In Air RB jet games with below BR 9.0, the current map rotation is detrimental to gameplay for variety of reasons

The title explains almost everything, we currently have the following maps in BR for early jets and Korean era jets.

  • [Alternate History] Spain
  • [Alternate History] Afghanistan
  • [Operation] Pyrenees
  • [Operation] Golan Heights
  • [Operation] Kamchatka
  • [Operation] Rocket Pillars
  • [Operation] Mysterios Valley. Spaceport
  • [Operation] City
  • [Operation] Southeastern City
  • [Operation] Sinai
  • [Operation] Battle for Vietnam

Spain and City are “playable” maps in these BR blankets but, although the ticket balance is really bad.

Other maps are too large for subsonic jets and rocket aircraft such as the Me 163B/Ki-200, or are too high in altitude, giving the Red Team with its MiG-15bis and MiG-17s an overwhelming advantage over NATO jets that don’t have decent high-altitude performance, or other balance issues.

To begin with, even when those jets were top tier in the game, there was no need for the “big maps” we currently have, and legacy maps like Korea, Berlin, Preparation for landing on Hokkaido, etc. were perfectly fine.

Anyway, the current map rotation is really garbage and almost all the maps need to be replaced with these.

  • [Operation] Berlin
  • [Operation] El Alamein
  • [Operation] Poland
  • [Operation] Battle for the Rhine
  • [Operation] Battle for Bastogne
  • [Operation] Bulge
  • [Operation] Khalkhin Gol
  • [Operation] Korea
  • [Operation] Korsun
  • [Operation] Kuban
  • [Operation] Kursk
  • [Operation] Battle of Malta
  • [Operation] Malta
  • [Operation] Ruhr
  • [Operation] Sicily
  • [Operation] Defending Stalingrad
  • [Operation] China Civil War 1946
  • [Alternate History] Berlin. Summer 1945
  • [Alternate History] Krymsk. Summer 1945
  • [Alternate History] Spain
  • [Military Exercise] Preparation for landing on Hokkaido

It is quite ridiculous that early jets and Korean era jets are not allowed to enter the Korean map in the first place.

TLDR: Roll back almost all map rotations through from 2018-2019