In defence of war thunder

I don’t know if you’re interested but let me tell you my experience with war thunder, considering that most of the comments on this forum are complaints about this or that. I apologize now if you’re not interested, but frankly it’s July 25th and I’m bored at work, as it’s the last day before my holidays (and I’m not paid by Ganji anyway). I enjoy this game a lot and perhaps the main reason is that one day it makes you feel like a sort of God of war and the next day the worst warrior in history… sometimes it’s my fault, sometimes it’s the server’s fault, sometimes it’s the ”fault” of those who are much better than me, sometimes it’s the high ping, sometimes it’s just a matter of luck… in other words, as in life, there is always a cause and most of the time the game has nothing to do with it. Sure, the game has bugs but it would seem difficult to me that it hadn’t given its complexity. So, enjoy the game and feel free to complain, but sometimes give the developers credit for making a great and very fun game. I understand the frustration well (I’m 60 years old, I barely see, I play on Xbox with a controller and I mainly play Italy), but it is and remains a game… and to those who get angry at the behavior of other players I say: close the chat and have fun: the internet is populated by the same people you meet in life: good and bad. Have a good life everyone and sorry again for the uselessness of this post.


Not a useless post you’re a player so you have an opinion whether or not people will agree. You’re entitled to it.

My take on everything is that it isn’t the gameplay or Devs that are at fault, it’s the higher ups and people behind the scenes who force decisions and the Devs and those who have to answer to complaints get the flak from it all. My only gripe about everything recently is that they are dumbing down the content (events/vehicles etc) when they should be trying to bring more and more players in.

New ideas are always welcomed but IMO they should have kept the old events alongside new events. even if it meant some events are for vehicle skins / profile pics etc.


I am 67 y/o and have been playing “games” as far back as I remember. Been here 10+ years now and I still enjoy playing it . . daily even. While I do realize there are many age groups/“generations” here, one thing we all have in common . . . we like to go pew pew pew and shoot at each other with pixels . . it’s fun. A lot of the other stuff can get out of hand . . people take the game too seriously or have to be RIGHT! about something and so on . . it can be tiresome. I don’t care when/where you were born, who your parents are, where you sit when you play or whether you play on a console, best PC on the planet or an Etch-A-Sketch with soup cans and string for internet . . doesn’t matter. If you can give it a go, play the game and not treat other people rudely . . just be decent . . then come on, let’s go play!! that’s it . . . . ez pz. Play whatever nation/mode/vehicle you want . . the idea is to have fun
I think it’s best not to take or make things personal, especially on the internet . . no good will come of it.


Before I started playing War Thunder as my primary game in 2018 I have a list of over 50 games with similar progression systems in my memory.

Runescape, Warcraft, World of Tanks, Battlefield 3 - 2042, so on and so forth.

And when I started learning War Thunder’s progression system, I was surprised by how fast it is. Over double speed compared to World of Tanks, faster than every MMO, and faster than many other MMOs.

After basic learning, I got to top BR Japan in air and ground in ~3 months playing about 2 - 3 hours a day.

And THAT made me realize “I can have all of my favorite vehicles within a few years and enjoy what I already have at any time.”
That realization made me a permanent customer.
Treated far better than most other games, and that was before the forum feedback caused the roadmaps last year.
In a vacuum compared to all other games on the market with progression systems, War Thunder is in the top 50% of ease of progression, and top 10% in amount of stuff to do in the game despite its flaws of old systems preventing more PVE modes from developing.


These reviews sound paid advertisements written by people who have never played the game to experience the issues & changes that causes people to complain about the game.

Try playing a game like CS2/CS:GO for a year, then play a game like War Thunder. With Counter-Strike, you can play, build your skills, and become a great player with enough practice. As you get better, you get matched with better players so you can continue improving your skills, if you wish to. There is enough variety where it takes a while to get bored without having to make huge changes to maps. There also aren’t glaring bugs introduced each update, and the game feels the same today as it will 6+ months from now. You can also choose which maps you play, so you don’t have to play 24/7 De_Dust2 unless you choose to.

War Thunder, on the other hand decides to make changes whenever they feel like it (e.g. ruining maps). The game today won’t play the same today as it will six months from now. Even day-to-day I notice little changes that get introduced, reverted, re-introduced, changed, reverted, changed, then disappear. Things I can shoot through with my main gun, and things (like cover/deco) that I can destroy with my machine gun seems to change daily. It can be jarring, frustrating, and difficult to get used to things which are constantly in flux or breaking. Then you seemingly get locked into maps, on the same side, for many games in a row. It’s not uncommon to play the same map, mission, and side between 3-6 times before seeing something different. It really makes this game which has 40+ maps for my BR seem like it only has 5-6 maps total.

Tinfoil hats on

And finally, instead of being matches with similarly skilled players the game seems to affect how much luck you have in an effort to achieve balance. It really does feel like playing well obliterates your luck while playing poorly or taking a break from the game give you a huge luck boost. The example that I use is spawning a bomber or fighter. When I play well I could spawn 10 bombers and every time an enemy joins the battle, they’re spawned 0.45km away and a single shot downs my plane. Similarly, when I join as a fighter I get spawned 1.5km away and don’t get close enough to the enemy to land a shot. However, when I take a break for a while or play poorly for a while I get the complete opposite experience. My bombers survivability magically skyrockets, enemies spawn much further away giving me a chance to actually drop bombs, and I spawn much closer to a bomber in my fighter and am able to shoot them down.

Tinfoil hats off

Maybe you’re just thankful to have a free game to play as a 60+ year old trying to fill up their free time each day, but it’s going to drive people away who have options for what they play on their down time. It also causes people like myself to take long breaks from the game waiting patiently for the game to be in a state that I find playable. I haven’t had to take a break for over a year because, I’ll be honest, the game is in a better state today than previously. But, there’s still a lot to be desired.


War Thunder air has played the same since 2019.
And War Thunder ground realistic has been identical in play since 2019.
Meta has always been to be aggressive in ground for example.

Those are what’s called bugs, and this hasn’t changed in months.

Also I’m 29, and you admitted to lying.

Um…what exactly did I lie about? lol. While I can understand your need to defend the game, I don’t understand the need to make false accusations to attempt to discredit someone else with zero proof (use the quote function as you did previously) although the conversation, incl. edits, is public for all to see.


War Thunder is shadow of what it once used to be …

Back when i was happy to spend money to support game

When there was no worry about repair or buying new planes/tanks …

Back when boosters were raining from the sky,when you could get your crew to max by only using eagles that you got from challenges.

When you could buy new plane or tank and get most important upgrades by simply playing Assault

Reason why we complain is that we remember how great this game was …this War Thunder now is just Skeletal Remains of once proud and Powerful beast .

Back when we laughed (with great reason) at War Gaming games as just Tanki with better graphics

It is both sad and disgusting at same time what this game has become after update 1.29.

Those of us that were here since Beta (and earlier) laugh at excuses now ,since we remember bombastic promises and broken promises.

You are defending something whose greatness you never experienced,WT was run of the mill MMO in 2019,full of cheaters/exploiters/bots and all other scum.
Mentioning RPG MMO’s in same breath as WT is just silly
Runescape was designed with slow progress in mind as was WOW/Ultima/Evercrack and all other MMO’s that achieved greatness that WT once had.

This War Thunder is an imposter .


War thunder is a very impressive game that is held back by poor decisions.

I enjoy it when I am not being affected by those negative decisions and instances.

Rewards are higher than ever before, there are vastly more features and balance despite not having an AI overhaul for further development, repair cost is the lowest its ever been with it being non-existent for premium account holders, you can upgrade equipment by playing assault arcade and sim EC without issue…

Not sure why you find progress disgusting and liked higher repair costs, worse rewards, less features, no sim EC, exploiters were commonplace, etc.

Not even close,upload just one screenshot where you made 500 K WITHOUT premium vehicle/premium/booster…

True about features ,false about balance. Balance in tanks was destroyed by them adding ever more tanks that they don’t know how to balance so they stick them to br’s where they don’t belong …R3 Pizza truck started that trend…Vidar and Fox are just latest examples.

My below average match back in the day would net me 70k + ,it is only French that brought in high repair.

I can’t even fathom playing Assault and ec now …especially assault with its Terminator like AI

Because overall it was game that was 10 x better than this even with every fifth player being a cheater .


Never was part of War Thunder.

Such vehicles haven’t been added since PT 76 57 and now it’s balanced.

VIDAR and Fox are balanced, and the R3 is more than balanced currently.

That AI is from before 2013… it’s been in the game longer than its release.

The game was worse back then, by far. Imbalanced with OP tech trees such as Germany.
Sim EC exploiters were everywhere.

According to you everyone that started playing in 2013 are new players, which tells me you’re projecting.

Year means NOTHING about vehicle combat capabilities. Everyone knows this.
War Thunder’s AI hasn’t been changed since before its release. Ground AI was part of the game since before release.

At least you admit you shouldn’t comment about 2013 - 2018 War Thunder.

Mostly due to higher ups sadly.

Enough nonsense…

This is why we cannot have nice things…

Everyone is entitled to their opinions… and if you cannot respect that, then just ignore it and move on…
This thread is not a debate, and if you have a personal issue with someone, then take it to PM… this is not the place for it…

For other arguments / debates, they can be taken elseware once they have had their say

Criticism / Feedback will remain Civilized!

Thread cleaned up


@ap0calyptica @Pecanin ya’ll really can’t just enjoy a nice positive post can you?


these forum posts/replies always get under someone’s skin and ruin their pride, after sometime they start looking through eachothers stats to throw shame at or something else stupid. sometimes i feel like getting a braintumor after ive been in here for few hours.

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Nothing against positive posts
Was not replying to Op
but other poster
But i,m out ,enjoy yourself