respect both Premium players and Free to Play players equally

This is in fact a Private Forum, everyone here are Guests!.. even I am a Guest here since I am from this very community… everyone and even my self have to follow the Rules that are laid out

This is not a Public Forum… but, everyone that has played the game are free to post here, since you basically need to play to post here…


That just doesn’t make much sense, Public implies anyone who makes an account can write a post, and talk to folks.

A private implies that you need to send a request before gaining access. I mean I guess just interacting before getting that whole ->achievement of “Now you hit this rank” or whatever it’s called is private? But still seems strange not that it matters just a strange way to go with

Not sure if I entirely agree with the dev’s “keep the game somewhat balanced and fair” especially given battle ratings where aircraft go up for the sake of going up despite the fact it should not be at a bar that it is at. ->Tiger Tanks, Panzer IVs, Sherman Jumbos, J6K1 and so many other vehicles I can name.

Then you have a lot of cases of people researching to find more information on a subject such as the O-I Thread, but only to be told there isn’t enough info when the Ostwind II was added with nothing but a newspaper article at best. As the other sources are secondary or even 3rd sources. But i digress.

You have to Sign the EULA / ToS before playing or using the Forum

It is never going to be easy to do… you are damned if you do, and damned if you dont…
So… you will just never make everyone happy


I mean you do that for any site though, doesn’t necessarily mean it is a private site heck some games have Eula’s on mobile which surprised me the first time. Anyway doesn’t matter if it’s claimed to be private or whatnot I’m mostly intrigued by the Japanese military vehicles since that was what I came for in the first place.

That is true in the last part. But you know there are still better ways to approach it, and I mean it does seem like that is the case nowadays but just doesn’t have that feeling.
So with that to quote Truman: image

Oh yeah - lots of board games - Panzer Blitz was teh first one I bought in my teens, and then several years worth of subscription to Strategy and Tactics :)

I played most of the day today.Sorted my reset controls back up as they were lost for some reason.Played 4.0 Russia mostly on the US server.I rarely got up tiers as far as I could see.It was good to be honest.Got a fair few top 3 places(Stats never move though) on XBox X .Not a single crash or technical.
I have to say I enjoyed it.I think the game unravels itself at about 6BR for a number of reasons personally.I literally saw one Panther at 5BR,maybe an occasional 76mm Sherman.Plenty of CAS but I shot a few down.

I have no idea what hell is going on at Top tier but below 5 it’s pretty good.Just wondering what Gaijin will introduce to totally ruin it all.

Did you ever play Advanced Squad Leader by Avalon Hill? I think it was the best tactical board game on squad level.

They obviously should balance on player stats but also be Ready wen stuff is obviously ridiculous because of wrong placing or br Runaway(wen a Vehicle is so bad and expensive no one touches it besides smigol time )
Sagittario 2 is a prime example

And rank based brs need to die
Imagine an alternative Timeline were Russia never got the modern t64+ series and the most modern tank today would be an t62mv 2022.
Doas that mean the t62mv 2022 should be 11.7 just so people can say look they also have top tier tanks?

Which is what mostly happend to the Italian tech tree.
They only had the ariette so that thing had to do at 11.7 same thing with the otomatic it belongs with the Early Rolands maybe a bit higher but nope becouse Italy doesn’t have anything else it’s stuck at 11.3