In defence of war thunder

same i enjoy playing to, been playing for like 4-5 years to.
about people hating and complaining, they are always gonna be there in a game or real life.
and the post wasn’t useless :)

Opinions that differ from your own shouldn’t upset you. Do you get mad when you see a movie that you enjoy is disliked by audience members or critics?

And what is the solution? Should I PM you next time I feel like commenting to make certain that I don’t offend you, and so I can align my opinions with yours? Or, should you aim to be much less sensitive in the future?

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You seem to think this is the Wild Lands of the Internet… or a personal playground… it is not…

This is a Private Forum and everyone here are Guests… We have Guidelines and Rules that even a 5 Year old can read and understand…

So… since everyone here has signed and agreed to the EULA / ToS… I highly recommend to READ our rules before posting again, since some must have missed it the first time…

So… again, this Topic will remain on Topic and Civilized…


I enjoy War Thunder immensely.

I’m not fussed about all the super modern stuff although I’m still progressing it.

I’m 65 and way too slow to cope with that - but I was born 14 years after the end of WW2, and in the 60’s WW2 comics were all teh thing for kids my age - Battle, Commando, etc.
From the 70’s I played tabletop wargames - first with Airfix kits and figures, then with various metals in 1/300 scale, and branched out to ancient periods, Napoleonic, etc.

Played a lot of strategy computer games - SSg and SSI in particular, and a couple of company/battalion level tactical games eg Combat Mission.

Never into FPS much.

I just play the game for the game - since 2016.

All the whining on here looks pretty much like entitled nonsense.


Man it’s cool to see people in their 60s enjoying video games. I hope to be the same when I get there lol.


its the devs and moderators who pull the actual trigger and if they don’t forward the complaints up they are in it too

“boss told me to” doas still leave around 25%(wild guess but definitely not zero) of the blame

The thing that is really funny in this forum is reading comments from young people complaining about how war thunder used to be compared to now. It seems like the boomer stereotype that always repeats: in my days everything was better… I think that the changes to war thunder are partly due to what users (obviously the majority) ask for and not to the schizophrenia of the developers who I don’t think make these changes (which require hours of work) for pure fun. Furthermore, I think that many changes are also due to the maturation of the game and the associated costs. Do you want a free game? you can have it but you are penalized compared to those who pay to have a service (premium account or premium vehicle). It seems more than normal to me. So it is useless to complain if the repair costs are too high or other complaints about the economy for example. as in life, you can’t have everything for free because in the end someone has to pay the bill anyway. in any case my original post was about “peace”. The fact that it turned into an argument, so much so that it required the intervention of the moderator, demonstrates in my opinion that the main problem of war thunder is unfortunately a part of its community. .

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It will be if you remain young inside…

Oh man what memories… and what about Avalon Hill board games? How many hours I spent on them.

Always good to take a breath and focus on the positive once in a while, most of us are here because we do like the game after all. It is easy to get lost in the frustration with the direction that the game is going and the sometimes questionable priorities of the dev team (or that the higher ups impose on the Devs), but that’s because we do care, other wise we would just close the game and move on.

The grind is easier as well, as planes has been getting better stock loadout and the end of the line vehicles doesn need insane amount of games to be aced as they used to.


Yes, but the game economy push you to play in good or bad ways, and a pay2win economy doesn’t push to good things.

It’s like laws in a country, bad laws make crime skyrocket, bad economy in WT makes people search for exploits, etc etc

The people who have this sentiment are usually people who just started to play the game recently and don’t understand how the frustrations from people didn’t show up over night.

The issues and frustrations you have with the game might just seem temporary to you and maybe you think they’ll get fixed… but they are the same issues we had in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

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Maybe I’m a simple soul, but if a game (and I underline, a game) is able to cause me such a frustration for so many years, I will simply get away. Life is plenty of things to do. Peace

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Sure, but that’s not the point. It seems you have been playing for less than a year so your perspective on the game is a lot different.

I see your point and i mostly agree with it the game has its ups and downs but in generall even with its flaws its a beatiful game with one of the coolest communitys imo sry for my slaughter of the english language but lets not forget that still warthunder would need a lot of work balacing in higher tiers is often just stupid and russian bias is a HUGE problem imo so yes the game has many good sides but imo a few to many flaws that could be fixed easily im merica main so just to name a few that are a problem for me
M1128 gun depression is wrong and has been for a long time, M1 Abrahams is at 10.3 and is good there but t72 turms is only 10.0 while only having a weaker engine and turret treverse as far as i know corret me if u can and 2s38 at 10.0 is stupid too look at the HSTVL its a lot worse has only one shell time and slower also historically wrong reload and is 1.3 br higher lets not talk about the other nations if im wrong tell me pls but i think these things need attention and need to be fixed

Well written. Been playing the game since 2014. Not all changes were great, but overall I still play and really enjoy the game. And it s just a game…

There is the old saying “warthunder is almost fun”
Based on how it can be extremely good and well made in some aspects while in some other aspects being completely stupid and hostile

For example Ground low to mid tiers 6.7 are very Balanced and fun

And then there is the flarakrad and pantsir both at 11.7
2 equals 12+(2x30mm) plus all the other things the pantsir gets
I think even my cat knows that 12 doesn’t equal 2

Or the Swedish hand operated Sam Launcher which had the same br and way worse repair cost than the German Roland at some point


Cool story bro, I’m gonna have to stop you at “defence” though


I wish I could like the game more, as the way naval feels in terms of heft of boats and ships is amazing and I love the way gunners work.

But the balance for my favorite part of the mode, Coastal, is just unfun…

Look at Japanese PT-808 and tell me it’s equal to PG-02 or Chikugo…

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